Tuesday, July 18, 2017

My pipes are Leaking

Well, we have a water leak towards our water meter. My front lawn is starting to see  clay soil with puddles of water in the two investigative holes. I would post a picture, if my internet wasn't down. Clay soil on a green tarp adorns my lawn. I sure hope and pray that the plumber will not have to do some major excavation. This area is still the root cause of all the water that seeped out to our sidewalk during this winter, that practically made it a skating rink. I used more coarse salt on our sidewalk this year than you can imagine, because I sure did not want to face a lawsuit. So, my husband is tackling the resolution to this problem. I have now stayed way back from this challenge, as most spearheaded projects in the past have been a reason for distorted discontent, and unsatisfied with my approach. One time my husband was going to hand in the key to our former house, because the big 'O' perminiter drain tile had to be redone. We excavated around the 15 feet deep house around the basement for 3 full months before the painted tar, gravel, and PVC pipes could be laid. We ended up with a Cadillac system of a perimeter drain pipe around the foundation, and then another system 4/5 feet above it for the rainwater catchment. So many trials and temptations. At one point we had a tenant who was a pagan, and had smoke on our walls, from his incense. We have survived a 6 week stay with four children in a small hotel space until our burned home can be repainted and rennovated. We dealt with shady realtors, and physical and mental illnesses, the best we could. Life is not a bed of roses. Whoever tells you that is lying to your face. Our last weeks sermon was all about building our spiritual life on the rock, because the SToRMs will come. Our pastor was illustrating how we are shaken even as if we were in a washing machine, and then the heat in the dryer is applied on us, to cause even more discomfort. In the end, we have to build our lives on the Rock, who is JESUS CHRIST. There is no other way of surviving the many temptations, and hardships.

We don't have to look far. Imagine the almost 40 thousand evacuees from northern British Columbia, who have had to leave everything behind. We had a house fire on our street, and the smoke was visible. Ambers of ash was flying into my back yard. The smell of smoke was disturbing. Imagine the smoke for the last several weeks in the interior. Who can breath that air? Praying for ample rain on this coming Thursday.

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