Saturday, August 5, 2017

Our air quality 2X as bad as in Beijing/Garage Sale-ing

Today we went to a group town-house sale in White Rock. My husband bought a small new sowing machine for 8 dollars, and an electric drill set/new for 40. He said that the battery was not working on his old one, and the battery alone would be more than the purchase price he paid. I wanted to introduce my Japanese student to what a garage sale was. We hopped with my pully newspaper cart along from one garage to the next, all within close vacinity. She did not buy anything, but I did. I bought an entire dog stroller, carrying case, cage, ceramic food bowls, mini sweaters, brushes, shampoos, muzzles, and pee pads for 75 dollars which included other items unrelated to a dog. I wanted to illustrate to my daughter that you always have to purchase by faith. The dog, which she so desires will come later. We must pray into being special things, or persons we hope to have in our lives. We must live by faith. The pooch will follow. She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the dog stroller complete with food and water tray. Of course it is always that you didn't get that hurts.. We missed out on a huge wooden dresser that went for 10 dollars. What I did get was a king size cotton blanket, 2 new purses, a leather shoe, soap gifts, a manicure set that my other daughter gladly accepted, along with the purse. So many birthdays are taken care of including a new rubber ball for my son-in-law which he uses for excercise. So I hoped that I showed my student what it is to be frugal.
We also got robbed from our back yard. My tenant's bicycle went missing, and so did a few broken items from our garage. Since we have been leaving the garage door open partially in the mornings to cool off the air in our home, someone has climbed in there, but thankfully were not able to take many things. So, I think you understand why we shop at garage sales.
Image result for images of dog strollers cages
I'm actually hoping that the grandchildren will one day push their baby dolls in it.. ha ha. (this alone is over$ 165 in the stores)
 Tomorrow I just pray that my student can take off on her airplane back to Japan. I would imagine at some point all air travel will stop. The air quality here is awful. My eyes continue to burn.Arquivet Pet Cage, Skudo - 5, Metallic (Dogs , Transport & Travel , Transport Carriers)Pet Travel Bag 41x22x30cmPlus much more for 75 dollars

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