ideology masquerading as a religion. It literally means "submission". The
Quran MANDATES death for blasphemy, for adultery, for apostasy, for family
honor, for being gay, Jewish or a Kafer as well as ten other "crimes" many
not even considered to be so in the West. Death for drinking limbs, whipping and torture,
pedophilia, child bride marriages, rape and
misogyny go unreported DAILY and are dismissed as culturally ingrained.
Where is the indignity and the outrage over people doing this every
day to their own populations? Yet a staged picture a drowned baby on a
beach sparks a world outcry?
Muslim birthrates are 8 children per family while Europeans average
1.4. When these current millions bring in their multiple wives, children
and extended families 85% of whom live on state benefits (England's
experience) you can multiply their number by at least 10x, maybe 20x or
even more.
By 2050 Europe will be Muslim dominated just by demographics alone.
When their numbers are sufficient they will legally vote in their own kind
and then Sharia Law. Europe as we know it will be lost forever. Two thousand years of
civilization will be destroyed by the same fanatical bearded, bigoted,
brutal, boneheaded, belligerent bastards who are now slaughtering their
own kind and blowing up ancient and irreplaceable world heritage
buildings, monuments, books,
manuscripts and other historically
significant art treasures in Iraq, Syria and other conquered territories.
Canada should not get sucked into this quagmire of political
correctness just to show how polite, civilized. politically correct and
Canadian we are. We should learn a lesson from our Australian cousins.
significant art treasures in Iraq, Syria and other conquered territories.
Canada should not get sucked into this quagmire of political
correctness just to show how polite, civilized. politically correct and
Canadian we are. We should learn a lesson from our Australian cousins.
Yes, it's important to know who is coming into your country and to do as much background checking as possible. I think this is because not all who are fleeing are fleeing with an agenda to promote Islam. Many are simple people who have scraped up resources to get to Europe from a broken country where they cannot live anymore. I think that wisdom and discernment are needed, because as well as dangers, there are spiritual opportunities.