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Sunday, January 10, 2016
'i was saved from suicide, but not from suicidal thoughts
'I was saved from suicide, but not from suicidal thoughts'
Jonny Benjamin, two years after he attempted to take his own life but was stopped by a strangerCredit:
Heathcliff O'Malley
It had all the hallmarks of a
Hollywood tale: a young handsome, but troubled protagonist, a quest to
find an anonymous hero, a large amount of despair before a remarkable,
happy ending.
But #FindMike, as the tale was christened on social media, was the
real-life story of Jonny Benjamin and his search for the man who had
saved his life six years before. Back on a cold January morning in
2008, Benjamin, then aged 20 and suffering from a severe bout of
mental illness, attempted to take his own life by leaping from
Waterloo Bridge. Many commuters rushing to work walked past Benjamin.
But one man didn’t: Neil Laybourn. He stopped, talked to him, and
after 25 minutes persuaded Benjamin to take the step back.
In the melee that ensued – Benjamin was bundled into a waiting
police car, sectioned, and taken to hospital – the two men never
discovered each other’s name, let alone had the luxury of swapping
contact details.
Six years later, in January 2013, Benjamin – in a better mental
state – decided he wanted “close the door on that chapter of my life”
and find “Mike”, his nickname for the stranger on the bridge. Thanks
to the power of social media, Laybourn, now 33, was
tracked down in just a couple of weeks.
The story was turned into a wonderful documentary, called Stranger
on the Bridge, which was broadcast on Channel 4 last year. And,
indeed, Hollywood did briefly come knocking, wanting to give this
story of hope the big-screen treatment.
Man thanks stranger who saved him from suicidePlay!01:50
But the happy ending – the hugely heartfelt and cathartic meeting of
Neil and Jonny, two fundamentally good people whose lives fatefully
collided – had a complicated postscript.
A few months after the reunion, Benjamin, who suffers from both
bipolar and schizophrenia, got progressively worse.
“Things start to creep up again,” he says. “As soon as I stood
outside the door, I was crippled by paranoid thoughts and this fear of
other people.”
On a tube journey, he’d catch people’s eyes and be certain these
strangers were “out to get him”. He explains: “I thought everyone
despised me.”
start to creep up again. As soon as I stood outside the door, I was
crippled by paranoid thoughts and this fear of other people."
Jonny Benjamin
He is such an articulate and thoughtful young man, it’s hard to
believe that he could become overwhelmed by such delusions. But that
is the horrid power of schizophrenia.
It all came to a head one Thursday morning in the offices of the
charity Rethink Mental Illness. It is one of the Telegraph
Christmas Charities and had helped him enormously in his Find
Mike campaign. He has now worked there for a number of years as an ambassador.
Jonny Benjamin and Neil Laybourn, on the day they were reunited, January 2014
He did not know at the time, but a side effect of one of the
antipsychotic drugs he was taking, was akathisia: an intense
restlessness. “It was horrible and exhausting. I had days and days
pacing up and down and no sleep. I just had a breakdown.”
“I thought: I need to hurt myself. I feel suicidal. I was in
hysterics, I couldn’t stop crying, but my line manager came in and he
calmed me down – he was amazing.”
"I thought: I need to hurt myself. I feel suicidal. I was in hysterics, I couldn’t stop crying."
Jonny Benjamin
If the Find Mike campaign was a wonderful reminder that there is
always light, however dark the tunnel may be, this was painful proof
that recovery from mental illness can be a long, hard slog.
He spent much of last winter in a variety of different hospitals,
including on Christmas Day 2014.
He had told his close-knit family not to visit, and he had
purposefully shut himself off from all the jollity and festivities on
the television.
But come 7am, as every morning, he got a knock on his hospital room
door from a nurse delivering his daily medication. “And I thought,
‘oh, no. It’s Christmas Day and I’m away from my family and I’m stuck
in hospital’. And in comes a member of staff, with a gift all wrapped
up, saying ‘Happy Christmas’. It was lovely. It changed the whole day.”
Since then he has slowly made a lot of progress. “I am in a lot
better place”, thanks to a good psychiatrist, “a better mix of drugs”,
and ceaseless vigilance about his mental wellbeing. He now ensures he
undertakes regular mindfulness (a form of meditation), as well as
courses of cognitive behaviour therapy – exercises which help retrain
the way he thinks, dampening down the paranoia, while emphasising the rational.
He admits that one of the possible downsides of the documentary film
was that, for a while, “I thought: I’m better, I don’t need this.” He
now realises his brain needs just as much exercise and medication as a
damaged kidney does.
And that one of his messages, as he goes around giving talks to
prisons, hospitals and schools.
Jonny Benjamin giving a talk about mental health at his old schoolCredit:
Heathcliff O'Malley
Last month, for the first time, he returned to his own school: The
Jewish Free school in North London, a place that has some dark
memories for him. He was as young as 11 when he first started to
suffer from delusions, and hearing voices in his head.
“It is strange going back. Since the film, I’ve had so many messages
from people whom I was at school with. There was one person who
emailed me, saying, ‘All the time we sat next to each other in class,
I was self harming and you were going through the same thing. I wish
I’d known.’ It’s just heart-breaking.”
But he firmly believes talking about mental health is the first step
to removing any stigma, especially among schoolchildren.
“Last week I went to talk to a group of scouts, aged 10 and 11, and
I asked them who would go and ask for help -- from a parent or a
doctor -- if they had really bad stomach cramps. And everyone put
their hand up.
“And then I asked them who would go to talk to someone if they were
upset, or really low or anxious. Just three out of the 20 put their
hand up.”
“I asked them why and they said they were worried about what people
would think.”
Jonny Benjamin in January 2014, when he launched his #FindMike campaignCredit:
Heathcliff O'Malley
He adds: “There is a real need for young people to talk. We need to
talk about suicide. It is a big killer, of young men in particular.”
Suicide remains the leading cause of death for men between 20 and 34
in England and Wales, representing 24 per cent of all deaths in 2013.
was such a magical moment for me. I had always wondered what had
happened to that guy on the bridge and thanks to him, I’ve met some
amazing people."
Neil Laybourn
He not only works for Rethink Mental Illness, which gives advice and
information to those with mental illnesses and their carers. But he
also still uses some of its services. “I attend a local Rethink group.
Being with people who get you, who share similar thoughts, is really
helpful. It’s a lifeline. If these sort of groups didn’t exist, I
don’t know what would happen.”
After the media circus died down, Benjamin and Laybourn stayed friends.
Laybourn, who never asked to be thrust into the spotlight, tells me:
“It was a little bit of fate. It was such a magical moment for me. I
had always wondered what had happened to that guy on the bridge and
thanks to him, I’ve met some amazing people. But the most important
thing is that Jonny is my mate and he is still on the planet.”
Jonny himself can recall only hazy details about that cold morning
on Waterloo Bridge, save one thing he remembers clearly: the stranger
kept on telling him “things can get better”.
And they have. Not in a Hollywood way. But then life rarely does
follow a simple script.
• To donate to Rethink one of our chosen Christmas charities please
log on to http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ news/telegraphchristmasappeal/
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