Friday, May 4, 2018

The Life We Were Robbed Of

It will be 4 years in August since we lost Deborah. That's 1460 days.
That's 4 years of missed birthdays and family functions.
4 years of waking up, knowing she's just not in the room next door.
 4 years of us waiting for her to show up at the front door.

While our family has always tried to keep ourselves busy---jumping back into work----busy to the extent of exhaustion===social media has made it a sad reminder for us of the emptiness in our lives.

Friends are having grandchildren.
Friends are celebrating another graduation----a wedding.
Friends are celebrating their childrens purchase of their first home.

We can't help but think and wonder what life would be like if Deborah was still here with us. Would she be finishing up school? Would she be working her first adult job or about to get married?

Her suicide was complete; clean as some would say. Final... But Sunday is coming, and the Graves will be opened, and we shall see one another again. Jesus the Victor over the Grave. Do not be dismayed!
two days before her death on her baptism

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