Saturday, August 24, 2024

I just found this

My faith is neither Christianity nor Islam, neither Judaism, nor the Jainism, nor Buddhism nor Zoroastrianism, but Orthodox.

Orthodox is not a Christian religion, even though it was later put under the same "roof" in order to maintain peace, but Orthodox, or literal translation "Real faith" is the closest to our original old faith. It's the faith of celebrating our ancestors. 

Our ancestors have especially resisted the baptism for centuries, and every single foreign religion! Tartarians were not Christians! Don't be fooled, Jesus did not create Christianity, he was teaching our old Faith!

If you respect old Christian customs, traditions, culture, etc. then you have to respect pre-Christian traditions and your ancestors who lived and existed way before Christianity. They are a part of you.

Christianity has always been controlled by the Satanist from the start. Theu used Jesus's death to create a religion and enslave the world. We are not some 6 thousand years old society like bible claims, this is a joke. We were never a stone age primitive civilization!

Those are all lies to cast the matrix spell on you, Vatican is the Roman Empire, it never went away, this matrix that we call democracy is just the extension of that war. War was lost!

They are the ones Jesus criticized as the synagogue of Satan for turning his people away from God. The same people that crucified him.

Thank you for your time,

Much love,


Join @awakenedspecies

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