Saturday, December 16, 2017

Christmas Plays and More Happenig

Is everyone feeling the pressure of the early dark nights? Does everyone feel like sleeping by 7 pm at night? Today, I stocked up on live fresh foods; fruits and vegetables. I hope that the good food will rejuvinate us. Extra heavy duty lights wouldn't hurt either. I know it is only us in the northern hemisphere who are noticing this, but it is nothing to monkey around with. Depression sets in quickly with the early dark evenings.
I tend to get up early, and accomplish my tasks as early as I can. Today, we hung up some lace curtains. I utilized a strong string, twist ties, and clear tacs. In the morning I had no idea how to pull if off, since a curtain rod that has two rods (one for the heavy curtain, and one for the lighter lace/sheer) would have cost me a small fortune; plus I would not have found a 19 foot curtain rod easily.  So today, I rejoice that we have a pretty window now, that is also covered with thermal curtains, and lovely Italian like lace to match my leather sofa's.
My next thing on the agenda was to go to Sears, to see if waterproof mattress covers have come down even more in price. I was called last week to host a Japanese student for a while. She is due to arrive after Christmas. I need to get Deborah's room ready for her. They want us to have a new criminal record check, a home visit and the list goes on.... So here I go again, even-though I said I will never have a student again, I have once again committed to the care and love of a foreigner.
My house is quiet, I was able to iron a few table cloths today. I have a hard time believing that Christmas is around the corner. Many people at the grocery stores were buying frozen turkeys. I'm still leaning towards getting a fresh bird.
Christmas plays have begun in local churches. My favorite, at the Willingdon Church in Burnaby is on this weekend, 2 performances tomorrow, at 3, and 7 pm. I find that they have the reputation of being the best. So, if you have a friend who does not know Jesus Christ personally, do them a big favor and take them to see a beautiful performance of a Choir, and Orchestra, with a story line, at a large local church. It is very important to help them come to Christ. Every life needs a Saviour, and Jesus is that Man-God, who was such a good friend that He died for us. Be safe, and healthy in your community, with much love. Maria

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