Congratulations to Judge Neil Grosuch who has just been nominated to the Supreme Court. He is a fascinating man..He believes that laws against assisted suicide violate the right to life.. he is very conservative. He will be incredibly respected and I can't wait to see what will transpire. I think this nomination will be wonderful for American's. He seems to be a humble kind man. I heard that some of the court decisions he will make will affect America for generations to come. Another promise fulfilled by Trump. God Bless America.
As I took the skytrain back home from my specialist today, I contemplated on which side of the train I should look out at. Crossing the Patullo Bridge is never an easy thing. I determined that I cannot look out on one side because then I would see the side of the bridge which Deborah jumped from. I couldn't look out the other side because that is where Deborah's body was found, by the saw mill logs.
I found out a little more as to why the 44 yr old East Indian man took his life on Bell's Let's Talk day from Patullo Bridge. Apparently, he had a second very troubling marriage, and could not face the possibility of another divorce. Perhaps it is of great shame in their culture. I don't believe that he knew it was a day of discussion about mental health. He simply took his car and parked it on the bridge, waved to the police officers and jumped.
We cover: Current Events Suicide Awareness Suicide Prevention World News COVID Mental Health Awareness Mental Illness Anxiety Depression Global Reset Market Crash End Days Currency TRUMP NESARA GESARA Digital Currency Bitt Coin Dinar International News Economics Global Currency Reset Crypto Currency Currencies
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Vancouver Mayor doubles-down on Sanctuary City policy
Having a workers permit does not mean you work and contribute to our economy. We have thousands of foreign students I learned because employers don't have to pay them benefits, thus making our children non competitive with them.. (I learned this from an Indian lady today, that her 15 yr old will be competing with foreign students to get her first job.
Vancouver Mayor doubles-down on Sanctuary City policy
Having a workers permit does not mean you work and contribute to our economy. We have thousands of foreign students I learned because employers don't have to pay them benefits, thus making our children non competitive with them.. (I learned this from an Indian lady today, that her 15 yr old will be competing with foreign students to get her first job.
A copied comment to anti-Trump protesters
To all the anti-Trump protesters who are trying to take the moral high
President Obama was in office when genocide was happening in Syria.
Assad crossed the 'red line' on multiple occasions, and Obama continued
to talk tough but did nothing.
Over a quarter of a million people died in Syria during Obama's time in
office. He didn't go after Assad. I didn't see a massive crowd of you at
the White House protesting. Women, children, dying. Sarin gas attacks,
war crimes. Where were you? Where were your signs?
When James Foley, Steven Sotloff, Adam Kassig and Kayla Mueller were all
murdered by ISIS, where were your candlelight vigils? Where were the
huge crowds for the innocents who were killed? I must have missed them.
When Boko Haram came through Nigeria like a battering ram and took over
village after village, beheading innocents and burning and pillaging,
where were you? Were you calling Congress and telling them we can't
stand for this? Were you out in the streets in the thousands? I think
You care about Sudan? Genocide has been taking place on and off again in
Sudan since 2003. Did you march against the murders? Did you scream at
the top of your lungs for humanity and for Bush or Obama to do something
after an estimated 300,000 died? No.
And Yemen, since when did you care about Yemen, children having been
starving in mass in Yemen for years. Their emaciated bodies, their
sunken eyes. I don't recall you marching against those injustices
Were you out in force when ISIS ran through Iraq and was killing people
in the thousands? Beheading families, raping Yazidis, burning people
alive. I don't remember an Anti-ISIS protest at the White House at the
time. I don't remember thousands showing up for innocently slaughtered
But now you're out at the White House, telling people that you care
about these people. Doubtful. You're out there right now because it's
become popular. You want to be part of the crowd. Too bad you stayed
silent when you could have actually made a difference.
FYI. This post has been copied..
Monday, January 30, 2017
Feeling Tired
I am feeling tired today. I went walking with the ladies from the funeral home who also lost loved ones to suicide. My cheeks were red as I tried to keep up with ladies a little older than I. My new hip replacement is working effectively. I met a lady who lost a son in his early 40's, and as his birthday is approaching her tears rolled down her face. Here we go again, I thought. Another year, another birthday coming up for our lost daughter in March. After cleaning her grave marker, I put fresh flowers around it. I noticed the fresh graves around her. I noted the change in the climate. Spring is soon in the air. The birds and seagulls were looking for worms.
I will be inviting some grieving parents to my home. I think this is the least I could do. I have been away since before Christmas and now it is time to offer some encouragement to others. I heard on the news that 2 children have become orphaned due to their mothers overdose on fentanyl. Apparently, the high you get on this stuff is so captivating that it is hard to resist once you tasted of its wicked fruit.
Tomorrow I will be having an x-ray of my hip to see how well it healed. It will be 2 months now since my surgery. I will also treat myself to a podiatrist, as I still have difficulty cutting my toenails past the 90 degree bend that I still must follow.
As I survey the lives of young people I have a very hard time understanding the stress in their lives. Many work for low wages, have come from broken homes, are in debt, and hopeless. It is hard to imagine their agony. I recall starting out with 4 children to buy our first home with 10,000 dollars down. Now, you must earn 6 figure incomes, and have almost 100,000 dollars for a home to put down. It is unfathomable. It cannot go on like this. I just don't know when hope will fill our streets once again. May this Jubilee bring everyone's wish true.
I will be inviting some grieving parents to my home. I think this is the least I could do. I have been away since before Christmas and now it is time to offer some encouragement to others. I heard on the news that 2 children have become orphaned due to their mothers overdose on fentanyl. Apparently, the high you get on this stuff is so captivating that it is hard to resist once you tasted of its wicked fruit.
Tomorrow I will be having an x-ray of my hip to see how well it healed. It will be 2 months now since my surgery. I will also treat myself to a podiatrist, as I still have difficulty cutting my toenails past the 90 degree bend that I still must follow.
As I survey the lives of young people I have a very hard time understanding the stress in their lives. Many work for low wages, have come from broken homes, are in debt, and hopeless. It is hard to imagine their agony. I recall starting out with 4 children to buy our first home with 10,000 dollars down. Now, you must earn 6 figure incomes, and have almost 100,000 dollars for a home to put down. It is unfathomable. It cannot go on like this. I just don't know when hope will fill our streets once again. May this Jubilee bring everyone's wish true.
An Update from Ron Reese

THE BEAST (ANTICHRIST) WHO WAS, AND IS NOT, AND YET IS (OBAMA)--REVELATION 17:8This is my first post since Dec. of 2015. In my next post, I will be reflecting on where I went wrong (along with many other watchers), in projecting the probable Rapture/Sudden Destruction to take place in the Fall of 2015. I have always believed in Progressive Revelation, when trying to analyze Bible Prophecy events. Most all Bible Prophecy watchers have had to re-examine their positions over the years also, because Bible Prophecy has not unfolded exactly as they had projected either. I am very sorry for any problems that my likely time frame for the Rapture/Sudden Destruction, of the Fall of 2015, caused any of you. Since that time, my studies never showed 2016 to be that time, so I have written nothing for the past 14 months. So very many good posts have been written on Five Doves in the past few months, pointing to 2017 for the probable time of the Rapture/Sudden Destruction. I am accumulating many of them in my email inbox, and will try to send a post, in the near future, that will include all of these links, so that we can have them all in one place, and be able to examine them for future reference. Two of the most recent posts, on, that are pointing directly to 2017, have been written by long-time Bible Prophecy scholar, Pastor F.M. Riley, and John Tng, long-time moderator of probably the most prominent Bible Prophecy website in existence, Five Doves. I want to thank John for his excellent service to the Lord, and amazing perseverance over these past many years, in allowing us Watchers to access his wonderful website. I first posted on this website in the early 1990's. I wrote my first tract on Bible Prophecy in 1989, entitled, "What in the World is Happening?" I preached my first of many sermons on Bible Prophecy in 1978. I became a Biblical Watchman (Ezekiel 33), after reading Hal Lindsey's, "The Late Great Planet Earth" in the mid-1970's. I went on to write over 50 Bible Prophecy tracts, with almost 10 million in circulation. I wrote my final tract and final newsletter in the year 2001, due to the high cost of printing and postage. I retired from my secular job several years early in 2009, shortly after Barack Hussein Obama became President, to start an internet ministry on Bible Prophecy, never dreaming that I would live to see the year 2017, with still no Rapture. But here we are, still here. I know that many of you can easily relate to this. I write all of this so that new readers might know a little bit about me, and to let you know that I have been at this a very long time, just like John Tng, Pastor Riley, Gerry Almond, Jim Bramlett, and so many others. I want to encourage ALL Watchers that the End of the Age is now AT THE DOOR. As the weeks go by, in 2017, I strongly believe that the Biblical signs, pointing us to the End, will be increasing in frequency and intensity, until finally Jesus comes for us, in the Great Escape, the Rapture of the Bride. There can be very little doubt that the End of the Age is rapidly approaching now. There is so very much evidence that is now, through Progressive Revelation, pointing directly to 2017, as the probable Year of the Rapture/Sudden Destruction (1st Thess. 4 and 5). Although I have read many good posts that have given us important signs that seem to point us directly to 2017, I have yet to read any posts that give us what I consider to be the number one BIBLICAL reason that God is revealing 2017 to be the likely time of the Sudden Destruction/Rapture. When we add this Scriptural reason to everything else that is being presented by Bible Prophecy students, that is seemingly pointing us directly to 2017, I believe that many of you will become as excited as I am right now. We are SOON going to be with Jesus FOREVER! What can possibly be more exciting than this? I will be presenting this to you in my next post. Because I believe that the Rapture and Sudden Destruction will likely be in the last half of 2017, and not the first half, I feel there is one more subject that I must write about first. It is even more urgent than my next post. Donald Trump is, at least for now, the President of the U.S. Like most of you, I did not see this coming. I am not sure of Trump's exact role in Bible Prophecy, but I assure you that he is NOT the Antichrist. Many are now attempting to portray Trump as the Antichrist. Please do NOT get caught up in this, no matter what so-called evidence is presented to you. I, and so many other Watchers, have written about so very MANY reasons why Barack Hussein Obama is the Antichrist. In a future post, I will remind us as to many of those reasons. But, because of Progressive Revelation, I believe that we can now add one more reason to Obama's credentials as the Biblical Antichrist. If Obama is the Antichrist, and I remain firmly convinced that he is, then he MUST fulfill EVERY Scripture that has been written about the Antichrist. I believe that we are currently witnessing the Prophetic fulfillment of some very important verses in the Book of Revelation, concerning Obama revealing himself even further as the Antichrist. As one of his final acts as President of the U.S., Obama ordered the U.S. to NOT veto the resolution to divide up the God-ordained nation of Israel. Now, for the very first time in history, EVERY nation has turned their back on Israel. This was prophesied in God's Word. This is one of the FINAL events that had to be fulfilled in end-time Bible Prophecy. And it was the Antichrist himself that brought it to pass. Donald Trump cannot reverse this decision. This was an irreversible decision with broad implications, bringing the whole world MUCH closer to World War 3, with Israel as the Biblical turning point. Israel's enemies will be greatly emboldened by this grievous, and evil deed that Obama has performed. How awe-inspiring, and yet very sad, it is to watch perhaps the key end-time Bible Prophecy happen before our very eyes! Now let us examine some key Antichrist verses in the Book of Revelation that I believe Obama is in the process of fulfilling: In my Bible, the heading for Revelation 13 is "The Beast (Antichrist) of the Sea". I will only refer to verses that seem to point us directly to Barack Hussein Obama, TODAY, as I am writing this. The whole Chapter refers to the Antichrist and the False Prophet, but certain verses, now that Obama has fulfilled his eight years as President of the U.S., seem to point to Obama as the Antichrist. Revelation 13 Verse 3--"And his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast". Verse 5--"and he was given authority to CONTINUE for forty-two months." Verse 12--"to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed." Verse 18--"the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666." Revelation 17 Verse 8--''THE BEAST WHO WAS, AND IS NOT, AND YET IS." Verses 10--11--"There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must continue a short time. THE BEAST WHO WAS, AND IS NOT, IS HIMSELF ALSO THE EIGHTH, AND IS OF THE SEVEN, AND IS GOING TO PERDITION." Below is a part of a fascinating, and very enlightening article, written by Kevin Heckle, one of the most prominent Biblical posters on Five Doves (, a few years back. In my years at Bible College, I remember studying Biblical Hermeneutics, which is a study on how to study the Bible. One of the Principles in studying God's Word is the Double Reference principle, which means that there are prophetic Scriptures that have a near fulfillment and a far fulfillment (into the future), or a Double Reference. Below, Kevin shows how Revelation 17:10--11 may have a Double Reference, or a fulfillment back in John's day, when he wrote the Book of Revelation, and an end-time fulfillment, beginning in 1967, and, because of Progressive Revelation, I would say probably ending in 2017, as Obama, who is the EIGHTH President since 1967, leaves his office as President of the U.S. Everything has not quite worked out exactly as this amazing article projected, but there appears to be a very strong case for applying the Double Reference principle to Rev. 17:10--11, using Obama as the EIGHTH, the projected Scriptural Antichrist. In this article, Kevin uses 1967 as the starting point. Israel has always been God's prophetic timepiece, so almost exclusively, and with justification, the two years that Bible scholars use to re-start God's prophetic time clock are 1948, when Israel became a nation, or 1967, when Israel re-captured Jerusalem, in the Six-Day War. How fascinating that we are now entering 2017, one complete Jubilee cycle, since 1967, and EIGHT Presidents since 1967. Here is part of Kevin Heckle's fascinating and extremely enlightening article, especially in light of Barack Obama, the Antichrist, and the year 2017. This was written in 2009, but what is written below, I believe applies directly to today, in 2017: Barack is the Eighth By: Kevin Heckle (Sept., 2009)Revelation 17:10-11-- And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. (11) And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
at the time of John’s writing the Book
of Revelation:
(Died 68 AD)
the office of emperor at John’s writing
(Overcame three usurpers on 12-21-69)
and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
(destroyed the Temple in 70 AD, became emperor in 79,
and died only a few short years later in 81)
(Antichrist) Will be of Roman Descent
According to Richard L. Wills research at , Barack Hussein Obama fits EXACTLY, as he is the
59th Great Grandson of Caesar
By my reckoning, the count stopped with the death of
the Roman (Titus), who previously dispersed the Jews in 70
AD. Barack IS the EIGHTH in line, starting with
Caesar Augustus, suspended after Titus (the destroyer of the Temple). The Eighth
could only come to power in the 42nd year after Jerusalem was
restored (1967), as there are only a total of 49 years in the final
70th week (7 DAYS X 7 YEARS) (My note: Obama came
to power in 2008--2009, when he was first elected, 42 years from
What are some other indicators that Barack is the
Barack Hussein Obama--Born
August 4, 1961
4, 70 AD, is when the Temple was destroyed.
August 4th
is the 216th day (6x6x6) of the year. 666 is the number
of the antichrist.
the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the
city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and
unto the end of the war desolations are
19th Prime inclusive of one is 61.
sum of the 18 primes, 2 through 61, equals 501, which is the Hebrew
61st Triangular number is 1891. There are
exactly 1891 years between 70 AD and 1961 AD, BARACK’s birth
So, not only is Barack a descendant of the people whom
destroyed the Temple, his BIRTH MONTH, BIRTH DAY and BIRTH YEAR are
determined by the end of the war, resulting in the destruction of the
5, 1967, during the Six-Day War, the Israelis captured Jerusalem for the
first time since August 4, 70 AD. On June 28, 1967,
their government annexed East Jerusalem
as Israeli territory.
U.S. President LB Johnson
(properly elected in 1964) was in office in 1967, beginning a
COUNT of EIGHT properly-elected
i. LBJ
(Ford took office when Nixon resigned, and was never
v. Bush
Jr. (pass over the enforcement of taxes, ie. “raiser of taxes”, as the
Hebrew word is used in this instance one time in the Bible as
‘raiser’. The rest of its uses are as "pass
over", "pass by", etc. The word ‘taxes’, in this instance, is not a
noun, but rather a verb that means ‘enforcement.’
Bush’s tax cuts will EXPIRE, reverting back to previous
levels….thus "over passing" taxes.)
(the EIGHTH in Rev. 17:11 ) spreads the wealth around in the
fattest places of the province (bailouts), changes times and laws
(fulfilling Scripture), comes in peaceably with flatteries (fulfilling
Scripture) and does not have the honor of the kingdom (questions
surrounding his birth place and rapidly-declining popularity, and also
fulfilling Scripture.)
comes to power in his 47th year. The
reduced gematria of ‘president’ is 47; the Greek gematria of ‘beast’ is
47; the ordinal gematria of 1st and 2nd John,
where the word ‘antichrist’ appears, has a value of 47; 47 is one of
only two powers of 666, where all the digits add up to
The rest of this post are my thoughts, not part of
Kevin's study. Revelation 17:8 says, "The Beast who was, and is
not, and yet is." This verse is the primary reason that, in
the past, some Bible Prophecy scholars have believed that the
Antichrist would be someone who will be raised from the dead,
such as Nero, or John F. Kennedy. I do not believe that Satan has
the power to raise from the dead. I believe this verse applies to
Barack Hussein Obama, and is further proof of the identity of the
Putting this verse into a modern-day context, we might
say that Obama WAS in power as the most powerful man in the world, and
IS NOT in power any longer, but will soon be back in power (AND YET IS),
once again, as the most powerful man on earth, as the Antichrist, who
will rule the entire world.
I see three possibilities here.
First, Obama MAY come back into power as the Secretary-General of
the United Nations. Or, he could somehow, in an extreme national
emergency, such as the nuclear destruction of New York City (with the
President and Vice-President of the U.S. possibly being killed) be
re-instated as President of the U.S. I do believe that
New York City is Mystery Babylon, and her total destruction is
probably the Sudden Destruction that will take place simultaneously with
the Rapture. The third possibility is this worldwide
catastrophe, known as the Sudden Destruction in 1st Thess. 5, will cause
the very rapid rise to power of a World President, who would be
Rev. 13:3 says "And his deadly wound was
healed." I have always leaned towards a literal fulfillment,
meaning a physical wound, but could it possibly be a political wound
instead? Obama has lost his power. Obama has lost his
authority. Obama has lost most of his
legacy, meaning he has been wounded, with Trump vowing to
repeal and replace Obamacare, and reversing most of his executive
orders. Surely, Trump cannot be President of the U.S. for very
long, lest most of the works of the Antichrist be undone. Surely,
the New World Order elite have a plan to put Obama's agenda back into
place. I believe this is further evidence of the Sudden
Destruction event happening in 2017, to force the world to accept their
evil and sinister plan for a one-world government. All of a
sudden, the whole world "wonders after the Beast", as Obama, who
once was the most powerful man on earth, regains his power, his agenda,
and his authority.
Rev. 13:5 says that the Beast will be given power and
authority to CONTINUE FOR 42 MONTHS. This tells us that the
Antichrist will be a man who has already been in power once. Did
you ever wonder why 42 months? Why would the whole world give any
man power and authority for a period of 42 months. It seems like
an odd amount of time, unless it was a former President of the most
powerful country in the world, being put back into power for the last 3
and one-half years of a Presidential term of office.
The word CONTINUE, combined with THE BEAST WHO
WAS, AND IS NOT, AND YET IS (Rev. 17:8) tells us that the EIGHTH
(OBAMA) (Rev. 17:11) will regain his power and authority. Let me
suggest to you that the fulfillment of Revelation 18, which will be the
total destruction of Mystery Babylon (NYC?), could very possibly bring
about this fulfillment of Obama's role as the Antichrist. Yes, I
do believe that Obama is NOW in the process of fulfilling his final role
as the Antichrist. We do not know all of the details of exactly
how this will transpire, but I believe that we will able to view the
actual events from Heaven, VERY SOON NOW!!!
Ron Reese
Melissa Hopeful2 days ago
Steve, it's reported that on Jan. 23, Obama left palm Springs and went to the British Virgin islands (on a private Falcon 900EX jet called "Galactic Girl"), for the rest of his vacation till Feb 4. On Sunday, Obama was seen leaving the Thunderbird Country Club after a workout. He reportedly exercised there everyday since arriving in Palm Springs. I looked up the meaning of "Thunderbird" = The thunderbird originates from Native American mythology and is, apparently, gigantic. They are vengeful hunters, fond of killer whales (for breakfast, lunch, and dinner) but even carrying off children for an afternoon snack (aka: villain bird.) Thunderbirds cause storms and are known to show up before a natural disaster strikes. Sheet lightning flashes from its eyes when it blinks, and the creature carries golden snakes to cause individual lighting bolts.
The Thunderbirds apparently will be in the superbowl?
Reply: The monsters the native elders described were pterodactyls. They still exist today; missionaries have seen them. People from Third World countries have expressed confusion as to why western scientists say they are extinct, because they have seen them in their countries. People in Texas have reported seeing them.
Steve, it's reported that on Jan. 23, Obama left palm Springs and went to the British Virgin islands (on a private Falcon 900EX jet called "Galactic Girl"), for the rest of his vacation till Feb 4. On Sunday, Obama was seen leaving the Thunderbird Country Club after a workout. He reportedly exercised there everyday since arriving in Palm Springs. I looked up the meaning of "Thunderbird" = The thunderbird originates from Native American mythology and is, apparently, gigantic. They are vengeful hunters, fond of killer whales (for breakfast, lunch, and dinner) but even carrying off children for an afternoon snack (aka: villain bird.) Thunderbirds cause storms and are known to show up before a natural disaster strikes. Sheet lightning flashes from its eyes when it blinks, and the creature carries golden snakes to cause individual lighting bolts.
The Thunderbirds apparently will be in the superbowl?
Reply: The monsters the native elders described were pterodactyls. They still exist today; missionaries have seen them. People from Third World countries have expressed confusion as to why western scientists say they are extinct, because they have seen them in their countries. People in Texas have reported seeing them.
Sunday, January 29, 2017
A Prayer
A prayer sent
January 29
Keep your focus on Me. I have gifted you with amazing freedom, including the ability to choose the focal point of your mind. Only the crown of My creation has such remarkable capability; this is a sign of being made in My image. Let the goal of this day be to bring every thought captive to Me. Whenever your mind wanders, lasso those thoughts and bring them into My Presence. In My radiant Light, anxious thoughts shrink and shrivel away. Judgmental thoughts are unmasked as you bask in My unconditional Love. Confused ideas are untangled while you rest in the simplicity of My Peace. I will guard you and keep you in constant Peace, as you focus your mind on Me. You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. —Psalm 8:5 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. —Genesis 1:26–27 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. —2 Corinthians 10:5 You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You. —Isaiah 26:3 amp
January 29
Keep your focus on Me. I have gifted you with amazing freedom, including the ability to choose the focal point of your mind. Only the crown of My creation has such remarkable capability; this is a sign of being made in My image. Let the goal of this day be to bring every thought captive to Me. Whenever your mind wanders, lasso those thoughts and bring them into My Presence. In My radiant Light, anxious thoughts shrink and shrivel away. Judgmental thoughts are unmasked as you bask in My unconditional Love. Confused ideas are untangled while you rest in the simplicity of My Peace. I will guard you and keep you in constant Peace, as you focus your mind on Me. You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. —Psalm 8:5 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. —Genesis 1:26–27 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. —2 Corinthians 10:5 You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You. —Isaiah 26:3 amp
Sean Spicer "I Just Said It TWICE! The OBAMA Administration Put These Fi...
Only 109 people not allowed entry into the USA.
Deborah's Friend Shares
One of Deborah's friends who speaks about her experience with Mental Illness.
News Feed
Bell Let's Talk Day.. A day where we break down the stigma of mental
health. Mental health is something I whole heartedly stand up for and is
a dream of mine to speak at schools about it and promote awareness.
Those that know me, know that mental health is something that I have had
to cope with in many ways.. I have lost close friends to the illness
and have suffered greatly from it myself. When I was in Gr.11 I
witnessed a hit and run car crash and what I didn't know was that
started my PTSD. It wasn't until the 1st day of Grade 12 when we lost
William Thornton that it got really bad. I had seen him walking home and
thought to go out and ask him how his day was, instead I decided not to
because he had put in his headphones. The next day was when I learned
that less then an hour after he was gone. Although the situation was not
the sole reason for my depression it had a big impact. I had convinced
myself that had I gone out things would have been different, had I said
hello could it have saved him. I began to take responsibility even
though it likely would of just been postponed... I became depressed
after I couldn't handle everything that had pilled up on me. I started
taking everything personally and started to withdraw from people that
were once my best friends. I had started cutting my wrists because I
didn't think I was allowed to cry. I cut 2-3 times a day hiding it from
everyone. I had confided in a friend Jaden Dobsin who ultimately told
our youth leader that had called my parents. I remember the day the
phone rang and I was called up stairs. I knew what it was about and I
knew the pain I was about to put my parents through. I continued to
struggle with depression and cutting for the rest of the school year and
into the summer. I went to camp with the youth group and heard Jason
speak, I remember still struggling a lot and thought how does he know,
it's like he was talking directly to me. I sat at the end of the dock
contemplating everything that had happened and realized i couldn't do it
on my own anymore, he came down and found me and I spoke with him about
it and the next night was the first time I admitted I had a problem out
loud. I got help and went to a counsellor that helped me stop cutting
but when I turned 19 it had started again. I used to describe it as if
it were my nicotine I was addicted to it. I started drinking every
weekend and partying to the point I only had vague memory's I became
friends with people I only later found out were going to shatter my
whole world. It wasn't until I moved to Ontario and started dating the
love of my life Addi Smythe
that I figured my life out, got away from all the toxic people and
places. I had visited my best friend at the time who had also moved to
Ontario in London for his birthday, we again got drunk like we always
did but I had changed. He pinned me down as his friend assaulted me thus
sending me into another downward spiral. I have since gotten the help I
need and am thriving in my new life with dreams and goals that I'm
continually exceeding. The help I've gotten has allowed me to deal with
my issues in healthy ways so upon learning of Deborah Gordon
passing away I was able to deal with my emotions appropriately for the
first time in a long time.... there are parts of my story I often leave
out and many don't know of but it is so important to break the stigma,
to let others know there is help out there that there is a future when
it feels like there isn't one. Everyone knows someone that has
struggled, it shouldn't be one day a year, it should be everyday. Let's
break the stigma of Mental Disorders.
❤️ #bellletstalk

Victoria High Parent Meeting
Student overdose deaths prompt Victoria High parent meeting
'It's happening in all high schools. It's happening everywhere.'
The Victoria High School PAC organized a Jan. 26
information meeting on overdoses for parents in response to student
deaths. (Google Street View)
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The latest was a 17-year-old girl from Victoria High School who died of an apparent drug overdose last month.
"It was quite shocking for their community to lose two bright, engaged students," said youth outreach worker Lorna Mace, one of the scheduled speakers for the meeting.
- What we learned phoning every drug rehab facility in British Columbia
- B.C. College of Physicians and Surgeons lifts 'outdated' restriction on Suboxone to help overdose crisis
- New overdose prevention centre opens in Victoria
"It's happening in all high schools. It's happening everywhere," she said.
Victoria High's parent advisory council has
organized an information session about how to talk to their kids about
drugs, following the apparent overdose deaths of two students.
Mace and Victoria Police Const. Chris Gilbert, a school liaison officer who is also speaking at the Jan. 26 event, agreed that a shortage of resources is a major obstacle.
Lost opportunities for treatment
"You might want to kick the habit today," Gilbert told On the Island host Gregor Craigie. "So you'll muddle through today or for another week or two. But if there's no bed, by then, you've changed your mind. We've lost that opportunity."Mace said there is too little support available in every aspect of the response to the crisis, from prevention and early intervention to harm reduction and treatment options.

Earlier this month, RCMP seized near an
elementary school in Langford more than $26,000 and more than 600 pills,
which are being tested for fentanyl. (West Shore RCMP)
"I think it's hard to really understand the fact that just using one substance, one time, can actually be fatal and pretty quickly."
She said young people are also attracted to drug use to reduce emotional, as well as physical pain.
For parents, she advises talking with teenaged children about drug use "from the most loving and non-judgmental place."
Hidden drug use
The most important words, she said, are: 'I'm not going to punish you, I'm going to support you.'"Mace, who works at the Victoria Youth Clinic, said young people can hide their drug use from parents if they want to.
"We get parents who walk into the clinic with their kids and say 'I just found out this morning, my daughter just admitted to me that she's injecting heroin every two hours.'"
The meeting is 7 p.m., Jan. 26, in the Victoria High auditorium at 1260 Grant St.
With files from Rachel Sanders
To hear the interview with social worker Lorna Mace and Victoria Police Constable Chris Gilbert on CBC Radio One's On The Island go to the audio labelled 'Student overdoses prompt Victoria High parents meeting'.
This Sunday Morning
This Sunday morning, I am seeing that a couple of hundred parents met in Victoria in order to get educated about drug use among our youth. There have been even grandparents attending as they are absolutely out of the loop in understanding the deadly drugs that are out there. Today, I also heard that there was another "police incident" on the Lions Gate Bridge which caused the closure of the bridge. Not exactly sure of what happened, but generally that term alone indicates a jumper to me.
In the midst of dealing with health issues as we are aging, especially that of my husband, we are even more unsure of the tomorrow. How do we age gracefully? Due to illness, are we now exempt from sharing the same bed together.. Now there is a good debate? Is snoring alone a reason to move out of a matrimonial bedroom? Is a sleep apnea machine enough to halt the natural human contact that one has been used to for decades? What is a mutual consent decision, and what isn't? If a spouse wishes not to disturb the other spouse, is that reason enough to remove ones self from the same room? I think we are sleeping less, urinating more and cranky as we age. These symptoms may not always catch us in our 60's and 70's but much earlier. For instance, I have learned that men may have enlarged prostrates as early as in their 40's.This is what the bible says. "1 Corinthians 7:5 [Full Chapter]
As I see much upheaval in the world, including China, and the Hong Kong disturbances possibly going back to full communism, we are humbled to stay in prayer for our families and governments. May the fabric of society, the family stay strong, just and a productive member of our country. There is hope with the living, but how can the dead worship God?
In the midst of dealing with health issues as we are aging, especially that of my husband, we are even more unsure of the tomorrow. How do we age gracefully? Due to illness, are we now exempt from sharing the same bed together.. Now there is a good debate? Is snoring alone a reason to move out of a matrimonial bedroom? Is a sleep apnea machine enough to halt the natural human contact that one has been used to for decades? What is a mutual consent decision, and what isn't? If a spouse wishes not to disturb the other spouse, is that reason enough to remove ones self from the same room? I think we are sleeping less, urinating more and cranky as we age. These symptoms may not always catch us in our 60's and 70's but much earlier. For instance, I have learned that men may have enlarged prostrates as early as in their 40's.This is what the bible says. "1 Corinthians 7:5 [Full Chapter]
Defraud not one another, unless, it
may be, by consent for a time, that ye may devote yourselves to prayer,
and again be together, that Satan tempt you not because of your incontinency."
Do people even talk about these things? We are so confined in our earthly bodies with many ailments. I can't imagine how migrants from Syria for instance have managed without doctors for years and years. Mental health, just like physical health has to be addressed with our growing population. Youth need education, great mentorship from parents and relatives, a place to enjoy sports and recreation centers, libraries, trade workshops to preserve skills and future inventions. Foremost, a good and righteous government is needed that supports and values life, whether it be unborn or born.As I see much upheaval in the world, including China, and the Hong Kong disturbances possibly going back to full communism, we are humbled to stay in prayer for our families and governments. May the fabric of society, the family stay strong, just and a productive member of our country. There is hope with the living, but how can the dead worship God?
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Measles Isn't a Virus
Anti-Vaxxer Biologist Stefan Lanka Bets Over $100K Measles Isn’t A Virus; He Wins In German Federal Supreme Court
by Dr. Stefan Lanka
The Federal Supreme Court (BGH) has ruled in the measles virus trial. The First Civil Senate of the BGH has confirmed the judgment by the Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart (OLG) of the 16 February 2016. The sum of €100,000 which I had offered as a reward for scientific proof of the existence of the alleged measles virus does not have to be paid to the plaintiff. The plaintiff also was ordered to bear all procedural costs.
Five experts have been involved in the case and presented the results of scientific studies. All five experts, including Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Podbielski who had been appointed by the OLG Stuttgart as the preceding court, have consistently found that none of the six publications which have been introduced to the trial, contains scientific proof of the existence of the alleged measles virus.
Genetics falsifies thesis of existence
In the trial, the results of research into so-called genetic fingerprints of alleged measles virus have been introduced. Two recognised laboratories, including the world’s largest and leading genetic Institute, arrived at exactly the same results independently.The results prove that the authors of the six publications in the measles virus case were wrong, and as a direct result all measles virologists are still wrong today: They have misinterpreted ordinary constituents of cells as part of the suspected measles virus.
Because of this error, during decades of consensus building process, normal cell constituents were mentally assembled into a model of a measles virus. To this day, an actual structure that corresponds to this model has been found neither in a human, nor in an animal. With the results of the genetic tests, all thesis of existence of measles virus has been scientifically disproved.
The OLG Stuttgart on 16 February 2016 overturned the judgment of the court of first instance, dismissed the action and referred, inter alia, to the central message of Prof. Podbielski with respect to the six publications. The plaintiff filed an appeal against the judgment of the OLG to the Supreme Court. As reason he stated his subjective, yet factually false perception of the trial sequence at the court in Stuttgart, and the assertion that our naming of facts about measles posed a threat to public health. The plaintiff’s position was rejected by the Supreme Court in plain words. Thus, the Supreme Court confirmed the judgment of the OLG Stuttgart from 16 February 2016.
The six publications submitted in the trial are the main relevant publications on the subject of “measles virus.” Since further to these six publications there not any other publications which would attempt by scientific methods to prove the existence of the measles virus, the Supreme Court judgment in the measles virus trial and the results of the genetic tests have consequences: Any national and international statements on the alleged measles virus, the infectivity of measles, and on the benefit and safety of vaccination against measles, are since then of no scientific character and have thus been deprived of their legal basis.
Upon enquiries which had been triggered by the measles virus contest, the head of the National Reference Institute for Measles at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Prof. Dr. Annette Mankertz, admitted an important fact. This admission may explain the increased rate of vaccination-induced disabilities, namely of vaccination against measles, and why and how specifically this kind of vaccination seems to increasingly trigger autism.
Prof. Mankertz has admitted that the “measles virus” contains typical cell’s natural components (ribosomes, the protein factories of the cell). Since the vaccination against measles contains whole “whole measles virus”, this vaccine contains cell’s own structures. This explains why vaccination against measles causes frequent and more severe allergies and autoimmune reactions than other types of vaccination. The court expert Prof. Podbielski stated on several occasions that by the assertion of the RKI with regard to ribosomes in the measles virus, the thesis of existence of measles virus has been falsified.
In the trial it was also put on record that the highest German scientific authority in the field of infectious diseases, the RKI, contrary to its legal remit as per § 4 Infection Protection Act (IfSG), has failed to create tests for alleged measles virus and to publish these. The RKI claims that it made internal studies on measles virus, however refuses to hand over or publish the results.
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