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Zechariah’s Prophecy: Trump, Cyrus, Blood Moons and the Third Temple
“The sun shall turn into darkness And the moon into blood.” Joel 3:4 (The Israel Bible™)
April 2014 Blood Moon. (Credit: Anne Dirkse/ Wiki Commons)
month, a super blood moon will pass over the U.S. capital on a Jewish
holiday in a manner that one pastor argues connects to a prophecy in
Zechariah, creating a link between Donald Trump and Persian King Cyrus
building the Jewish Temple.
On January 21, a confluence of worlds will take place when a lunar eclipse
passes over Washington D.C. on the Jewish holiday of Tu B’Shevat (the
15th day of the Hebrew month Shevat): the arboreal New Year. It is
expected that this eclipse will have the proper conditions to create a blood moon in which the moon has a distinctly reddish tint. If so, this blood moon will be a supermoon,
which occurs when the moon is at its perigee, the point in its
month-long elliptical orbit brings it closest to Earth. At that time,
the moon appears up to 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than at
its apogee, its furthest point from Earth.
upcoming blood moon will bring together heaven and earth as the eclipse
coincides with the Jewish holiday of Tu B’Shevat (the 15th day of the
Hebrew month Shevat), the arboreal New Year and the second anniversary
of Donald Trump’s inauguration as President. Lest this be perceived as
happenstance, it should be noted that Trump was born on the night of
June 14, 1946, within fifteen minutes of a total lunar eclipse and 700
days before the state of Israel was established. Trump’s lucky sevens
did not end there. When he was sworn in as President on January 20,
2017, he was 70-years-old, seven months and seven days.
Pastor Mark Biltz, the founder of El Shaddai Ministries, is deeply connected to the Hebrew calendar and authored a bestselling book
on the subject. He is also connected to the concept of blood moons and
believes they are signposts in the Messianic process as described by the
prophet Joel.
the great and terrible day of Hashem comes, I will set portents in the
sky and on earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke; The sun shall
turn into darkness And the moon into blood. But everyone who invokes the
name of Hashem shall escape; for there shall be a remnant on Mount Zion
and in Yerushalayim, as Hashem promised. Anyone who invokes Hashem will
be among the survivors. Joel 3:3-5
that a blood moon passed over Jerusalem on Tu B’shevat last year,
Pastor Biltz emphasized that this was necessary for the sign to be a
complete sign.
“Jewish law requires two witnesses in order for the judgment to be complete,” Pastor Biltz told Breaking Israel News. “As
it says in Genesis, the sun and moon are signs of the times, not just
that the days, months, and years are passing but they will signal when
the times, the era, is changing.”
said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate day
from night; they shall serve as signs for the set times—the days and the
years; Genesis 1:14
blood moons, both on the same day of the Hebrew calendar, are
witnessing that the judgment has been passed and great things are about
to happen,” Pastor Biltz said.
Biltz sees this blood moon as being especially portentous for the
president of the United States regarding his relationship with Israel,
as per his understanding of the first chapter in Zechariah.
the twenty-fourth day of the eleventh month of the second year of
Darius—the month of Shevat…In the night, I had a vision. I saw a man,
mounted on a bay (red) horse, standing among the myrtles in the Deep…Zechariah 1:7
is the second reign of Darius, who we know as the Persian King Cyrus.
which takes place in the 70th year of the exile,” Pastor Biltz
explained. “The red horse, or the blood moon, will be coming in the same
month, the month of Shevat. This will be the second year of Trump’s
presidency, just as Zechariah described the second year of the reign of
Cyrus as being the time to begin building the Temple.”
Trump has frequently been compared to Persian King Cyrus, a non-Jewish ruler who ended the Babylonian exile and helped the Jews build the Second Temple in 516 BCE.
Normally, lunar eclipses are considered a bad omen for Israel. In its discussion of eclipses, the Talmud (Sukkot 29a) specifically described
this to be so since Israel is spiritually represented by the moon. If
during the course of the lunar eclipse the moon appears red, as the
upcoming eclipse will be, the Talmud states that this is an omen that
great wars will come to the world.
the end of this section describing the omens contained within eclipses,
the Talmud states a disclaimer: “When Israel does the will of the place
(God), they have nothing to fear from all of this,” citing the Prophet
Jeremiah as a source.
Thus said Hashem: Do not learn to go the way of the nations, And do not be dismayed by portents in the sky; Let the nations be dismayed by them! Jeremiah 10:2
Pastor Biltz continued in his interpretation of the prophecy.
the angel of Hashem exclaimed, “O lord of Hosts! How long will You
withhold pardon from Yerushalayim and the towns of Yehuda, which You
placed under a curse seventy years ago?” Zechariah 1:12
are now again at the end of the 70 years from Israel blossoming as a
fig tree!” Pastor Biltz said. “The prophet declares that it is time to
rebuild the Temple but adds a warning.”
thus said Hashem: I graciously return to Yerushalayim. My House shall
be built in her—declares the lord of Hosts—the measuring line is being
applied to Yerushalayim. Zechariah 1:16
cannot be divided,” Pastor Biltz warned. “HaShem is saying the nations
will not determine the boundaries of Jerusalem. This is for God to do!”
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