Thursday, June 20, 2024

A Bank story

I have a bank story…

Today, I stopped by a new local bank to cash a check from a client…I don’t have an account there. It was a small town bank with 7 branches in the surrounding towns. 

As I walked in, I noticed one gal in a private office doing paperwork, a gal in the drive up area, 1 lady moving things around near the safe…and this lone young man teller taking care of the lobby. He had a marine haircut and a very nerdy personality. 

There was nobody in the bank when I walked in, so I kinda scanned the place, looking for possible RV exchange gear and such. I asked the teller guy if I could cash a check from one of their account holders…told him I didn’t have an account. He said sure and handed me a little paper to fill out…name, email, SSN, etc. I asked him how the new system was working and then if they were set up to exchange foreign currency…he said no, they don’t exchange currency and that they were privately owned through brokerage type deal. 

I mentioned that I do most of my banking online these days and didn’t have a local bank currently. I told him I didn’t trust the system…he immediately dropped the “BRICS plus” term and was like…wow this guy may know something. So, we talked for 15-20 minutes while he got me my cash. We covered the federal reserve being closed, treasury taking over, QFS…and then he went blank, like he didn’t know what it was. 🤔🤔 So, I asked about Dinar, Dong, and Zim…he smiled and looked up at me. He knew…he knew everything. He couldn’t say too much!! 

At the end of our visit, I said…”do you have a card, I’d like to come back in sometime and chat”…he said, I don’t have a card…I’ll give you the branch manager’s card. The crazy thing is…this guy has a degree in finance and economics…he’s working as a teller in a small redneck town in Indiana with a military hair cut and has no business cards. This guy knows more than any other banker I’ve met…and he’s a teller!!???!! I don’t think so…this guy is a transplant for during the upcoming change, guaranteed!!

Funny thing…not a single other person in the bank interrupted our conversation or even flinched…and we were plenty loud enough for all to hear. They were standing down to this guy…he was in charge…no business card!!

It’s happening folks…you can count on it!!

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