In the United States, Christianity has claimed that health, wealth and prosperity are the sign of a Christian…

We are strangers in a foreign land:
- Jesus spoke of forsaking all, taking up the Cross and following Him.
- Jesus told the rich young ruler to sell all that he had, give the money to the poor and follow Him.
- Jesus said that those who love Father, mother, spouse, children, houses or lands more than they love Him are not worthy of Him.
- The Disciples walked away from everything to follow Jesus.
- The Apostles were poor and persecuted.
- Paul wondered about the known world, living in other people’s houses and eating other people’s food. He was beaten, stoned, shipwrecked, imprisoned and finally beheaded for the Cross of Christ.
- Stephen, a new convert, was stoned to death.
- Peter was crucified upside down.
- John spent his last years exiled on a prison island.
- The history of the Church over two thousand years is a story of poverty, misery and persecution.
- Christians around the world today are persecuted and ostracized from society…
Around the world, baptized believers must abandon all in order to follow Jesus. Discipleship is the costliest venture in the world… unless you live in America.
Stand by, the American Christian Illusion is about to come crashing down. We will soon see who loves Jesus and who loves prosperity.
The insane delusion is over…
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