I don't know why, but I am in the midst of a minor improvement project. You see I have a 25 year old shed, that has been altered and transported with every move we made since I got married in 1987. At first this shed which is an eye soar has been only five feet high to meet the specifications at the co-op we lived in. It could only be the height of the wall in our back yard facing the street. Then in ten years time, we had bought a house, and felt it could be elevated in height. So we enjoyed ten years of it having the higher, walk in capability. During our last move seven years ago, my neighbor offered to help us move this baby here, and he offered to assembled it for very little money. Thank God for nice neighbors. Now, I just had enough looking at this patched, places unpainted beauty. Oh, and I forgot to tell you, that last spring, due to some rodent activity from my composting, we had to secure new plywood to the back, as the interior was covered with evidence of rodent habitation, therefore the unpainted parts.
I think that this goes to show you, my readers, that we make things last at this household. However, not everybody in my house is keen about this project. Though this shed is a need partially, for the extra storage we require; not only a want, I had opposition from the beginning. Despite securing the best price for the material, and the labour which is almost charitable, my family has shunned this project as unnecessary, costly and dumb. They know my views that Jesus is coming soon, so then why would I do something like this and inconvenience the comfortable flow of our everyday lives, never mind dampening our accounts even more. Tomorrow I will be tracking around in the mud for the next two days, with little protection under a white canopy where our saw table will be sitting. I have already emptied the thing with the exception of the heavy things awaiting some muscles. I moved all the garden tools, pottery, tents etc under the elements, which says rain for the next three days here on the West Coast.
My vision is double the space, with tools nicely hanging on the walls, and space for some of the bicycles, and Christmas decoration boxes, and more tools out of our garage. I even have a window and door laying around that we could use, (sadly the door is an indoor one, so it probably won't work). So the opposition mostly says why bother storing more stuff, when ultimately, we will likely retire in a 2 bedroom condominium, and we have no need for any of this stuff. The cycle of life no doubt, change will be upon us as we have entered our 55th year. I now can have dinners out on discount, and enjoy senior's day at Sears. I still may be in denial as to what is coming, but then on the other hand, I know of many people who enjoy their homes well into their 70's and even 80's. So here we come, facing the future boldly, taking dominion until Jesus Christ's return. Looking up, and praying without ceasing for we do not know what day He will return. His return should not catch us in a surprise.
Just for your info, we rarely eat out,,,,and I don't mind aging gracefully, otherwise it would be murmurings, and I don't want to do that.