Sunday, November 15, 2015

Starbucks-Red Cups


By Cindybythesea

She stood within two feet of me holding “the cup“. You know, the plain red cup Starbucks is issuing this holiday season.The one without so much as a snowflake or a sparkle on it to indicate that the holidays are here. Nothing, nada …. with the exception of its plain red exterior that is, if you want to count that. Not that Starbucks ever contributed anything to the real reason for the season anyway, but, at least their cups had sparkle.

I wanted to ask her, the young woman holding the cup. “Did you notice the new cup? It’s just plain red, nothing for the holidays on it“. But, I didn’t say anything. I’m not all that outgoing anyway, when it comes to striking up conversations with strangers, but, I kept looking at the cup and wanting to say something. But, I didn’t.

What did I think was going to happen? Would her wrath explode on me for pointing out the deficiency of her cup? Would she have said, “mind your own business” or perhaps looked at me blankly as if I had just arrived from some other planet? For in this politically correct world, who, am I to say anything about her cup, good, bad or otherwise anyway. Although most likely she would have said, “Oh, really, I hadn’t noticed” or something to that effect.

The point is political correctness is killing this country. No longer need we worry about someone taking our freedom from us …. we’ve voluntarily surrendered it!

First, we couldn’t say Merry Christmas, lest someone be offended, so we switched to Happy Holidays! Well, apparently that isn’t enough. Maybe, we shouldn’t acknowledge the holidays at all ….. that way no one is offended.

Everyone equal, everyone on the same footing, the plain red cup …. welcome to the USSR, comrade.

And, in some ways that might just be better. For the way things are going now, we’re headed for a repeat of Nazi Germany, where folks are encouraged to spy on each other and to report to authorities real or imagined infractions.

Take any business or job in America and with the right words and the right accusations, any employee can be fired with little or no recourse, the business closed, and the proprietors facing jail time. And it’s just a short hop, skip and a jump until the same thing effects churches, private homes, (Christian or otherwise) and schools.

You’re teaching Johnnie what???? Next thing you know, the state has removed your child from your home and you’ve been forced to relocate to a new one …..this one with bars.

We’re letting this happen people. We’ve poked God in the eye, sat on our thumbs and arrogantly thought, “hey, this is America, we deserve the good life, let the good times roll.” And as long as the beer flows and our team wins …. who, the **** cares.


Its very late in the game people. The Starbucks red cup is the canary in the coal mine, in my opinion. And this is why ….. because its really not about Christmas. It’s about the subtle cleansing of the culture of any vestige of Christianity. And, just like gay marriage is not really about marriage this really not about Christmas …. it is just another means to an end.

It’s so simple and yet so diabolical.

In order to exercise tolerance ….. intolerance must be exercised first.

In other words, until there is no right, wrong, good, bad, male, female, or anything else – true tolerance ( as they see it) can never take root ….. therefore, anyone who says otherwise cannot and will not be tolerated.

Once those who resist have been eradicated …… then, tolerance, true tolerance can be established and the utopia of truly equality realized.. No moral identity, no racial identity, no sexual identity, no cultural identity, no religious identity, no spiritual identity. Everyone the same.

First you blur the lines and then you erase them altogether.

The plain red cup.

It’s communism and Nazism repackaged. Same devil, same lie …. new strategy.

Strange as its being “sold” as exactly the opposite. “Eat this bread”, the devil says and “live”.

Prepare for what’s ahead folks. Circle the wagons. Stop the bread and circus that is going on in so many churches and tell your pastors that its time to prepare God’s people for the hard times ahead. For this time there is no Churchill, no allied army coming to the rescue. Before this one is over folks, it will take the second coming of Jesus to make things right.

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem they shall prosper who love thee” Psalm 122:6

Watching and waiting with YOU for the soon return of Jesus! Cindy

1Thessalonians 5:16 -18   Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.   KJV
November 9, 2015 at 5:31 AM Flag Quote & Reply

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