Friday, July 19, 2024

Hello Friends

Hey Friends. 
Just checked into our hotel. 

We had a fantastic day driving through Yellowstone. 

The animals and the beauty filled our hearts with joy. 

I know a lot has been happening. It effected me today. 

The hotel we just checked into in Wyoming…is linked to MICROSOFT. 
All room keys can’t work so they had to implement an emergency plan with special keys.   

TV not working. 

Hotel wifi not working. 

It’s all connected!!

Here’s a weird tidbit. A guy who has been lodging at this hotel for a few months…and is a nurse at a local hospital…was sent home!!

He was told it was due to the “MICROSOFT” problem. 
But here’s the kicker…the nurses who were sent home were swapped with other “nurses” from the outside. 

Could this be the Military?

I’m thinking now is the time to take out ALL the doctors connected to the Convid shots. Most hospitals are using that MICROSOFT software. 

Are we quietly in 
Marshall Law?

Is this why that Marshall stood right next to Trump in that now iconic picture of Trump after he got shot?

Are they telling us??

The lady at front desk said her family and friends in Texas couldn’t get money out of ATM. 

Is this our warning??

Now is the time to do what we were told to do all these past few years. 
Get cash. 
Stock up with 10 days of food. 
Fill up the gas tanks. 
Be ready!!

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