Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Gesera timeline


Bond Redemption Process Going Forward - Part 1

2 July 2024 Update


Used all the realistic resources available, guided by MCT's posted intel and public information to guide me in this guesstimation.


The following Timeline is my personal opinion formulated to the best of my ability. Thus, I inform, you choose. It is not for sensationalism, it is provided based on realistic forecasts to give the beloved Bondholder a sure hope.


✅ Events completed.
⏳ Currently in progress.
❌ Events outstanding and to follow one after in very short spaces of time - 'dominoes falling scenario'.

Unfolding Events 


✅ Treaties signed with The Elders.
✅ Elders' donated off-ledger Gold readily available in strategic storage areas under protection of various militaries.
✅ Zimbabwe's ZIG now fully Gold-backed and ready for the Zim Bonds payout.
✅ Completion of MCT's 'Bond Program' Master Database registrations. This is a crucial part to get your details to contact you for your payouts and appointments.
✅ Completion of MCT's 'On-hand Bonds' Master Database registrations. This is a crucial part to get your details to contact you for your payouts. (Bond owners can continue to register even after the RV.)

In Progress:

⏳The following events are in progress and all are connected, meaning, designed to unfold together:

1) BRICS Blockchain Cross-border Payment System readiness announcement. (The tool to bring the off-ledger Gold on-ledger by your already Bond registration serial numbers captured on the Master Spreadsheet, this to ready your payments). 
2) Zimbabwe and Iraq joining BRICS which bind them to BRICS' Gold-backed policy forcing them to pay Zim Bonds and Dinars out in Gold-backed.
3) 4 Requirements of Iraq: WTO announcement, Dinar Rate in Gazette, CBI announcement of Dinar Rate, and Coalition Forces withdrawal announcement
(1-3 will happen dominoes falling style) 


Bonds Payment Procedure:

❌ This payment procedure applies only to Bond owners submitting their own On-hand Bonds (only the payment section below applies to those participating in the 'Bond Program'):

Step 1: Bond owner completes the submission documents and their Bonds are submitted to the MCT Submission Officer. The actual Bonds remain in safe keeping with the owner.✅

Step 2: An MCT Intake Officer then receives the submission from the MCT Submissions Officer, performs a mini due diligence and either accepts or rejects the submission.✅

Step 3: Accepted submissions are then registered and locked into the system where it stays until the RV commences. ✅

Step 4: At the start of the RV and the redemption of each Asset type [each Bond type], MCT will make available the Offer Procedure in which it will be specified exactly how much the Asset is paying.❌

Step 5: Asset [Bond] owners will be made aware that the RV is in progress when they are communicated with and be given the details of the MCT Redemption Agent who will be calling them to discuss their submission and Contract.❌

Step 6: An Attorney will draft the Contract and send it directly to the Asset [Bond] owner to sign and return.❌

Step 7: On receipt of the signed Contract by the Attorney, the Contact is forwarded to a MCT Paymaster who releases a "Good Faith Down Payment" of 1% to the Asset owner prior to final verification of Assets [Bonds] and within 24 hours of receipt by the MCT Attorney of the signed Contract.
(NOTE: Is is at this stage that the 'Bond Program' participants start to benefit as in this case the MCT Paymaster will release the 1% Good Faith Payment to the Bond owner’s private Paymaster who in turn will disburse an amount equal to 1% to each individual participating in the 'Bond Program'.)

Step 8: Initially a further "upfront Good Faith Down Payment" of 9% was being offered in a period of 3-7 days after the initial 1% but this 9% could be subject to change.

Cont. with Part 2...

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