Sunday, August 25, 2024

Treatment and Abilities

1. Health Benefits. Med Beds can correct patient medical issues to restore an individual’s body to optimum state.
2. Regrowing Organs. The beds can replace or grow limbs and organs.
3. New Bones and Healing. For those who have a prosthesis, the prosthesis will be removed by the bed and dissolved so beneficial healing can be carried out. 
4. Surgery. Surgeries in the Med Beds will give immediate results. For example, a baseball pitcher needing surgery can get into a Med Bed and be ready to pitch very soon after the treatment. In actuality, they will be ready to pitch before they wake up and get out of the Med Bed.
5. VAX Damage. The beds can reverse the damage caused by the vax, however those who are unvaxxed and have natural injuries, their injuries will be a priority.  
6. Heart Patients. Med Beds heal heart issues of all types. 
7. Addictions. Yes. Addictions can be healed. But people will still need to work on why they became addicted in the first place.
8. Dissolving of surgery added pieces. The beds will dissolve any surgically added pieces and repair the damage, returning the body to the healthy state before the issues began.
9. Chemo. The Med Bed not only heals the damage done from chemo but returns the body to complete health removing all abnormal growths.
10. Allergies. Allergies will be eliminated.
11. Dentistry. All Dental issues will be repaired. And teeth will regenerate. Teeth will also restraighten if needed.
12. Overweight. Yes. You can return to your ideal weight.
13. Vision & Hearing. Yes. Your vision and hearing can return to its optimum state. Cataracts can be corrected as well.
14. Scars. Scars will be repaired and will disappear.
15. Schizophrenia. Mental issues can be repaired. 
16. Autistic. Autistic kids can be helped with healing.
17. Ortho. Ortho issues such as the adjustment of bones and bone correction will be handled as well.
18. Depression. DEPRESSION will be helped gradually. Eventually an individual will have to deal with the trauma in a positive way. There will be many spiritually trained counselors both human and non-human to help anyone with depression.
19. Improvements. Med Beds can make someone more empathetic, intelligent, etc. Additional languages can be learned/downloaded as well. It is important however, to have a reason to use the improvements you are requesting for download. For instance, there wouldn’t be a reason to download all languages on this planet if you don’t plan to use them. And a big part of the experience on this planet is the process of learning the knowledge that you need.
20. Perfect Health. Beds will restore your body to optimum health.
21. Heal the Mind. When you heal the mind, you heal the body.
22. Vitality. The Med Beds return individuals to optimum health. If you are 80 years of age for example, you will have the best health for and 80-year-old. That doesn't mean you will be as agile and fit as if you were 30. Age regression is possible to extend your life. Not everyone will be approved for age regression. It's not something that is taken lightly. It will be approved for the right purposes.
23. Issues from Birth. The beds can correct issues that even showed up at birth.

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