Thursday, September 19, 2024


For those who still can't grasp what's really going on…

Trump and the White Hats signed a global peace treaty—GESARA NESARA. But don't be fooled by the so-called "peace." This is no ordinary treaty. It’s a trap for the enemy. They surrendered a long time ago, but it hasn’t been announced. Why? Because we are in the final stages of a secret war.

Yes, it might look like Trump is working with Zionist enemies in Israel, but the truth is the Global Alliance has already overtaken them. The elites pulling the strings—those at the very top—have already fallen. The Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, Gates, they are all under control now, even if they still parade around in public like nothing happened.

Trump isn’t collaborating with them—he’s replaced them. He’s the true ruler now, and not just of America, but over the entire world. He took down the puppet masters and claimed the throne. The Zionists and their lackeys have no choice but to obey. The king has returned! The light is coming!

But remember, this is a game of strategy. In war, you don't reveal your hand until it’s time for the final blow. Right now, Trump is holding all the cards. You need to hold the line, keep your poker face. The storm hasn’t passed—it’s building.

In the end, we’ll see who really won. The enemy won’t know what hit them until it’s too late.

The Great Awakening begins, join now:

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