Friday, April 24, 2015

Hormones Raging-Neuro Chemical

Deb's first car she picked out with her dad


or neur-
1. Nerve: neuroblast.
2. Neural: neuropathology.
I just spoke to a doctor at length about my almost loss of faith in the medical system. Aside from showing her my recovering infection in my ankle, I asked her if I can touch on the issue of mental health being that week in our calendar. Once I shared my story, she was touched, and shared that this particular field very much interests her. She feels that youth are generally under medicated, and under supervised when it comes to depression.  Often we are afraid of administering the serotonin family of drugs to our loved ones, and when we do, we notice their slow recovery.  During this time, she suggests that they are well enough to plan their suicide, as before when they were in deep depression they were not even able to move.  At that point how can we ask of them to change this and pursue  that, when they barely cope.
She feels that Deborah's sad state was due to depression and a neuro chemical imbalance in her brain. I asked her, well how can one determine, or measure that? She told me that after giving an individual such as Cipralex or Prozac the most highly revered medication since it has been around the longest, she has people who are neuro chemically challenged come in and report feeling much better. The careful balance then must be severely observed, which is to increase the medication; the serotonin level until the person feels well enough to function  for a steady period of time.  On the other hand if an illness is only psychological, these medications don't help. I honestly wish I had a recorder with me, as she just went on and on about how sadly when teenagers are impulsive, and hormones are raging, there isn't usually enough supervision, or information out there for parents or family members. She knows of people who should be confined to the hospital, but let themselves out by convincing the doctors they should be released, and upon their release they die by suicide. The doctor said that she would go as far to say that possibly Deborah was under medicated. She saw no hope, even when we observed the bright future waiting for her. I am now wanting to research more on Neuro chemical reasons for taking one's life. I was told that anyone can fall into this state of affairs, and the person will become unrecognizable to your eyes.

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