Monday, May 7, 2018

Feeling Tired Tonight

Feeling tired tonight. Made  pan after pan of cabbage rolls that I gave away much of.  I made some without onions, and some without pork, and some with everything. I love it with sour cream, and crusty bread. That is how we eat it in Hungary. I make mine with washed out sauerkraut, and diced sweet cabbage ( the cooked portion that the cabbage can't be rolled in; diced and placed between the layers of rolled cabbage, with crushed tomatoes; not too much). I am so excited that our work is almost done here, and God has better plans for us.
My garden is also planted, and hopefully will be enjoyed. Tomorrow is another long day. I hope to write more,tomorrow.

My friend Ahounsi posted this on his Facebook Page..
Limits: Of time and evil.
Satan and evil cannot go beyond their limit. There is purpose even for their work: to humble, test, correct, prune, refine, preserve, shift, seperate on one side; and for judgment, recompens, and destruction. When this heaven and earth pass away for the New One they shall be a thing of the past, of old creation.
GOD is good and GOD is love: yes, and GOD is Just.
There is so much evil in the world, but put your trust in THE FATHER ALMIGHTY. GOD'S judgment is always for man's eternal benefit, for man to be humbled, tested, refined, pruned, corrected; to be worthy of HIS Barn, which is Eternal Life. But if a man remains defiant in sin, he shall perish.
Therefore the threshing rod must beat all the sheaves of wheat from the field. So, if you are a follower of JESUS CHRIST, make sure you obey HIS Word and Spirit. No matter what you're going through: GOD is in control. Your challenges may be to remove impurities from your life: have faith and patience.
Satan and his crew shall continue to function as the threshing rod, until he is captured and chained for a thousand years; just after the false prophet and the antichrist are captured and cast into the lake of fire, soon.
This is at the return of The SON OF MAN, after the greatest deception and troubles and evil and harvest that the earth shall ever seen; soon.
JESUS shall return at the peak of this. When the wickedness reaches it's limit all defiant shall be harvested and put into the great wine press: and HE Himself shall trample on them with HIS Feet. Indeed, blood will flow. Then HE shall rescue the repentant remnant of Israel (most of Israel shall die in defiance in the troubles) and shall resurrect all those beheaded by the antichrist: then HE shall restore the earth and begin HIS millenial rule.
During the Millennium of JESUS CHRIST on this earth the functions of evil and Satan shall cease, until the thousand years is complete. This is the fulfilment of the Sabbath, the seventh Day, the Rest. This is EMMANUEL: THE SON OF GOD who is THE SON OF MAN ruling over the earth!
There shall be no death: then the earth shall be filled with people, offspring of the remnants and of those resurrected by JESUS who were killed for His name sake and for rejecting the mark of the beast. The Millennium is a time of righteousness ruling over the earth with a rod of iron.
The millennial rule of JESUS CHRIST - YAHUSHUA HAMASHIACH shall be the best days of mankind on this earth.
It is required for every soul to be tested: because GOD gave man dominion, freewill: every soul entering the New Heaven and Earth must love GOD. Real love will pass the test.
Therefore, all the people born during the one thousand years reign shall also be tested, to separate the wheat from the chaff. Satan shall be released after the 1000 years expired, and he manages to deceive nations and gather them for battle against JESUS THE KING. The bible says their number is as the sand of the sea.
Imagine these people that lived in an Age that is perfect and righteous with JESUS as KING, yet Satan deceives them?!
Well, this is the final job of Satan as a threshing rod - all those deceived are quickly devoured by fire like chaff, and devil is finally cast into the lake of fire: no more harvest from the earth, the final judgement has come, the threshing rod is burnt also. See Rev 20:1-25.
Death, Hell, Satan, and everything not needed for the NEW CREATION are cast into the Lake Of Fire! Then shall be the Final Judgment, and every soul whose name is not written in the Book Of Life shall be cast into the Lake Of Fire. Everything that offended The LOVE of GOD ALMIGHTY shall not enter the NEW CREATION.
Yes. Then, THE FATHER shall create a New Heaven and a New Earth.
Apostle John was trying to describe the things He saw in the Revelation; but words failed him.
You want to make it there?!
JESUS CHRIST is the only WAY.
Time is short, very little.
May 14th 2018, days from now, Israel crosses into a new prophetic timeline, it shall be 70 years after the restoration from desolation. There shall be fulfilment of prophecy.

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