Wednesday, November 15, 2023

When we break out of the Matrix

When we break out of the Matrix, I mean TRULY break out and we allow ourselves to question EVERYTHING we’ve ever been taught, two things happen. 

One, we realize we don’t know jack shit about anything and we start to look at things with the eyes of a child - the beginner’s mind. This is essential to seeing through the errors of our thinking and our conditioning. And it lets us enjoy the magic of discovering our world and this life. 

And two, we make room for our Real Thoughts. We clear out the old, false beliefs and allow space for the Majesty of what is True to enter. As this happens, we become more and more in tune with the Truth and our hearts begin to open. We accept God’s Love and the fact that we are part of Him. We are part of everything. We are not separate and NEVER WERE. We were just conditioned to believe that illusion. 
But everyone gets there in their own time. All perfect. All unfolding exactly as it should be. 

These are not things that anyone else can do for us. We must make the choice to WANT to see and to understand. It’s all about Free Will. This is why it takes a “scare event” or some kind of earth-shaking to get us out of our comfort zones enough to start to ask WTF is going on here?! Where the hell ARE WE? 

The good news right now is that we have help and we are not alone in this journey. Sure, we each have our personal dark nights of the soul, but knowing we are not alone makes a huge difference as we navigate those. We also have help from the Universe as the frequency rises and it becomes easier and easier to see the Matrix, to discern the Truth, and to get help from the other side. 

Everything that is happening right now is exactly as it should be. From the macro to the micro, nothing is overlooked, nothing is a coincidence. There truly is no such thing. Our human minds cannot comprehend this kind of intricacy, this perfection. But we can understand that we aren’t capable of full comprehension and that’s ok. This is where Faith comes in. This is when we learn to Trust … to Surrender to the greater power of Creation. 

You are safe. 
You are held and all will be ok. 
Let go of the rope.
And tell your Ego to fuck right off. 😉
You’re so much bigger than it can even begin to understand.


3 April 2022

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