Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Dinar Re evaluation


 Monday, February 12, 2024


 Nader of the Middle East

 This is what I can tell you. When the dinar changes, everyone will know. Everybody in the whole world, everybody knows it. It will be all over the news. When Iraq is sovereign again, when someone declares the end of the war and all that, that's what's going to happen...

 Many people compare Iraq to Kuwait. Kuwait has only 4,400,000 inhabitants... they have 104 billion barrels of oil. Iraq has 140 billion barrels of oil and this is only from four or five manufacturers. The others still don't work. Iraq will receive almost 300 billion barrels of oil by 2025...

 Algeria is big and has many assets, but it has many fewer than Iraq and its dinar is stronger than the Iraqi dinar. If you look at Tunisian dinars, Tunisia has nothing... and their dinars are 3 to 1: three dinars for 1 dollar. My point is that these people have nothing. A revolution is coming out. They are a disaster. It's completely a disaster. They lost a lot. The private sector is a disaster and its [its dinar] is still strong. Iraq, this rate is still a punishment rate... They have to reevaluate it. If they revalue they will revalue it 1 to 1.

 We are coming out of the war. We are coming out of the worst of our lives. We started walking... We started growing... It almost collapsed, but it didn't collapse. It remained and remained stable... The only thing that destabilizes Iraq's economy is the war... Iraq is a very strong country... In a couple of years Iraq will be one of the strongest countries in the world. world... Iraq is very strong.

 Iraq survived the worst of its life. We survived 3 or 4 wars in the last 50 years. We survived and each time we came back and came back strong. This time we are going to come back very strong... The Iraqi economy will never collapse on its own. The Iraqi economy is always stable unless someone else shuts it down for them. Iraq's economy is one of the best economies in the world and will again be the best economy in the world. The negative things about Iraq will never be revalued, it's a scam, all of that is nonsense. Iraq is going to come back someday and it will come back soon.


 as of February 12, 2024

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