The terrible truth about cannabis: Expert's devastating 20-year study finally demolishes claims that smoking pot is harmless
- One in six teenagers who regularly smoke the drug become dependent
- It doubles risk of developing psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia
- Heavy use in adolescence appears to impair intellectual development
- Driving after smoking cannabis doubles risk of having a car crash
- Study's author said: 'If cannabis is not addictive then neither is heroin'
- The drug is currently legal in two states - Washington and Colorado
- A further 21 states have allowed it to be used for medicinal purposes
- Obama said earlier this year cannabis is not as dangerous as alcohol
A definitive 20-year study into the effects of long-term cannabis use has demolished the argument that the drug is safe.
Cannabis is highly addictive, causes mental health problems and opens the door to hard drugs, the study found.
paper by Professor Wayne Hall, a drugs advisor to the World Health
Organisation, builds a compelling case against those who deny the
devastation cannabis wreaks on the brain.
Scroll down for video
Lasting effects: One in six teenagers
who regularly smoke the drug become dependent on it and cannabis users
do worse at school. Heavy use in adolescence appears to impair
intellectual development (File image)
Professor Hall found:
- One in six teenagers who regularly smoke the drug become dependent on it
- Cannabis doubles the risk of developing psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia
- Cannabis users do worse at school. Heavy use in adolescence appears to impair intellectual development
- One in ten adults who regularly smoke the drug become dependent on it and those who use it are more likely to go on to use harder drugs
- Driving after smoking cannabis doubles the risk of a car crash, a risk which increases substantially if the driver has also had a drink
- Smoking it while pregnant reduces the baby's birth weight
Widespread: Teenagers and young adults
are now as likely to take cannabis as they are to smoke cigarettes.
Regular use, especially among teens, leads to long-term mental health
problems and addiction (File image)
night Professor Hall, a professor of addiction policy at King's College
London, dismissed the views of those who say that cannabis is harmless.
'If cannabis is not addictive then neither is heroin or alcohol,' he said.
is often harder to get people who are dependent on cannabis through
withdrawal than for heroin – we just don't know how to do it.'
who try to stop taking cannabis often suffer anxiety, insomnia,
appetite disturbance and depression, he found. Even after treatment,
less than half can stay off the drug for six months.
The paper states that teenagers and young adults are now as likely to take cannabis as they are to smoke cigarettes.
Hall writes that it is impossible to take a fatal overdose of cannabis,
making it less dangerous at first glance than heroin or cocaine.
also states that taking the drug while pregnant can reduce the weight
of a baby, and long-term use raises the risk of cancer, bronchitis and
heart attack.
But his main finding is that regular use, especially among teenagers, leads to long-term mental health problems and addiction.
Support: Thousands of supporters of
decriminalized marijuana smoke at the Civic Center Park in Denver,
Colorado in 2012, ahead of the vote to legalize the drug. The bill was
Since being legalized in Colorado six
months ago, the cannabis industry has boomed. Tax revenue is up
$11million, crime is down... but politicians warn the long-term effect
have yet to be felt (file picture)
important point I am trying to make is that people can get into
difficulties with cannabis use, particularly if they get into daily use
over a longer period,' he said. 'There is no doubt that heavy users
experience a withdrawal syndrome as with alcohol and heroin.
'Rates of recovery from cannabis dependence among those seeking treatment are similar to those for alcohol.'
Winstanley, of the charity Rethink Mental Illness, said: 'Too often
cannabis is wrongly seen as a safe drug, but as this review shows, there
is a clear link with psychosis and schizophrenia, especially for
common view that smoking cannabis is nothing to get worked up about
needs to be challenged more effectively. Instead of classifying and
re-classifying, government time and money would be much better spent on
educating young people about how smoking cannabis is essentially playing
a very real game of Russian roulette with your mental health.'
has been legalized in two states - Washington and Colorado both passed
the laws in 2012 - while a further 21 states have regulated so it can be
used medicinally.
Marijuana and cannabis-infused products are displayed for sale at a marijuana dispensary in Denver, Colorado
January 1, 2014, more than 200 licensed marijuana ‘dispensaries’ in
Denver, Colorado’s biggest city — along with 100 more in other parts of
the state — have been allowed to sell the drug to anyone aged 21 and
over for purely ‘recreational’ rather than medicinal use.
Colorado's Democrat Governor John Hickenlooper admitted state voters
had been 'reckless' when they legalized recreational marijuana two years
during a debate he said: 'I think for us to do that without having all
the data, there is not enough data, and to a certain extent you could
say it was reckless.'
number of other states, including Oregon and Alaska, will vote this
year on whether to take the same step, and polls from the Pew Research
Center and Gallup have shown a majority of Americans support legalizing
the drug.
in the U.S. has been on the rise since 2007, possibly due in part to a
perception of diminishing risks. In 2008, research found that 42 per
cent of people surveyed in the U.S. had tried marijuana at least once.
his paper, published in the journal Addiction, Professor Hall wrote
that the rise of medical treatment for cannabis 'dependence syndrome'
had not been stopped by legalisation.
number of cannabis users seeking help to quit or control their cannabis
use has increased during the past two decades in the United States,
Europe and Australia,' he wrote. 'The same increase has occurred in the
Netherlands, where cannabis use was decriminalised more than 40 years
Raynes, of the National Drug Prevention Alliance, added: 'There is no
case for legalisation and we hope that this puts an end to the matter.
The two main parties agree that cannabis needs to remain illegal – we
hope the Liberal Democrats see this research and re-examine their
celebrities and campaigners who claimed cannabis should be legalised...
and the president who said it was safer than alcohol
years, activists and celebrities trying to decriminalise cannabis have
campaigned on the claim that the real health damage to users is done by
the legal ban on drugs.
have dismissed the growing evidence that smoking cannabis is a serious
risk to mental health and have suggested taking away the prohibition
would help the economy - providing more tax dollars and spending less on
supporters of decriminalisation in the United States have included
actor Woody Harrelson, rapper Snoop Dogg and singer-songwriter Willie
Robert Downey Jr. participated in an AARP 'Smoke-In' to support marijuana legalization in 2005.

Policy: President Obama notoriously
admitted to smoking cannabis as a youngster and told New Yorker
magazine: 'I don't think it is more dangerous than alcohol'

Prominent supporters of decriminalization in the United States have
included actor Woody Harrelson while Robert Downey Jr attended an AARP
'Smoke In' in 2005
Nicholson told the Daily Mail in 2011 that he still occasionally smokes
marijuana, adding, 'I don't tend to say this publicly, but we can see
it's a curative thing.
'The narcotics industry is also enormous. It funds terrorism and — this is a huge problem in America — fuels the foreign gangs.

Jack Nicholson told the Daily Mail in
2011 that he still occasionally smokes marijuana, and if the government
'were really serious about the economy, there would be a sensible
discussion about legalisation'
than 85 percent of men incarcerated in America are on drug-related
offences. It costs $40,000 a year for every prisoner. If they were
really serious about the economy, there would be a sensible discussion
about legalisation.'
President Obama notoriously admitted to smoking cannabis as a youngster.
He also told the New Yorker that marijuana
was no more harmful than alcohol and was concerned about the effect of
drug laws on the poor and ethnic minorities.
told the magazine: 'As has been well documented, I smoked pot as a kid,
and I view it as a bad habit and a vice, not very different from the
cigarettes that I smoked as a young person up through a big chunk of my
adult life. I don’t think it is more dangerous than alcohol.'
When asked, Bill Clinton said: 'I experimented with marijuana a time or two.'
Actor Danny Glover told the Huffington Post in 2010: 'The draconian laws … impact African-Americans and Hispanics inordinately.'
promoting 'Savages' in 2012, director Oliver Stone told the Associated
Press, '[Legalisation] can be done legally, safely, healthy, and it can
be taxed and the government can pay for education and stuff like that.
Also, you can save a fortune by not putting kids in jail.'
Jack Black is a panellist at the Marijuana Policy Project, which aims to reform drug laws.
July, The New York Time's editorial board on Saturday endorsed a repeal
of the federal ban on marijuana, becoming the largest paper in the
nation to back the idea as it compared the U.S. government's stance on
America's most widely used illicit drug to the prohibition on alcohol
from 1920 to 1933.
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Geordie Shore's Sophie Kasaei shows off her ample bosom in plunging catsuit featuring cut-outs as she parties up a storm at mag launch bash
'I would trade my Range Rover and Cartier for a boyfriend and a baby': Gemma Collins sobs during visit to fertility clinic to freeze her eggs on TOWIE
Shout out to my pecs! Jesy Nelson's boyfriend Chris Clark and Myles Barnes strip off as they send TOWIE fans wild with naked scenes
What a drag! Bella Hadid puffs on a cigarette in all-white outfit during lunch break with brother Anwar in NYC
Kendall Jenner and sidekick Hailey Baldwin don jeans and T-shirts as they meet up with singer Justine Skye Models off duty
'I've felt f***ing better!' Stephen Belafonte delivers expletive-laden verdict on Mel B divorce as he 'drowns sorrows with vodka' at jointly-owned restaurant
Low-key love? Make-up free Hailey Baldwin grabs lunch with Cameron Dallas amid dating rumors at Urth Caffé in LA Natural
Fans gush over James Argent's trimmer physique as he continues extended stay at Thai rehab after 'seeking help for weight and partying'
Mercedes Bent! Jude Law looks fraught as he crashes his beloved vintage convertible into a cab whilst driving through London Came to screeching halt
Doing it all! Ellen Pompeo reveals she has a 'baby nurse' to help her with new five-month-old son while working 'long hours'
'I felt a really long way from home': James Corden offers up a touching tribute to London in wake of brutal terror attack
'I'm fat!': Geordie Shore's Chloe Ferry launches into epic rant about her weight battle and claims she 'deserves to be naturally skinny'
Mili-ain't staying in place! Christina struggles to contain her ample assets in VERY daring gown as she turns blonde bombshell for film premiere
Becky G brightens Power Rangers premiere in super chic lemon gown as it's revealed her character will be first gay superhero in film
Rich, actually! As the cast of Love Actually reunite, experts reveal how much the homes from the romcom would be worth today (with Keira's abode increasing to £1.3m)
Fit me baby one more time! Britney Spears models a selection of dresses as she celebrates return to Vegas residency
A stone's 'fro away: Manchester United ace Marouane Fellaini puts his mansion on sale for £2.3million despite installing a private hair salon to keep his 'curls in winning condition
Busty Bianca Gascoigne flaunts her ample assets in a VERY plunging sequinned dress to celebrate raunchy cover shoot for new magazine Sixty6
Giving her a big Kiss! Gene Simmons locks lips with wife Shannon as he attends Power Rangers premiere with daughter Shannon and son Nick
Hot metal! Adriana Lima flashes flesh in gold fringed dress at Ocean Drive party in Miami Always one to turn heads at events
A rare fashion misstep! Stylish Caitlyn Jenner suffers wardrobe malfunction as sheer top puts lingerie on display She is known for her
Daddy cool! Father-to-be George Clooney sports leather jacket as he cheerfully makes his way through LAX Happy time for the Hollywood star
Heaven on earth! Demi Lovato looks angelic in white as she is honored at LA gala... hours after scoffing hackers who posted her sexy snaps online
Mini Friends reunion! Courteney Cox and Lisa Kudrow match in black at the Open Mind Gala in Beverly Hills They played best Friends
Elle Woods would approve! Reese Witherspoon is pretty in pink as she arrives in style for her 41st birthday party
Jay Mohr asks court to monitor five-year-old son's visits with estranged wife Nikki Cox claiming she has 'mental health and drug problems'
Josh Brolin is ruggedly casual as new wife Kathryn Boyd glams up in silky gown for fundraising gala in LA
Newly-single Marnie Simpson hits the town in hoodie and suede thigh-boots... after admitting she has 'ruined' her looks with her surgery obsession
Buxom beauty Olivia Buckland goes braless in a plunging scarlet jumpsuit as she puts on a sizzling display at magazine bash Red hot
'There's a piece of him in there': Jake Gyllenhaal took inspiration from his late surgeon grandfather for his role as a doctor in new movie Life
Pantsuit nation! Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin are suited and booted for season 3 screening of their Netflix show Grace And Frankie
Brilliant in blue! Elizabeth Banks sparkles in plunging sequinned jumpsuit at Power Rangers premiere
Simply stunning! Molly Sims, 43, shows off her post-baby body in stylish black dress with thigh-high slit at Power Rangers premiere
The new Ashlee! Simpson debuts freshly dyed platinum blonde locks as she steps out of hair salon There was no missing the 32-year-old
Jessica Chastain is elegant chic in LBD at screening of The Zookeeper's Wife held at the Holocaust Museum The actress cut a ladylike figure
Flowers and Peet! Amanda comes out smelling of roses after donning stunning floral frock for Brockmire premiere
Lean and leggy! Brooklyn Decker showcases svelte figure in long-sleeved black mini dress at Grace And Frankie season 3 premiere
'Found this little beauty': Rebel Wilson shares a childhood flashback photo after celebrating her 37th birthday being attacked by dogs
Things are heating up! Star Trek Beyond actor John Cho joins Hulu's Difficult People as Billy Eichner's boyfriend Multi-episode arc
Emma Roberts stuns in sheer purple dress as she shows off her darker locks for The Blackcoat's Daughter film screening in New York City
He's emigrating! Shia LaBeouf forced to move his He Will Not Divide Us anti-Trump exhibit to Liverpool He Will Not Divide Us... but he might move us
'Some big news': Casey Wilson, 36, announces second pregnancy on her podcast Shared some amazing news with her fans
'My little Angel is gone': Wife of legendary pro wrestling announcer Jim Ross dies at 55 two days after moped crash Jan suffered 'a catastrophic brain injury
Need a hand? Ashley Greene looks sporty in her gym gear as she lugs heavy groceries in Beverly Hills Twilight actress busy running errands
She's bewitching! Vanessa Hudgens shines in blue jumpsuit at Bubble Witch 3 Saga event in New York City The 28-year-old actress bewitched in blue
Beach babe! Ashley Graham flaunts her generous backside and side-boob in white swimsuit for sexy Miami photoshoot Peachy posterior
Stimulating conversation! Rachel Riley can't control her giggles as Dictionary Corner finds a titillating and cheeky eight-letter word on Countdown
New Great British Bake Off host Noel Fielding steps out with partner Lliana Bird... after Mary Berry revealed she's never heard of him
Hopeless romantic Millie Mackintosh poses on a bed of rose petals after jetting all the way to Dubai to sweetly surprise boyfriend Hugo Taylor
Blac Chyna flashes her ample bosom and bare midriff in beaded bra as she posts sexy Instagram snap... amid custody battle rumors Sexy shoot
Suge Knight is rushed to hospital from prison with 'life-threatening blood clots' as he awaits trial for murder The rap mogul, 50,is behind bars awaiting trial
Mummy's little girl! Bethenny Frankel and daughter Bryn Hoppy step out in chilly New York City hand in hand Bundled up warm
Sam Faiers peeps beneath a HUGE faux fur hood on organic food shop in Essex... after saying she's 'LESS self-conscious about her post-baby body'
PIC EXCLUSIVE: Mel B ditches her wedding ring after filing for divorce from Stephen Belafonte... amid claims mum Angela is hoping to mend family feud
Chloe Goodman flaunts her slim figure in dramatic pink ensemble as she joins lookalike sister Lauryn at magazine launch Sister act
No socks Cox! Courteney goes hosiery free as she steps out in trendy leather loafers and clingy sweater in LA Dressed for the sunnier weather
Sim-ply boho! Molly sports printed dress and fur vest as she arrives at the Bel-Air hotel She welcomed a son this past January
Make-up free Coleen Rooney braves the rain in a fur-lined coat and form-fitting jeans... as she gushes over youngest son Kit, one, learning to walk
Jennifer Garner looks cute in pigtails as she smiles brightly on set of new movie shooting in Atlanta Golden Globe-winning Alias actress
Pregnant Binky Felstead shows off her blossoming baby bump in a fringed black bikini as she poses up a storm in the pool
'Bunny boiler alert!' TOWIE fans brand Courtney Green 'crazy' and 'psycho' as she sets rules for boyfriend Myles Barnett Fan reaction
Beauty and the bank! Emma Watson s set to supersede Jennifer Lawrence as highest paid actress... making $15m from her current Disney hit ALONE
'She endangered Courtney's life being wreckless': Ruby Rose reveals reason she broke up with ex Harley Gusman as actress shares tribute to pal
'Very, very scary': MIC star Georgia Toffolo live-tweets 'London in lock-down' as she is held inside House Of Lords for eight hours during terror scare
Ashley James displays her enviable curves in a nude bodysuit and see-through crochet dress as she takes to the DJ decks at launch party
Sporty chic! Khloe Kardashian highlights extremely svelte physique in plunging black velvet outfit as she steps out in style Bodycon
Slipping through the net: TOWIE's Frankie Essex continues to flaunt her newly svelte physique as she dons a daring black fishnet dress at magazine bash
Daisy Lowe looks leggy in thigh-grazing minidress to join the fashion elite for style exhibition at luxury estate Chatsworth House
'It's the best medicine I could ever have!' Sharon Osbourne gets a standing ovation as she returns to The Talk after back surgery Speaking out
Selena Gomez flashes her midriff in burnt orange crop top and high-rise denim as she meets a pal for lunch at Soho House in Malibu Glamorous
Pretty as a petal! Mad Men starlet Kiernan Shipka dazzles in colorful flower-themed gown with sweetheart neckline at film premiere
Katie Piper is the picture of health as she returns to work in London in a chic yet casual ensemble... one week after worrying hospital dash
They don't like her when she's angry! Guardians Of The Galaxy star Zoe Saldana says her twin boys call her 'mummy Hulk' when she raises voice
David Tennant cashes in on Doctor Who seven years on: Actor to be the main attraction at convention for fans in Washington Comeback
'I couldn't get out of bed': Rebekah Vardy details devastating post-natal depression battle... as she BREASTFEEDS live on TV
'Happy anniversary': Dustin Lance Black, 42, marks four years with fiancé Tom Daley, 22... after Olympian was accused of 'affair with male model'
Makeup-free Kesha dresses down in a distressed T-shirt and leggings for Pilates workout... as she loses latest round in fierce legal battle with Dr. Luke
Well she's in the concrete jungle! Nicky Hilton bundles up in leopard print coat and ripped jeans for stroll through NY Wild thing
'Qualities you look for in the father of your child': Kate Beckinsale shares hilarious snap of former beau Michael Sheen cheekily baring his bottom
Little Mix stun on ANOTHER girls' night out without Jesy Nelson... as they joke that the loved-up star is 'preoccupied' with new beau Chris Clark
'It's tough': Victoria's Secret model Jessica Hart admits she wants pizza, pasta and burgers but has to resist due to strict diet Tough regime
'She had this twinkle in her eye': Matt Damon recalls Zambian girl who reminded him of himself and Ben Affleck when they were teens
EXCLUSIVE: 'I'd use tampons as butt plugs': BNTM's first transgender contestant makes VERY lewd joke in 'disastrous' new campaign challenge
Stephen Belafonte spotted getting close to mystery Mel B lookalike in wake of divorce... as he visits LA liquor store after failed bid to visit estranged wife
Another vacation! Paris Hilton, 36, and boyfriend Chris Zylka, 31, keep a firm grip on each other while jetting off to Miami Hand-in-hand
Fallen in love with Parisi? Kelly Brook shows off her curves in Breton stripes and a boucle jacket for TV stint in her French beau Jeremy's native country
'I found it awful and weird': Carey Mulligan admits she used to be a nervous wreck after red carpet events and hated her body being under scrutiny
'Mad respect': Zac Efron says walking in heels while dressed in drag was the toughest part of shooting Baywatch Drag act
Khloe Kardashian flashes chest as she quotes Alicia Silverstone's Clueless character about feeling like a 'heifer' after eating 'M&Ms and licorice'
Jerry Hall got Jagger off drugs by telling him they'd ruin his looks! Royal socialite whose husband managed the Rolling Stones' money reveals all
Fitness buff Lucy Mecklenburgh exhibits taut abs in scanty exercise gear... as she breaks a sweat during al fresco workout in Spanish sun
Lea Michele legs it around set of sitcom pilot in flirty dress and bright teal jacket (while an assistant carries her umbrella) Helping hand
Model Eliza Cummings teases a hint of cleavage in a peekaboo dress while Lady Mary Charteris goes braless under sheer top at star-studded fashion bash
'I was so relieved that I started laughing': La La Land's Ryan Gosling shares new details about his giggle-fit during Oscars flub Joker
Chrissy Teigen wears plunging leopard print swimsuit and glows with pride while posing cute cub Luna on last day of Moroccan vacation Sweet snaps
Pop princess Jojo flashes lots of leg in sparkly gown with double slits during raunchy performance in Florida Comeback queen
The Young And The Restless lead Daytime Emmy awards with 25 nominations beating The Bold and the Beautiful, General Hospital and Days of Our Lives
Perfect casting! Chris Brown set to guest star on ABC sitcom Black-ish.... and he's playing a rapper Plays a character named Rich Youngsta
EXCLUSIVE: Are Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth planning a family? Builders start work on a playground and a CRECHE at the couple's Malibu ranch
Need a coffee? Alec Baldwin looks a little bleary-eyed as he steps out with smiling wife Hilaria sipping on a caffeine fix Coffee date
'They called me Blubber. I wasn't the prettiest!' Kate Winslet gives inspiring speech about fighting off 'body bullies' and refusing to settle for 'fat girl parts'
Nicolas Cage's son Weston visits lawyer's office with his mother in Beverly Hills amid DUI troubles Fallout of his car chase last month
Ben McKenzie gets caught up in action-packed shootout as he films action-packed scene for Gotham in New York On set
Spot on! Janelle Monáe turns heads in a seriously funky polka dot coat as she jets out of LA in black-and-white look Quirky
Grace Kelly's granddaughter Charlotte Casiraghi sparks up a relationship with French film producer, just months after split from Italian filmmaker
Louisa Johnson gushes over boyfriend Dan and thanks him for keeping her grounded... as she admits her X Factor single was a 'dodgy start'
Jenna Dewan Tatum showcases her dancer's figure in tiny shorts as she gears up for new series with Jennifer Lopez Looking good
Teri Hatcher, 52, flaunts her incredibly youthful looks during Paris trip... as she takes well-deserved break from new TV series Supergirl
Fresh-faced Lara Stone flaunts her flawless complexion AFTER working up a sweat in the gym Showed no signs of physical effort
Simon Cowell, Naomi Scott and Elizabeth Banks join Power Rangers creator Haim Saban as he receives star on Hollywood Walk Of Fame
EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Colin Dexter once remarked how House of Cards actor Ian Richardson 'would make a better Morse' than John Thaw
Michael Shannon has been slated as the 'top pick' to play Cable in highly anticipated Deadpool 2 opposite Ryan Reynolds Sequel in the works
Puppy love! Barefoot Lena Dunham cuddles up with two cute fluffy dogs... and almost suffers a wardrobe malfunction Cute canines
On the move! Jennifer Lawrence pushes her luggage in New York City while bundled up in a leather coat and matching hat Smart attire
Tom Hardy cuts a dapper figure in his 1920s costume as he returns to Peaky Blinders set to film highly-anticipated fourth series
In bed with Bianca! Gascoigne bares her bottom in barely-there lingerie as she poses up a storm for racy shoot Set pulses racing between the sheets
Louis Tomlinson spotted with girlfriend Eleanor Calder at gig for first time since airport altercation... just one week before he is due to appear in LA court
Effortlessly cute! Lily Collins keeps her look cosy and casual in a baggy grey cardigan after her daily trip to the gym Out and about
Smoke break! Emma Roberts puffs on a cigarette with a pal in NYC as she wears a Nasty Women tote on her shoulder Lighting up
EXCLUSIVE: 'People think your bits drop off when you're old': Janet Street-Porter, 70, claims sex is keeping the elderly young... as she reveals she might marry
Giovanna Fletcher hints at having battled postnatal depression... as she reveals fear that midwives would 'take her child away' She's a doting mother
Just a bit of Formula Fun? Sofia Richie, 18, sparks further romance rumours with hunky Lewis Hamilton, 32... as they like each other's sizzling selfies
Twinning! Kristen Stewart and girlfriend Stella Maxwell wear matching jeans with cheeky rips as they enjoy leisurely afternoon stroll
Her casual wear doesn't come cheap! Makeup-free Dakota Johnson models a $1,000 Gucci sweater while grabbing coffee in Los Angeles
Hear something funny, Maxima? Dutch queen looks VERY entertained as she listens to a university talk on the effect of music on children's brains
DWTS host Tom Bergeron tries to call a truce between William Shatner and Bachelor Nick Viall in honor of the Star Trek legend's 86th birthday
Lady in leather! Paris Jackson rocks a casual biker jacket and beanie hat as she heads out and about in New York City Low key
Revealed: The royal datebooks that charted the breakdown of Charles and Diana's marriage and how she used 'duty and beauty' to turn herself into a star
Next season of Feud? Taraji P Henson and Nia Long 'stopped talking to each other and almost had to shoot scenes separately' on Empire set
Perrie Edwards keeps hi-res image of boyfriend Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain in her SUITCASE... after admitting that she misses him
All that exercise has paid off! Ashlee Simpson looks slender in black workout gear 20 months after welcoming daughter with Evan Ross
Ageing gracefully and with a smile! Faith Hill reveals why she is happy with her wrinkles and just fine with turning 50 'I'm OK with having lines'
'I caught him': Vanderpump Rules' Scheana accuses estranged husband Mike of cheating as duo come face-to-face in explosive reunion trailer
'It doesn't feel great': Kristen Bell says she stopped breastfeeding to increase her bust for movie CHIPS... as actress joins husband Dax Shepard at Sirius
'Why does it look like she's running in slow-mo?': Kelly Rohrbach slaps pert derriere as Zac Efron goes undercover as a woman in new Baywatch trailer
Her special day! Reese Witherspoon wears limited edition Draper James dress made just for her birthday Beaming
'Y'all males are so simple!' Girls actress Allison Williams reveals she gets far more attention now she's blonde Blonde bombshell
She's falling for him! Vanderpump Rules' Scheana Shay kisses new beau Robert Valletta as they spend the day leaping off waterfalls in Hawaii
Just for show! Olivia Wilde sports huge prosthetic baby bump under cosy fur-lined parka on NYC set of her new film Life Itself Faux bump
She needs to invest in an umbrella! Cara Santana's nicely styled locks get drenched during downpour as she exits LA restaurant Caught out
'How can you have a bad day?': Pink poses in a bright rainbow striped onesie and funky shades for quirky Instagram snap Bold look
Stephanie Davis shares sweet snap of son Caben-Albi in a personalised hat... after 'extending an olive branch' to Jeremy McConnell
Well suited! Vanessa Hudgens looks ready for business in stylish blazer and chic matching trousers on promo tour of New York Scarlet siren
'The world has seen me nude BY CHOICE!': Demi Lovato brushes off hackers who put her sexy personal snaps on the Internet
Charlotte Crosby leaves little to the imagination as she goes without underwear while flaunting her tanned and toned figure in saucy Snapchat images
Grey's Anatomy star and mum-of-two Sarah Drew reveals she asked director for breast pump scene so she could celebrate the 'struggle' of working mothers
'They are talking directly to each other': Brad Pitt 'happy' he is getting along better with Angelina Jolie six months after she filed for divorce
EXCLUSIVE: It's A Family Affair as Mary J. Blige's soon-to-be ex demands $110,000 a month to fund his lavish lifestyle including a private chef
'Clucky' Delta Goodrem opens up about 'looking forward' to motherhood and doting on her baby nephew Broody beauty
Together again! Caitlyn Jenner will sit down with Diane Sawyer to promote tell-all book... two years after groundbreaking 2015 interview
'Thank f*** I have cleaners!' Marco Pierre White Jr. sneezes out a trail of BLOOD after snorting sedative in disturbing new Snapchat video
The rise of Alpha Female Ageing: Why successful women like Kate Moss and Theresa May age MUCH quicker (and look up to seven years older)
'I'm pleased with the changes in my body': Vicky Pattison shows off her toned curves in a skimpy black bikini as she celebrates weight-loss
Texting Norman? Diane Kruger focuses on her cell phone during NYC stroll after she was spotted with 'beau' Reedus in Spain
'I live vicariously': Lady Gaga's ex Taylor Kinney insists his only romantic liaisons are in character on Chicago Fire
DWTS bull rider Bonner Bolton and pro Sharna Burgess share hug as they set the record straight on THAT moment backstage Speaking out
Stranger Things star Joe Keery parodies Ferris Bueller in funny new ads... and a character from the classic film even makes a cameo
'I've made mistakes': Terrence Howard reveals his father beat him until he was 14 leading him to hit his first two wives... but his third spouse tamed him
Radiant and youthful Eva Longoria brightens up a rainy LA day on lunch outing Eva just celebrated her 42nd birthday
Sir Rod Stewart, 72, enjoys a catch up over breakfast with eldest son Sean, 36, between gigs The legendary rocker was with his eldest son
DWTS pro Maksim Chmerkovskiy reveals Peta Murgatroyd is trying to postpone wedding... but he 'can't wait' Smitten
PIC EXCLUSIVE: Mel B filed for divorce 'in a moment of clarity' to escape her 'toxic marriage' after her father died - as her husband gets close to a lookalike
Mary Jo Eustace reaches out-of-court agreement with Dean McDermott over unpaid spousal support... after he welcomes FIFTH child with Tori Spelling
Big Rig Bounty Hunters star Vince Jones passes away aged 46 of a suspected heart attack The father-of-six died at home in Delaware, Ohio
'You're going to be a dad?!' RHOC's Missé Beqiri is subject to pregnancy speculation as boyfriend Jake Hall gushes over 'feeling he can't explain'
Katie Price is left red-faced as Loose Women panellists tease her for falling off the wagon at husband Kieran Hayler's birthday bash
'Happy place': Emily Ratajkowski flashes her eye-popping cleavage in bandeau bikini as she continues on blissful Mexican break
Fighting over Ella! NFL vet Ed Hartwell asks his ex Keshia Knight Pulliam of The Cosby Show for joint custody of their two-month-old daughter
Tallia Storm sparkles in a star-studded sequin minidress and fluorescent pink fur jacket for energetic WE Day performance
Chuck Berry's last album will be released on June 16, it emerges as the first single is unveiled The 90-year-old died on Saturday
It's a ruff life! Tamara Ecclestone's adorable daughter Sophia, 3, lovingly cuddles her new puppy as she joins glamorous mother for photoshoot
Celebrity trainer secrets: How Hollywood BFFs Michelle Williams and Busy Philipps stay in shape thanks to dance guru Lauren Kleban
Pregnant Bristol Palin's son Tripp, 8, reveals he has a GIRLFRIEND while firing back at his mum after she warned that he's 'not allowed' to date
'She's worried I'll die sooner': Kate Garraway, 49, admits her daughter Darcey, 11, is upset she's the oldest mother at the school gates
Serious results with Lucy! Fitness guru Mecklenburgh shows off her incredibly toned figure in tiny bikini as she indulges in juicing retreat
Split! Ashley Olsen, 30, has ended her relationsip with financier Richard Sachs, 58, after five months of dating Wants to focus on her fashion empire
'Loving the sun!': RHONJ star Teresa Giudice, 44, is yoga-toned in an exotic bikini as she enjoys holiday after death of her mother Antonia
A surprise and a blessing! Power star Naturi Naughton reveals she is pregnant after keeping baby news a secret while filming
'Sometimes things can get tough': The Bachelor's Nick Viall and Vanessa Grimaldi address critics who call their interaction 'awkward'
Her little cub! Kim Kardashian and super cute North West sport sweet animal ears as they play around with fun filters
Richard Simmons' confidant slams podcast about star's 'disappearance'... denies he is transitioning into a woman
No raining on her parade! Camilla is all smiles on a drizzly day in Suffolk as she joins school children in the kitchen to decorate cupcakes
'Peru Two' drug mule Michaella McCollum hits the shops after being offered £250,000 to pen a tell-all book on her prison hell
Model behaviour: Kara Del Toro shows some cleavage in a plunging nude dress as she joins AnnaLynne McCord and Samantha Hoopes at fashion bash
SPOILER ALERT: TOWIE's Chloe Lewis drops SHOCK bombshell about Dan Edgar... as his romance with Amber Turner heats up
'I overreacted': Erika Girardi admits she was wrong to blow up at Eileen Davidson during meltdown about her policeman son on RHOBH
'A hero's homecoming': Chance The Rapper is set to headline this year's Lollapalooza in his native Chicago Big gig
Victoria's Secret models Jasmine Tookes, Romee Strijd, and Sara Sampaio practice yoga on the beach during Miami photoshoot
Has the bromance ended? Life star Jake Gyllenhaal complains that co-star Ryan Reynolds took 'three to five hours' in makeup during filming
Jade Goody's widower Jack Tweed posts tribute picture of him and the Big Brother icon on eighth anniversary of her tragic death
Ex On The Beach's Jenny Thompson sets pulses racing as she flaunts side boob and gym-honed legs in perilously plunging halterneck swimwear
Slam dunk! Casually clad Daisy Ridley gets into the spirit of things as she puts on a high energy display while enjoying basketball game in LA
Slimmed-down Jonah Hill sports blond wig and bushy beard as he rocks a 70s ensemble on the set of new drama Looked unrecognisable in his ensemble
'Kissing and laughing like newlyweds!' Sexy bodysuit-clad Larsa Pippen is all 'lovey-dovey' with on again husband Scottie after his big night without her
SPOILER ALERT: EastEnders' Denise Fox looks down in dumps on unsuccessful trip to job centre after being fired from the Minute Mart
Bella Hadid shares a steamy shot of her herself relaxing in a nude swimsuit on Jamaica getaway ... before uploading racy topless image
'She's sick of being criticised': Coleen Nolan taking time away from Loose Women to 'get her head together' and focus on marital issues
My bagels bring all the boys to the yard! Topless Ashley Graham bounces her breasts while using bread as a bra in Instagram video
Puppy love: Harry Potter actor breaks down in tears when he is reunited with his beloved dog two weeksafter horror crash
Date night! Michael Phelps and wife Nicole leave their baby son Boomer at home as they head to Lakers game together
Robin Thicke's model girlfriend April Love Geary flashes underboob and her peachy posterior in a VERY skimpy white swimsuit
Rupert Grint reveals he's been secretly moonlighting as Ed Sheeran in hilarious parody video... after admitting he gets mistaken for singer
'This is so weird!': Rihanna reveals she could not bear watching her Bates Motel sex scene... so she started a live Instagram drinking game instead
Plaid's the way to do it! Paris Jackson keeps it casual in a check shirt and jeans as she steps out in NYC after fried chicken date with a mystery man
Ridin' Solo no more! Jason Derulo reveals he has a secret girlfriend... but won't go public with her after string of high profile splits
Bikini-clad Louise Thompson posts yet ANOTHER abs-flashing selfie while playing volleyball on romantic break with beefcake beau Ryan Libbey
Smitten Mark Wright and Michelle Keegan put on a loved-up display at a wedding in Oman... after embarrassing TOWIE flashback of TV hunk resurfaces
Wyclef Jean recounts moment deputies pulled him out of his car at gunpoint in 'racial profiling' incident and says he was 'targeted because he was black
Ant and... Lisa! McPartlin is joined by glamorous wife Armstrong at the RTS Awards before celebrating another win with Declan Donnelly
Kerry Katona looks fitter than EVER as she reveals a set of very-kissable washboard abs - and muscle man George Kay can't resist a closer look
Stranger fangs: Rita Ora puts her money where her mouth is as she steps out for a night of partying wearing gleaming gold grills
Making a splash! Orlando Bloom bravely LEAPS off yacht during luxurious getaway to St. Barts Showed off his physique in red shorts
Who's that boy? Paris Jackson enjoys casual date with handsome mystery man as they eat fried chicken in NYC Enjoying NYC nightlife
'It was unhealthy': TOWIE's Pete Wicks blasts toxic relationship with Megan McKenna... after they're seen wearing matching Rolex watches following split
'We don't talk about her' Gareth Gates' girlfriend Faye Brookes doesn't let claims he 'lost his virginity' to an impregnated Katie Price come between them
Bra-flashing Ariel Winter puts on a VERY sexy display as she sports sheer top with thigh-high boots while clutching a cigar on Beijing night out
'Go girl! Do your thing!' Noah Cyrus defends her sister Miley's scantily clad X-rated stage shenanigans as she embarks on her own singing career
'As a woman in Hollywood you just can't win': Lena Dunham describes the criticism she received online after losing weight
The Walking Dead's Steven Yeun and new bride Joana Pak welcome their first baby on St Patrick's Day Happy news for the TV favourite
'I know I am blessed!': Khloe Kardashian shows off size 8 body in tight dress after revealing shop girls used to shame her for being a size 16
Ivanka Trump indulges in some ice cream as she and Jared take their three kids and nephew out after a day on the Aspen slopes
Cheeky Fox! Megan highlights her derriere in latex bodysuit and spike heels for racy Frederick's Of Hollywood lingerie ad Pin-up
In control! Paula Patton gets behind the wheel as she films new TV show on location in Vancouver Shooting somewhere Between in the Canadian city
Thousands of defiant Londoners gather in Trafalgar Square for a candlelit vigil to remember the victims of...
EXCLUSIVE: London terror attacker Khalid Masood, 52, once stabbed a man in the FACE and changed from Kent...
Incredible moment rescue services haul Romanian woman to safety after plunged into the Thames during London...
'He was a hero before yesterday': Policewoman reveals how Westminster terror attack victim Keith Palmer...
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