Sunday, February 10, 2019

Books some tables for Swap Meet

This morning we drove into Burnaby, to secure 2 tables for the children's swap meet event in early April. We were surprised that there were few people in the line up. I recall people lining up in the cold over 20 years ago, when I last sold kids items. Primarily, I used to go in order to buy items for my children prior to the doors opening to the public. Big ticket items like helmets, lego's, roller blades and ice skates were just some of the things that made it lucrative to be there early in the morning. Now with a grandchild on the way, I will likely look for a good umbrella stroller, that I can use at my home when the baby will visit us.
After paying for the tables and making friends with other women who will also be selling that day, my husband and I headed for a walk. Central Park was the place that we originally went to for our first date. The last time we were there must be over a decade ago. We did not find a pond that I thought was there, and quickly got lost on the trails. It is a cold day with snow expected in the afternoon. The cold air hurt our throats, but I did manage a few pictures with the duck sitting on the frozen pond that we did find. (I know there is 2 ponds in that park-we just couldn't find one of them).
This afternoon, I am going to a birthday party. I hope that I will meet many Hungarian friends who I have not seen for some time.  Please be mentally healthy today. Crossing the bridge once again, where my daughter took her life is never easy.

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