Saturday, June 1, 2024

Tic Toc Mr. Pool

TIC TOK Mr. Pool 2.0
1. The military team were working from 24th to 26th May on NESARA/GESARA. The team was working on the party and the release of funds.
2. There was a soft announcement of GESARA.
3. We know timeframes of events not exact dates.
4. The debts between nations have all been forgiven and wiped clean.
5. GESARA has started between all governments worldwide.
6. Foreign currency will not pay off debt, for currency will help you.
7. Social Security will not exist.
8. The money coming to everyone will come in structured payments up to $5000 for 60 and above. Possible time frame January 2025.
9. Everything is done. The military is waiting on the world court for all legalities to be finalized properly between nations according to common law.
10. The World Court are going over paperwork.
11. Nothing more needs to be done.
12. Disable seniors will get $7500
13. Theres no rules to get $7500
14. Theres 200 programs where everyone will get financial abundance according to GESARA.
15. Everything stolen will be returned 1000 times over and more.
16. This is the day of abundance that will blow your mind.
17. The military worked all night long and wanted US all to receive the abundance.
18. The military ARE IN CHARGE not President Trump or the white hats.
19. The military are playing 5D chess with President Trump.
20. The military have to be strategic and meticulous in the execution of the final stages of the plan.
21. Stop attacking each other. Stop attacking intel providers.
22. When you are angry and impatient you choose to stay in a negative energy field, you damage yourself.
23. On the 25th the military was working on NESARA all night long.
24. From the 24th to 26th NESARA the following was achieved: GESARA announced publicly under the US and it was made liquid. The money is flowing.
25. 1st to 4th get rid of a mindset of lack. Start thinking abundance.
26. No kicking the can. No delays.
27. GESARA was announced to select media outlets through the Starlink Satellite System.
28. GESARA was announced and this made it legal.
29. The process is slow because of the legalities.
30. 12th to 16th there is no can. We are waiting for the world court for the paperwork to be verified according to common law.
31. Cabal lies to banks and bankers found out they were angry. Some bankers quit their jobs because we are so close to the end of this.
32. 17th to 20th Michael/Michelle Obama IS NOT running for President. Arrested.
33. Anything that is negative is a lie.
34. This is happening now not 2025.
35. January 1st Iraq becomes illegal as a legal tender in IRAQ.
36. The banks are getting ready for the RV and GCR.
37. So much IS happening and HAS happened.
38. President Trump will be back overnight.
39. Everything is imminent.
40. Everything changes within 12 hours after the announcement worldwide. (Donald Trump).

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