Tuesday, March 22, 2016

I Feel Very Blessed

Posted into facebook today, that I made a delicious steak dinner to be enjoyed by us all, in celebration of what has been and what is to come. I got this pre packaged steak with mustard sauce by Jamie Oliver so and so.. a cook on television. It is supposed to flake off, the meat that is. It is in fact two roast beefs, as to the flakiness, I have no idea, how long it will take to achieve this, in my cast iron pot. My Japanese student is fed with maple syrup sausages. I think she liked it, but I honestly don't know what excites her. Certainly not vegetables, or fresh fruit. For some strange reason, there is little emotion, little gratitude and no desire shown to learn. Perhaps age 15 is a difficult phase of life, and I have just forgotten the mentality of such an age. Girls as you know take 15 years to come out of puberty, so she has a way to go, till age 25 I think.
Meanwhile, I have been pushing my hubby to cut the grass today. This is the second time this year he did it, and I am grateful for his help. I can't express my gratitude enough for this ill man who has had so much health issues, that we cannot even imagine. I appreciate that he does what he can to help me. I also appreciate the fact that he has given me much freedom in my marriage to pursue my own timetables, and schedules, and interests without him preventing me to live fully for Christ. He never told me not to go here or there, or to hang up the phone.
 Obviously, I have had my limitations also,health, finances, time, courage, only to name a few. But, overall, I have been able to fulfill what was humanly possible with God's help, with these restrictions. I feel sad for my friends who have their husbands dictate when they can or cannot talk on the phone. When they can or cannot visit a neighbor or a friend. I never had to visit anyone in hiding or secret. Some husbands dictate when they can or cannot get a job, or leave a job. When they can or cannot go to church, and which church they can go to. I was never told, that I am useless.  I felt strange trying to figure out the heavy accents of my Italian and Indian friends for the last 30 years. Not only strange but frustrated. However, being an immigrant myself, I felt that I owed it to them to continue and be their friend even when I understood little of what they are saying. they had me repeat sentences, look up things for them on the internet, and pretend that I understood them, because otherwise, my request to have them repeat things so I finally get it, would have exhausted them. I love them dearly, and I know they love me, but the friendships have been a difficult. I hope to be more challenged in Heaven and pray communication will be a lot easier.

 So in exchange for affluence, and prosperity, I have been blessed with the prosperity of a free will to serve Christ, how I choose to.  I have never been truly alone, but I have felt lonely and still do.   I feel so very blessed, the journey here soon finished.    This is my 1576th blog..
Jewish Holiday Calendar - Hebrew Year 5776. All Jewish holidays begin the evening before the date specified. In Hebrew calendar a "day" begins and ends at sunset, rather than at midnight.

Jewish Holiday Calendar - Hebrew Year 5776

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