Sunday, June 23, 2024

Israel govt just disbanded

ISRAEL GOVT has just disbanded.
Y - Think Balfour Declaration 1917
ISRAEL will have new elections in OCTOBER. That is after 9/11 Protocol 20. [NDA certainly lifted] That will be a QFS Blockchain Election 
6/20 + 120 days = October 18.
We are on the Verge of The Event.
NETANYAHU will be arrested for 9/11
Something INCREDIBLE is about to happen. 

IRAN announcing it is completely shutting off BTC mining on Wednesday. Same day BIS is outlining new Financial System
UK Train Strike same day BOJO goes to Hospital for a Nose Job.

Who's doing the Tweet?
Mi Elon?

P.S The Russian Blockchain System..
STELLAR - Very Shortly to be handed over to Russia. See Elon collaborating with Russian Military [Stellar Russia]
You have the NEW BRICST Blockchain System right here above

International Payments = IPAY []

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