Friday, June 7, 2024

You are part of the Story

Remember where you were the day it actually happened. You are all part of the story. It will be a historic moment. We can write a book about this and put our names on the chapters. Maybe someone will! I'm absolutely blown away by what I'm seeing. I'm sure I'll get the call from the trailer.
 • Release of bond funds has begun. Mauricio was right. He had an event – ​​a press announcement in Mexico. He had the Colombian flag on his desk. He has a surprise for Colombia.
 • We hope to see this in a few days – everything is moving. Some of you are not seeing this, saying nothing is happening, but there is a lot going on behind the scenes. I haven't received anything yet, but that doesn't mean it's not happening. We'll see what our friend Bruce has this time. Hopefully it will be great news. This will be coming to your side of the woods soon! Take care guys, I love you all, Wolverine.
 • Fifth. June 6, 2014 MarkZ: “I have several people linked who have been waiting all week. They woke up to messages today, Thursday. June 6th saying his appointments have been changed to around 10 a.m. Monday. June 10. They expect payment in full. This means they expect money movement this weekend . I still have some MIA Bond employees…where they turned off their devices…it goes straight to voicemail.”
 • On Monday. On the evening of June 3, 2024, the Iraqi Parliament finally approved its budget with the new Iraqi Dinar International Rate . On Wednesday. On June 5, 2024, the Iraqi Parliament sent the budget with the new Iraqi dinar rate to the Gazette to be published presumably by Saturday. June 8th.
 • Wed. June 5, 2024 Frank26: The international world is currently using the new international exchange rate for the Iraqi Dinar .
 • Third. June 4th Bruce's source in Iraq spoke to PM Sidani – he said the Dinar rates have been handed over and have now been officially recorded.
 • Third. June 4 Texas Snake: “ Well, folks, information I received today indicates that several of the large bond payers have been invited to Reno to begin exchanging their bond portfolios in the next 24 to 48 hours. We are then scheduled to start receiving notifications to start scheduling appointments. I have this information from three sources and am awaiting confirmation from the banker.
 • Fifth. June 6, 2024 Robynhood59 on Telegram: “63 banks will be insolvent tomorrow Friday. June 7. Janet Yellen declared months ago today Thursday. June 6th was the date the government ran out of money. June 15th was the hard date for completing Basel 3 and working on Basel 4 and the reason why banks will close. THE BEST NEWS EVER!! IRAQ currently votes in the Senate on the tax, then goes to the House for a vote on the tax. When the vote is approved, it will go straight to the Law Gazette and will be announced on Saturday. June 8, 2024 in mosques. This Friday. From June 7th until the weekend, there is progress with bond liquidity.”
 • Fifth. June 6, 2024 BRICS Summit in Russia: “The BRICS asserts that the establishment of payment mechanisms within the BRICS that do not depend on the Western banking system is one of the most urgent topics today at the BRICS Summit in Russia.”
 • Starting May 30, 2024, states can legally obtain their own gold-backed currency and bypass the Federal Reserve.
GesaraMundial Telegram

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