I have written in my previous blogs about the seven crowns. These are reward and achievement crowns, that are obtainable now, and enjoyed for all of eternity. Below is a summary of the seven crowns. (Keep in mind that it was satan who mocked Jesus by placing a crown of thorns on his head). Jesus is waiting to give us glorious crowns.
1) Crown of Glory- Obtaining wisdom and understanding. Proverbs chapter 4 vs 9
2) Crown of Incorruption- to see the King's mastery of spiritual things, where we have no attachment to earthly things. 1 Corinthians 9 verse 25
3) Crown of Rejoicing - Those who are present at the coming of the Messiah, probably during the rapture
1 Thessolonians chapter 2 vs 19
4) Crown of Righteousness - Those who long for his appearing. 2 Timothy chapter 4 verse 8
5) Crown of Life- To those who loved Him, Eternal life to those who love YHWH
James chapter 1 verse 12
6) Crown of Glory- to those who set a good example for His sheep.1 Peter chapter 5 verse 4
7) Crown of Everlasting Joy - Given to the ransomed of YHWH, it may be specific to Israel or maybe refers to all believers. Isaiah, chapter 35 verse 10.
There is also a caution or warning in scriptures regarding crowns
Revelations 3 verse 11 warns us not to let our crowns be taken
Revelation 6 verse 2 -the false messiah wears a crown
Revelation 14 vs 14 - an angel wears a crown of gold.
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