Monday, May 7, 2018

May 14, 2018 Israel officially be 70 years old after the restoration!

Ahounsi Omage
Ahounsi Omage May 14, 2018 Israel will officially be 70 years old after the restoration.

May 14, 2017 was on the 2nd month 17th day of the Hebrew Calendar.

The same day the flood began.

May 14, 2018 is on the 2nd month 27th day of the Hebrew Calendar.
The same day Noah got off the Ark.
1 year and 10 days apart. Just as in Noah's day.

May 14, 2018 is also the official day the US will move its embassy to Jerusalem.

In 70 A.D. the Romans took Jerusalem, the 2nd temple was destroyed, and the Jews were exiled.

In 1878 the first Zionist colony forms, buying land In Israel.

70 years later, Israel is reborn as a nation, May 14, 1948.

From 70 A.D to 2018 are 1948 years.
From Adam to Abraham were 1948 years.
70 + 1878 + 70 = 2018

MAY 14th, 2018 - AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH?
By Christopher Maskey.

In Genesis 7:11 it says “In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.” So we know the rain from the flood began on the 17th day, of the 2nd month.

We also know the flood lasted for exactly one year, and 10 days – ending on the 27th day, of the 2nd month the following year, as we read in Genesis 8:14-15 “By the 27th day of the 2nd month, the earth was completely dry. God came to Noah with a message. It’s time. Leave the ark now, you and your wife, your sons, and your sons’ wives.”

So we are looking for a timeline to begin on the 17th day, of the 2nd month – ending on the 27th day of the 2nd month the following year – on the Torah Calendar.

THIS is what caught my attention immediately – if we look at MAY 14th, 2017 – it lands on the 17th day of the 2nd month, but then what shocked me was seeing this. Due to the fact that the Torah calendar is a lunar calender, it is about 10 days short of our solar calendar - MAY 14th of 2018 (THE 70 year anniversary Israel became a nation) – Guess what… it LANDS ON THE 27th day of the 2nd month!!!! Exactly 1 year 10 days apart – on the Torah Calendar just as in the days of NOAH!!

Another thing – If we look at the comparisons from when Yahshua ascending into heaven, to this timeline –we see it match up to this year perfectly.

We know Yahshua died on Passover (which starts on April 1st) – Rose 3 days later (April 4th) – We know he spent 40 days on earth before ascending to the Father…. 40 days after April 4th, lands on May 14th 2018.

So MAY 14th of 2018 has REAL significance this year as far as being a HIGH watch date –

1.) it’s obviously the 70 year generation Marker from when Israel became a nation,
2.) it lines up perfectly with the days of Noah & the flood both starting and ending on the correct days (17th day 2nd month, 27th day 2nd month)
3.) May 14th landing on the exact day that Yahshua ascending to Abba Father prior to pentecost.
- Christopher Maskey.

Please check out for yourself and check out the dates mentioned.

Now, add the Parable of the Fig Tree in Matthew 24:32-35, and Psalm 90:10 of a generation quite possibly being 70 years, plus the list of all the other 70 year milestones in the Bible and all the other mind blowing coincidences that have occured this past year, and then add this:

7 is the number of perfection.
Multiply it by 10, the number of completion, and you get 70.
Complete perfection?
Maybe. I don't know. But, I sure am amazed by it all.
I've never seen anything like this at all.

Amazing Video by Brother Chris

The 70th anniversary is significant for a num
• The Nation of Israel began with 70 Hebrews who migrated to Egypt
(Ex. 1:1-5).

• Moses appointed 70 elders at Mount Sinai (Num. 11:16).

• Jesus sent 70 disciples out to preach the gospel (Luke 10:1).

And so on.


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