Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Inmate dies of suicide after one day in EMDC

News Local

Inmate dies of suicide after one day in EMDC

By Randy Richmond, The London Free Press
(Free Press file photo)
(Free Press file photo)
An inmate who died Saturday had been in jail for only one day on domestic assault charges, The Free Press has learned.
The inmate has been identified by sources, including friends and people inside the jail, as Ronald James Jenkins, 49, of London.
Jenkins was in custody and set to appear in court Monday on seven charges involving the same woman, dating back five years, court documents show.
The charges were withdrawn the same day because the accused was deceased, court documents show.
Jenkins is the fourth inmate to die at Elgin-Middlesex Detention Centre (EMDC) this year, and the 11th in the past eight.
“Ron was a gentleman, a good friend. . . . He will be much missed by many,” a female friend said, declining to comment further.
The circumstances of Jenkins’ death are unknown, but police say foul play is not suspected. Sources say he died of suicide.
Research across the world has shown that new arrivals to jail are susceptible to suicidal thoughts, especially first-time inmates, and the most vulnerable time for someone facing charges is within the first 90 days of being incarcerated.
The end of a marital or personal relationship also is considered a risk factor, as it is for men not in custody, research has noted.
But inquests into Ontario jail deaths have shown uneven use of limited suicide screening tools, which rely largely on people acknowledging suicidal thoughts.
One source said Jenkins was on a general population range, not under suicide watch in segregation.
The Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services did not confirm Jenkins’ name or answer questions about his time in custody, or death, citing ongoing investigations.
The province typically does not release the names of inmates who have died in custody until a coroner’s inquest is called.
Jenkins was charged with one count of assault, uttering threats of death and bodily harm, and four counts of assault with a weapon: a pen, belt, guitar and pipe.
Two of the assault charges involve incidents in 2012 and 2013, while the other three involve incidents in November and December 2017.
He also was charged with uttering threats in November 2017.
Court records show Jenkins was remanded in custody Dec. 8 and was set to appear in court Monday. He was found unresponsive in his cell Dec. 9.

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