Friday, August 4, 2017

I've had it

Again, another day of haze looking out my window from the wildfires. I have noticed a dry cough and nasal congestion overnight. These fire residue's have blown into the Lower Mainland of B.C. from Kamloops area as well as the United States, Washington area.
I am undertain wether to keep my windows shut, or open to cool off the air inside the hot house. Ohhhhhh and my eyes feel like they want to jump out of their sockets. I am thinking what the people farther out of the city will be experiencing, since the coast is by far the better place to be.

I am feeling drained. On top of all the usual, my student has a school party till 8pm, so we are supposed to be attending their 'graduation' this evening and are invited for pizza. Now it is time to start preparing the Gulyas I am making for Deborah's friends who are about to visit this afternoon.
I pray there is relief to all. Pray for the fire fighters, and their families. Pray and watch for the return of our Lord and Saviour, for this truly can't go on any longer. The world is rotten. The world does not want the believers, and the true believers have had it with the world.

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