Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Trump back on Monday


What I have been told (we are going back to Brazil again). I spoke to some of my contacts, and they said payments have started, some are getting paid, and they are all under NDA. There is a platform paying by crypto and they are about to kick off I think it is “oxygen” (extra dollars so they can de-stress). That is what I am hearing. That is definitely 100% happening for them to be paid on that platform. Again, it has all been paid for by crypto. 
 I do have something that came through about 30 minutes ago. I am hoping and praying it is due. DJ Trump will be reinstated as the legitimate president of the USA on Monday, Judge Thomas Clarence will read both sentences where it was established that from the vote count, Trump won the vote by 80% in 46 out of 50 states. We are close to a change of an era … Praying please God let that be true.  
Another source says it is going to be this week, they are adamant, but some say right after the 4th. 
Many of you cannot wait any longer as you oare hanging on by a thread.   
Let us all pray to God that we will have the green light to move forward with our lives. Not much more coming in and am praying that by tomorrow we will get news from Reno and I will get that miracle call I am waiting for. Take Care, Wolverine (Transcribed by Carpathia) 

A NOTE FROM CARPATHIA: My dear friends, we have had our faith tested by enduring this most difficult time of waiting for our blessing. For many, it seems that nothing has gone the way we have hoped or planned. But despite the numerous obstacles and challenges we have encountered that little voice within our soul has softly whispered, “You must never give up!” That little voice is so true, one must believe in, and fight for their goals and dreams so they will come true, for if WE do not believe enough in our dreams and goals to continue to fight for them, then who will? There is not one among us today who is not going through a difficult, trying time. I speak to many of you each day. But in reflection, in each of our lifetimes - how many trying times have we had? Many! Did they pass? Yes, somehow, somehow, they always do. Having faith, having patience, are the keys to making your dreams come true. Faith is having THAT patience even when there is no patience left to have... We all face the troubles of our world each day, knowing the hardships contained within the new day we face. Yet we awake, and with great courage and fortitude we bolster our spirit and put on a smile of hope, knowing that this day shall also pass, and sunrise of tomorrow will give us the strength we need to endure till all our dreams come true. *** Think of the flowers of the field, they wait for the blessed relief of rain to ease their drought, they wait in faith, they wait in hope, and in the end, the gentle drops of relief fall upon their blossoms, and once more their drooping heads lift upwards towards the sun filled sky and they share their beauty with the world. 

Today we have heard the happiest news, do not give up now! Lift your spirit and lift your heart, for the time of YOUR miracle is near its start! Be strong and courageous my dear friends, we are almost home. Love Carpathia 


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