11 FEB 2025
(12 FEB 2025)
Hey guys, how are you? So today is Wednesday. God only knows what date it is. Hang on, let me see if I can find out… the 12th Wednesday, 12th of February. It is now 7:00am, almost 7:00am, and while there's not much information being shared regarding the RV, there's even less about the Med Beds.
Why? Because the Med Beds are ready to go, and they have been for a long time. Um, when the Redemption appointment notifications are released, it is that the Med Beds will be available to the humanitarians, those who receive humanitarian funding. So they're ready.
They're ready to go. So there is no updates on the Med Beds, because they are ready.
As for the RV, there's a lot of information, a lot of things are happening, just we can't talk about it. And even though I'm not an RV person, I do get information, which most often I don't share, because like you, I'm sick of this roller coaster, information not coming true. The information when it's given is true, but then it doesn't happen, because it's constantly changing. So I, like you, am very annoyed, very frustrated over this shit, so to speak.
So what do we do from here? Well, I'm not going to spell it out for you, but I can tell you what I'm going to be doing today. I'm staying home and looking for property. That's what I'm doing today, because I want to have several properties lined up to look at when that magical email arrives.
I know this morning, since I woke up, or just in the last half hour actually, that my guides and galactics have been telling me I need to dust things off and prepare, because at the moment I will need them very, very, very, very, very soon. So even halfway through my exercises, I was told to stop, go back inside and start looking for property. Spend the whole day looking at properties, going through them.
Yes, I know I've been told that I already have a property, like many of us already do, but just in case, it doesn't hurt to cover all the bases, because 1. I don't want to stay in this motel as soon as those notifications come, and 2. it's not safe for me to stay in this motel, because many people do know where I live. It's not safe. So if you are homeless, or you are in a sad situation, or a situation that is potentially risky, potentially abusive, whether it be family or partner, it might be a good idea to look at holiday homes, motels, hotels, you know, in the next state, or the next few suburbs over. It might be time to look for property.
Maybe you too should dust your things off, your projects, and just go through your currencies again. Go and look at those bikini bodies, and those gorgeous other bodies, like Henry Cavill, Chris Hemsworth, if you're a man, you know, whatever floats your boat. We won't go down that path. It's too early in the morning to get that hot, but you know what I'm saying. Maybe, just maybe, this time, we might be right. It doesn't hurt to be prepared.
Don't forget to meditate. Raise your frequency. Get into your heart.
Have a beautiful, blessed day everyone. Bye.
11 FEB 2025
(12 FEB 2025)
Transcript: @nitnem_singh
Proofread: @TitoChiliBF
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