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Monday, February 26, 2018
What does it take to not be invited to dinner with Trudeau?Scroll down please
Rex Murphy: What does it take to not be invited to dinner with Trudeau?
Diplomatically speaking, the Atwal incident was
like coming off the ski jump, head down, without a helmet, and meeting
the ski lift coming up
Rally demands justice for Tina Fontaine and Colten Bouchie
“Consider the lilies of the field … they toil not, neither do
they spin: yet I say unto you, that even Justin on the India trip (and
he had top designers) was not arrayed like one of these.” St. Matthew of Dior
agrees our prime minister is both elegant and stylish. How well he
looks and dresses is the prime well of his confidence. But this week’s
Passage Through India was a struggle between self-parody and narcissism
in which, alas, both sides won. Mr. Trudeau showed up in India with more
costumes than a Vegas chorus line on a 50-state tour.
From the
Taj Mahal to the Golden Temple, in the foreground of the splendours of
Indian architecture and belief, Justin and Sophie offered a pose in
every conceivable Indian fashion but (thank Shiva) the dhoti. Judging
from the PM’s apparel the point of this Canadian trade mission was to
bring India to India. An uncomfortable redundancy one might assume. But
perhaps not incidentally a wonderful opportunity to harvest a propaganda
stockpile for future Diversity is Our Strength Liberal campaigns among
the diaspora: a Niagara of selfies, instagrams by the bushel, glossies
for posters yet to come, and film for Imax rallies yet to be called.
Dull old Stephen Harper used to just visit countries; Justin Trudeau goes abroad to wear them
Hence the fashion show. Dull old Stephen Harper used to just visit countries; Justin Trudeau goes abroad to wear them.
wearing a costume of the country just once or twice might be seen as a
laudable sprinkling of style and cultural awareness. But two or three
“Indian” costumes a day, from head to toe all glitter, crimson and gold,
was ladling out the multicultural sugar by the vat load. Vanity Fair
(naturally) offered the details of one stop that gives a taste of the
full immersion: “Trudeau’s wife, Sophie, wore a cream sari, his
daughter, Ella-Grace, wore a lehenga choli, his sons, Xavier and
Hadrien, wore a pyjama kurta set, and Trudeau himself wore an elaborate
On a trade mission nothing, just nothing says “Buy
Canadian” like your elaborate sherwani and a cool lehenga choli. They’re
on discount at Winners stores from Port Hawkesbury to Kamloops.
On a trade mission nothing, just nothing says 'Buy Canadian' like your elaborate sherwani
Mr. Trudeau varied his image with the dexterity of
a chameleon in a paint factory gifted with the taste of a peacock. Even
so, it should be fair to wonder if it is wise for a prime ministerial
visit to open itself up to being confused with a badly mistaken remake
of The King and I.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s wife, Sophie Gregoire Trudeau, was
photographed with convicted would-be assassin Jaspal Singh Atwal at a
function in India on Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2018.Postmedia NewsThere were, thankfully, other matters. I am not a master of
protocol but I do know a person who is on all aspects from dress to
security (he managed the visit to Newfoundland by Diana, Princess of
Wales). I sought him out for his wisdom. On security he told me the
rules were few but urgent. Top of the list was “keep invitations to
noted assassins at a minimum.” The guiding principle here was the fewer
assassins, would-be or otherwise, the better. None was regarded as
Thus it was quite the shock late in the week when one
Jaspal Atwal was found on the guest list for the prime minister’s dinner
at the Canadian High Commission. Mr. Atwal has a demonstrated eagerness
for thuggery and (attempted) assassination, and the criminal record to
prove it.
He is an energetic sort. In 1985 he attacked the
splendid and courageous Ujjal Dosanjh, beating him with an iron bar. Mr.
Dosanjh, brave man that he is, had spoken out against Sikh extremists
and earned for his efforts 88 stitches to his head, besides other
injuries. In 1986, Atwal abandoned the iron bar and went, with three of
his friends, for an upgrade to the gun.
What does it take NOT to get invited to the prime minister’s dinner table on a trip to India?
Atwal shot and wounded an Indian cabinet minister
on Vancouver Island when the minister was visiting Canada for a wedding —
a full but failed assassination attempt for which he was convicted of
attempted murder. There’s more on the rap sheet but just this should
raise the question — what does it take NOT to get invited to the prime
minister’s dinner table on a trip to India? Most would question allowing
him to go to Swiss Chalet for takeout.
Yet there was Atwal,
despite his infamy, his assault and attempted murder, on the guest list
for the big dinner at the High Commission; almost literally a spike in
the punch of the entire visit.
Yes, there indeed he was, Atwal the
failed assassin, showing up in photos with a handful of cabinet
ministers, the wife of the prime minister, and in other pictures,
preceding the visit, with all sorts of Liberal grandees and fundraisers.
crushed the coverage of the catwalk portion of the tour. Now the news
was a tad more sombre. The scandal broke the very day after Mr. Trudeau
had, finally, made explicit Canada’s determination to dissociate from
all efforts and spokespersons for Indian separatism, and the violent
behaviour that movement has spawned and embraced. Diplomatically
speaking, the Atwal incident was comparable to coming off the ski jump
ramp, head downwards, without a helmet, and meeting the roof of the ski
lift coming up. A week then, that began as some hybrid of Halloween in
Bollywood ended up with dangerous embarrassment.
All in all it
will be hard to flute this protracted trip with its bloated entourage,
cultural cross-dressing and empty agenda as anything by a dimwitted and
sloppy failure.
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