Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Diana is a Kennedy


I believe that Diana 
is the daughter of 

JFK and Grace Kelly. 

Her real name is Isabelle. 

She is JFK's first child. 

Arabella is her second child born and the first with Jackie. 

Lincoln/Kahlooni/Kennedy children in order of birth:

Isabelle (Diana)

Arabelle (Marie Le Pen)

Caroline Kennedy

John F Kennedy Jr 

Fatima (Yann LePen)

Patrick Kennedy

Shadia Kennedy

I believe that Fatima and Shadia were born by surrogate mother in Benghazi. 
Shadia was born 7 years after Patrick. 
He said she was beautiful and managed to name her.

Marine LePen is a cousin of the Kennedys 
who was born in Benghazi and grew up with Arabella, Fatima and Patrick in Benghazi until toddlers / primary school when the girls were sent to France and raised by the LePen family. 

Marine is the legitimate president of France at the moment)


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