I was up early this Christmas day, knowing that if I don't make some time for the computer, and attempt to call my relatives in Hungary, I may never get to do it later due to the many time zone differences. So I got all pretty and did my hair and make up ready to be SKYPE'd. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to reach anybody, so I will have to resort to letters in the beginning of the new years. All was not in vain however, as I believe I posted a few interesting things for my readers, that may or may not ultimately challenge their thinking. It is always good to not have a stagnant mind. Science has fascinated me as a young person, and imagine all that we will know when we will see clearly with Jesus. All the lies of the enemy will vanish in a moment in the twinkling of the eye, and the truth will set us free.
It is minus 1 degrees in Vancouver, my lovely Magnolia plant frooze that I transplanted outside in the fall for lack of having a big enough pot. Sadly my husband did not cover it well enough. Tiger the outdoor cat is in a small space of a laundry mat, with her own personal mini heater. Daily we let her out when it warms up a bit, only to lock her up in the night time.
I've had my 2nd cup of coffee already, and wonder when my breakfast will be prepared by my daughter and her husband for us. I peaked downstairs, and they already set the table for us last night. We will have all the perks, eggnog, has browns, bacon and eggs, buns of all sorts. It will not just be a continental breakfast but one big breakfast. I am heart broken of course, to have only a part of our family with us. Deborah has left us, and her presence will be sorely missed. Yet another years passage without her laughter, energy, jokes, and love. We all carry her with us each day in our memory, our phone photos, and her many items around the house which remind us of her influence on us. Like I said before, we must carry on playing the music with what we have, not what we don't have any longer. Our hope is for full restoration of our families of course. Our hope is that one day we will all be together even with a baby I miscarried much after Deborah was born. We believe we have a soul, which ultimately meet up with our transformed bodies: a body that is no longer corruptible. We will all meet in a place where this is what we will hear and see.
And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying: “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man, and He will live with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them as their God. 4He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the former things have passed away.” 5And the One seated on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” Then He said, “Write this down, for these words are faithful and true.”…Revelations 21;4.
I grieve for her, too, shaking my head as I think, ''Oh, Deborah,'' remembering her beautiful face, her lovely smile, and sweet spirit, but then I remind myself that she is in Heaven and happy and at peace. - Lanny