Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A Pig

•I eat my own offspring if it is weak and diseased.
• I eat my own feces. 
• I will eat the corpse of a dead human, dog, rats, you name it.
• I am a garbage disposal on four legs.
• I have one of the poorest digestive systems known to man.
• God warned you to not eat me or even touch my carcass, so I am not the “other white meat.”
• I eat poisonous snakes and they bite me but cannot hurt me as their venom goes straight to my fat cells.
• I am raised in a cage in modern processing plants which stresses me out and makes me crazy.
• I chew on the bars of my cages until my face is a bloody mess.
• I hope you know the parasites and worms in my flesh are so strong that it's nearly impossible to kill all of them while cooking me to eat.
• I have next to nothing left in the way of nourishment for you by the time you're done cooking me to "recommended temperature." You might as well eat the sole of your shoe.
• I find it hard to believe that you are unaware that our Creator never intended for me to be food (meat) for you, and He informed you of that in the 11th chapter of Leviticus, and the 14th chapter of Deuteronomy.

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