Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Nesera QFS

NESARA & QFS Plan: The Process of RV Redemption Started, Actual Signature Forms like NDA and Post-Redemption Plan Documents – Inside the Exclusive World of Redemption Centers!

The process of RV redemption is unfolding, and it's about more than just money. This is about reclaiming what’s been stolen from us by the cabal, Deep State, and banksters. Redemption Centers are where we take back control, where NESARA/GESARA protocols are in full effect.

We the people will receive higher exchange rates, QPhones, QLaptops, and even Rainbow Currency at these centers. If you’ve prepared your Humanitarian Initiative Trust, you’re in prime position to benefit. This isn’t just a financial reset—it’s God’s plan, working through us to help humanity.

What You Need to Know:

Reclamation: The return to a better state. This is about more than just land or money; it’s about restoring what was taken by the elites through their criminal systems. NESARA will do that for the U.S. citizens.
Restitution/Reparation: Compensating for the years of illegal taxes, loans, and the financial enslavement we’ve suffered. The income taxes, mortgages, and credit cards? They’ve been used to keep us as chattel, bonds taken out against our very lives from birth certificates to social security numbers.
Who’s Eligible? Those aged 24 to 61+ are in line for massive lump sums depending on their age group. For example:

61+: Up to $61 million
45-60: Up to $38 million
24-44: Up to $23 million
This payout is reparation for the wrongs committed against us.

Redemption Types:

Currency Exchange: For those with ZIM bonds, dinar, and dong, you’re looking at double-digit rates at Redemption Centers, with gold-backed values. The ZIM bond is 1:1 to the new USTN dollar. You’ll be asked to allocate a portion of your funds for humanitarian projects—we’re not just saving ourselves; we’re saving the world.

XRP Buyback: There’s a $1 million per token value on XRP set by the QFS, already mirrored into Quantum Accounts. This buyback is part of a larger strategy to stabilize global markets and root out the evil.

This is about more than money. It’s about justice, about freedom, and about taking back what’s ours. The deep state’s grip is slipping, and this process is the path to redemption. The time is now, Patriots—we must stand ready to rebuild and restore.

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