Friday, October 4, 2024

Imminent Gesera

Imminent GESARA Mass Wealth Redistribution Unleashed: NESARA’s Rainbow Currency Being Printed and Secretly Tested, EBS Set to Activate, as Global Banks Collapse and CEOs Resign Worldwide!

September 29, 2024—The Revolution Has Begun! We are living through the final chapter of the old world. The global elites are in a state of panic, scrambling to keep control as the most monumental wealth transfer in history is being prepared under NESARA and GESARA. The signs are exploding into view, visible to anyone who dares to see beyond the lies of the controlled media.

The Prosperity Funds—Activation Imminent

The Prosperity Funds—the secret weapon in GESARA’s arsenal—are locked and loaded, ready for imminent distribution. Reports from insiders suggest that by mid-October, we could see the first round of direct wealth transfers, wiping out personal debts, and distributing the wealth that has been stolen from the people for generations. The old systems of debt slavery are being torn down, and this redistribution will be unlike anything the world has ever seen.

Banks have already begun quiet debt forgiveness, erasing loans and credit card debts without fanfare. They’re trying to avoid the inevitable backlash when the truth comes out—that they’ve been exploiting humanity with fake money, fake loans, and fraudulent interest rates. The world is waking up to GESARA wealth redistribution, and there’s no stopping it now.

Banks Are Collapsing, and It’s All Part of the Plan

The recent collapses of Silicon Valley Bank, Credit Suisse, and others? These aren’t just failures of management; they are deliberate takedowns to weaken the cabal’s control. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is operational, directly challenging the old fiat infrastructure. Even JPMorgan Chase is under pressure, with rumors of a quiet run on the banks. They can’t win—every transaction is traced by the QFS, and the corrupt elites have nowhere to hide.

The Rainbow Currency—It’s Happening Behind the Scenes!

The Rainbow Currency, backed by gold, silver, and platinum, is already in circulation in select areas. Eyewitness accounts in Montana and West Virginia confirm that these bills are colorful, holographic, and impossible to counterfeit. The fiat currency system, controlled by the Federal Reserve, is gasping its last breath, while the Rainbow Currency is rising from its ashes.

The EBS Is Ready to Be Activated

The EBS is prepped and ready. Insiders confirm military communication channels are being cleared in anticipation of the global broadcast. Expect mass internet outages, power grid disruptions, and a complete communication blackout—this is the 10 Days of Darkness. The Emergency Broadcast System will deliver the truth bombs the world needs to hear.

Mass Resignations—The Elite Rats Are Abandoning Ship!

In the corporate world, the dominos are falling fast. Just in the past two months, we’ve seen unprecedented resignations of high-profile CEOs: Disney, Amazon, oil giants—all jumping ship. These CEOs are being forced out as the NESARA purge continues. Insiders report that sealed indictments are finally being unsealed, and many leaders are receiving “resignation or arrest” ultimatums.

The Quantum Financial System—No More Secrets

The Quantum Financial System is the backbone of this revolution. Every movement of money is being tracked and traced. This isn’t just about eliminating corruption—it’s about ensuring never again can the wealth of the people be siphoned away in the dark.

The Mass Awakening—The Revolution Is Already Here

NESARA and GESARA are happening now. The old world is collapsing, and a new world of freedom, abundance, and peace is being born. The elites are in disarray, their power structures dismantled piece by piece. The greatest wealth transfer in history is imminent, and the elite can do nothing to stop it.

The world is changing, the lies are falling apart, and the truth is setting us free. Prepare yourselves—the world as you know it is ending, and something much greater is taking its place.

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