Dear Friends, I hope that your Holiday was pleasant and you were an encouragement to others during the last few days. I have started to put away some of the excess decorations. I was hoping that we would not feel rushed but things come up that you can't help. For instance our car broke down on boxing day, and we got towed to our mechanic's shop. He was very sleepy when he opened the gates. I give God thanks for all these beautiful talented people who serve us all year round. I thank our grocery store clerks, our doctors, dentists, mechanics, gardeners at the cemetery, hairdressers our city workers who answer calls regarding a bunch of things. We still have people without power on Vancouver Island after 6 days. Imagine having to work for BC Hydro while your family is all together this time of the year? I thank our telephone wires which connect us to our long distance relatives and friends.
I called my mom in Florida the other day, Deborah's grandma only to read the Christmas story to her before they told me she must go and have her dinner at 4;30 in the afternoon. Life is hard and often cruel, but we must see the silver lining in all things, and not grow bitter. If there is anything we can try to do this coming new year, is to speak the truth and not grow bitter despite the hardships of life. This is easier said than done.
Deborah on the left, Erica in the Middle and Elizabeth in Silver, 3 of the four girls |
I regret not being able to go to the graveside, and take flowers to Deborah. Today we have no car, and yesterday, we spent the majority of time Boxing day Shopping, and getting towed. All this makes us appreciate things more. My eldest turned 30 on Boxing Day. Somehow it is hard to fathom how quickly she grew up.. Missing my dear Deborah, on all of these holiday occasions. Her absence makes my heart ache in a very literal way.
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