Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Bruce knows

Bruce knows that his intel has not been accurate because it changes and Bruce hates this so I know it’s a moving target and hopefully we’ll get it right and all be happy - the latest from last night we are in a 7 day window and Bruce went OH that’s too big from CW from Wednesday to Wednesday to the 21st. Well today there was a CC from some of the PM’s and Wells with the CBI - and it went for 5 and half hours and talking techniques and exchange protocols for the banks specifically. To banks here in the US - what happened is the currencies the 19 coming up on the screens were coming up with either partial and then finally all 19 came up but slow blinking – as of yesterday and even though that was going on one dropped out and so only 18 on the screen and that one was our the USN - the USD had gone away but the USN off the screen temporarily so is that because they are going to introduce the new note? So like the IRS absorbed into the Treasury – so it’s saying that would need to back on the screen with a rate and once that happens we are about ready to start and that the USN is part of Nesara. So what else is part of Nesara – debt forgiveness and started on Sunday 11th August and started with zeroing out of all mortgages - because our mortgages are supposed to be zeroed out over a ten day process so by the 20th - the lettters might follow that ten day period and mortgages will be zerzed out – and also Credit cards and that starts the 21st and through the last day and all CC wiped out. That is really welcome and those two things – will be wiped out by the end of August 31st – that a HUGE part of debt forgiveness and Nesara kicking in and taking effect – so stay tuned. We know Farm Claims started on the 8th and we had proof of three farmers paid out in large amounts and we understood that the black farmers were paid out first and THAT IS GREAT.

I’ve given you a window of 7 days - now we are hearing some things for our exchanges to start Monday the 19th and from another call tonight - that there was a concensus we’d be notified over the weekend and start Monday and a few others were saying today and start tomorrow – and that’s what they said and this was from Europe but I don’t think that happened. So intel is conflicted but the majority are saying this weekend and exchanging Monday and let’s pray that is ALL absolutely True - so those debts being wiped out that’s an answer to many prayers and the USN is part of Nesara and they are saying it’s not going to be announced as Gold Backed but it is and the USTN are in the banks and RC and we are supposed to get some at the exchanges and that’s been in place a long time I think for over a year. What else? You know I think that is it – and now Bruce is going on to talk about Sue and that GWB is again up for sale. Anyways – I’m sure we’ll all be happy with the intel Bruce had for us tonight – it’s sounding all very positive and now just has to FULLY MANIFEST NO MORE DELAYS and we’ll ALL be So Blessed and So Grateful and SO ready to all start with those New Lives Ahead of US. So also for sure Bruce will be thanking his whole team - Sue and Bob and GCK and Pastor Scott (please keep praying for Pastor Scott) and Jeannie and Larry. And all the faithful listeners from around the world. Also praying out the call - so join with Bruce in that prayer and please keep praying because our prayers are one of the most precious and powerful gifts we are blessed with. Just keep those heartfelt prayers being said till those Notifications are visible in our emails. Bruce again saying this CAN NOW GO AT ANYTIME AND WE HOPE SOONER THAN NEXT WEDNESDAY.   

My LOVE to each and Every single one of you – Gem. 
It’s been another one of those weeks - when all that could go wrong has - but maybe it’s the last of what the enemy has left in their bag of insanity to throw at us. And that said - what does our Father Creator have to say in his word of Psalms about defeating our enemies?

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