Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Daniel's 70the Week

Credit to Renee M

Daniel’s 70th Week

Daniel's 70th week
Daniel’s 70th week

09 Oct, 2009

NOBEL PEACE PRIZE (STRENGTHENING AGREEMENT WITH MANY): Mr. Obama fulfills prophecy when he was chosen on the 7th day of Tabernacles in 2009 as the Nobel Peace Prize Winner. He was then given the award just a few hours before the start of Hannukah Eve in 2009. This marks the beginning of Daniel’s 70th Week and the start of the 1,260-day count until the Abomination of Desolation event, in which he stood in the holy place where he did not belong at the birthplace of Christ (at the grotto in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem) and causes the daily sacrifices to cease. Daniel 9:27, Daniel 12:11
ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION SET UP: Mr. Obama fulfills prophecy by visiting the Church of the Nativity (Holy Place) in Israel and causes the daily sacrifices to cease upon his visit. This marks the beginning of the 1,290-day count leading up to the Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) on 3rd October, 2016. The Great Tribulation could have started on this day but it was delayed (first delay) by having the period reduced to a just one third of its appointed time (4th Trumpet). This day also marks the beginning of a 40-day probation period. Revelation 8:12, Daniel 9:27, Daniel 11:31, Daniel 12:11, Matthew 24:15, Mark 13:14, Daniel 11:31 & Daniel 12:11

01 May, 2013

MAY DAY: This day marks the end of the 40-day probation period after the Desolation Event and was also meant to be the beginning of the great tribulation but it too was delayed (second delay) after the 3-day world-wide fast & prayer by the church. Just as Nineveh was forgiven after the 40-day probation period so too was the USA and the world shown mercy. It marks the beginning of the 1,260 day count leading up to the Feast of Atonement (Yom Kippur) on 12th October, 2016. Joel 2:12-13, Jonah 4:2

23 Sept, 2015

FEAST OF ATONEMENT (YOM KIPPUR) 2015: This marks the beginning of the “Day of The Lord” aka “The Great Tribulation” as well as the beginning of the days that are darkened (final third). The first rapture of the church as well as the first woe (5th Trumpet) and first ‘alien invasion’ happens on this day. It is also the 266th day of the year 2015. The human gestation period is 266 days and this is why The Day Of The Lord is said to come as a woman going into labor. This day also marks the day the Jubilee is to be announced in Israel since recapturing Jerusalem during the 6 day war on 7th June, 1967. Leviticus 25, John 16:20-23, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6, Isaiah 26:17-21, Revelation 12, Isaiah 66:6-19, Isaiah 13:6-13

03 Oct, 2016

FEAST OF TRUMPETS (YOM TERUAH): This marks the end of the 1,290-day count from the Abomination / Desolation event that took place on 22 March, 2013. This day starts the Jewish New Year and will be the beginning of the year when Jesus returns to earth to set up His Kingdom for 1,000 years. Daniel 12:11

12 Oct, 2016

FEAST OF ATONEMENT (YOM KIPPUR) 2016: This marks the end of the 1,260-day count that started on 1 May, 2013. This is also the day when the the second rapture and the second woe (6th Trumpet) takes place. The second ‘alien invasion’ also happens on this day and causes the death of 1/3 of the people left on the earth. This marks the end of the 12-month period during which the left behind bride is given to repent and be purified right before she’s taken up in to heaven at the second rapture event (as symbolised in the book of Esther when Esther purified herself for 12 months before going to see the king). Rev 9:13-21; Rev 11: 7-13, Esther 2:12

25 Dec, 2016

FEAST OF RE-DEDICATION (HANNUKAH): This marks the third woe (7th Trumpet) and it is when Immanuel comes and ransoms captive Israel and the Jewish people finally recognize their Messiah and cry out, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” just as they did on this same day when Judas Maccabees rode into Jerusalem to re-dedicate the temple after defeating the evil Greek king Antiochus IV Epiphanies Rev 10:7; Rev 11: 14-19; Rev 15:1,4-8; Rev 16:1-12, Rev 16-21


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