Friday, May 29, 2015

It Feels Like Summer

It is another hot day, but breezy. Today was the last day of teaching English as a Second Language (ESL). My students were learning about jobs, employees, employers in a coffee house/restaurant. We also reviewed our daily schedules, and wrote about it. I received a nice annual plant and a card signed by everyone. God has provided a retired Korean pastor as my substitute for next year. He introduced himself to the students as a Canadian and not a Korean person as he has lived here for over thirty years. I am glad that we are Canadians first and then whatever our nationality of origin is as a second. I exchanged e-mail addresses with the students and probably will have more people read my blog as a result. The wedding is too close now, (eight days away) and I felt for me to continue into the month of June would be overly exhaustive.

This afternoon I went to the graveside with a bottle of water. Some flowers that have been placed there on Tuesday after our cheque presentation towards Deborah's Memorial Bench.. Oops, let me backtrack! The funds have been completely raised now for the Memorial Bench on behalf of Deborah. It will be placed in Bear Creek Park where she used to love to run in approximately 7 weeks. Her friend is in dialogue with parks and recreation and we are so pleased and blessed at the same time. My husband and I were presented with the cheque which was then turned over to Deborah's friend to finalize the lease for 10 years. This includes all the care, and upkeep required for the bench. As soon as I see the bench I will post a photo for all my readers. More importantly, we were invited to speak about Deborah, at the Just4you wellness centre who did the majority of the fundraising. It is a wonderful community fitness centre that operates more like a family rather than a franchise. I hope those of you who live locally will check it out. We had some sandwiches and cakes, and fruit, and drinks. It was a sweet time with at least 5 of Deborah's friends present. We were very honored to see everyone, and the kindness they demonstrated to our family. Sadly, none of my daughters made it to this event as they were working.

So, getting back to the graveside.... today, I watered the flowers that were taken there on Tuesday after the cheque presentation. Today is Friday.  The flowers have been without water for 3 days. As I poured the water into the vase, I noticed the water level getting lower and lower. The wilted looking flowers kept drinking and drinking, until the petals sweetly danced in the wind, some blue petals, some pink. It almost reminds me of the resurrection, how Jesus was resurrected and many others from the grave. It will be soon time for God to come full circle. There was a picture of a full circle rainbow recently. God's promises are true and eternal, take good courage.

A perfect rainbow circle over Niagra Falls

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