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Brian Kammerzelt is an assistant professor and chair of the
communications department at the Moody Bible Institute. For more
information, visit www.critiquebycreating.com or follow him on Twitter ... Read More
"I know you feel alone, but remember, you are never alone because God is always with you." Why do we do that? Why do we respond to someone's vulnerability and present experience in this way? We often say such things when we don't know what to say. Or when we
really don't care enough to get involved. When we want the tense moment
to pass so we can move on. As true as the above reply may be, when used
that way we are disrespecting a moment of connection. That person likely
presently feels physically and emotionally alone. Eternal Truths were never to be used like smoke-bomb escape
techniques or a magician's trap door. They are to be held as holy and
communicated with veneration. We should never say them simply because we
don’t know what to say.
Eternal Truths
were never to be used like smoke-bomb escape techniques. We should
never say them simply because we don’t know what to say.
”I Will Pray for You.”
Prayer is far too great an intimately holy gift to reduce to a
get-out-of-the-moment free card. Don't say you will if you won't. Pray
with them right then. Or ask how you can pray for them.
”You Should Read This Verse.”
The Bible is certainly is a Living Word, but proof-texting someone's
pain is simply poor form. You should be looking to be living reference
to the Truths in Scripture, not using Scripture to pass someone off.
”God Has Something Better Planned.”
God does not owe us anything. He may have something far worse in
store—and that has to be OK too. There is a reason Job is the oldest
book of the Bible. Instead of shifting attention to an unknown future,
help them see God at work in the present experience.
”God Won't Give You More Than You Can Handle.”
That is simply not true. Many experience far more than they can handle
alone. Drawn from 1 Corinthians 10:13, not only is this verse
specifically about temptation but has a corporate context. Sometimes
people need help. If you find yourself saying this they are probably
asking for help from you.
”You are Not Alone Because God is Always With You.”
Again, true, but if someone is expressing a profound loneliness they
are looking to you to help lessen it and learn to know God's sustaining
presence. Too much of our theology is dismissive of the here and now. Be
present in the moment with them.
”Everything Happens for a Reason.”
This well-meaning statement may have become the most "nothing"
response to a painful situation. It does not mean anything and is
clearly said more to alleviate not knowing what to say than their pain.
Resist the urge to dodge the moment or provide something that sounds
like an answer. Know that just being there is often enough. When we force "capital 'T'" truths into the "lowercase 't'" truths of
someone's present experience we squeeze out their humanity—making both
feel like a lie. Sacred Truths were never meant to cover up or hide the truths of what
someone is experiencing in the here and now. It makes a person's
present experience feel pointless and meaningless, amplifying loneliness
or frustration.
Vulnerable moments are sacred spaces to be treated with the utmost reverence and respect.
Irreverent to both the Truths we intend to share and the person we
are commanded to love, it's sacrilege. In that respect, more than lame
platitudes, such statements become a new kind of profanity. “Profane”
can be defined as “to treat something sacred with irreverence or
Read more at http://www.relevantmagazine.com/life/what-not-say-when-your-friends-are-hurting#YzCAlOfIdVgL5wuF.99
Vacations are something quiet common and natural here in the western world. People take them in the summer, or perhaps in the winter months to somewhere tropical destinations. Now we hear that the American's are coming to Canada because of the weak dollar that we have. Fewer and fewer cars go over to America from our boarders as our money has lost a quarter of it's worth so far.... I know some countries are very liberal with their holiday excursions, especially if an employee has been faithful to the same company for decades. A month is even allowed in countries like Germany and Switzerland or Holland.
I cannot relate to such relaxing vacations, as to be honest, I have not had a relaxing or really any vacation for the last 29 years of my married life. Family, work, has always been on the forefront of my responsibilities. Also, financially, we never were able to take any meaningful trip, other than a weekend to visit in-laws, or my father when he was ill. Camping with a church has been the closest I came to not having to cook, or clean house. Usually, there would be activities for the children, and we had sponsors to send us away for a week for the summer, when the children were young. With my husbands disability status, these camping outings were covered cost wise when the kids were young. Vernon, or Brackendale were two of these campsites that we went to. The children could enjoy the swimming pool, swings, and trampolines that occupied the campground, while the adults went golfing or out to town for a day's shopping. It is such a lovely retreat, to go out in nature. As we got older and the children became teenagers, we found the tents/dorms a little uncomfortable. The water also in these places would make my legs swell, since perhaps the sulphates in the water did not agree with me. So by the end of the first few days, I had legs twice the size that they normally would be. Even so, the children had a good time, and really that is all that mattered. I was thanking God for the fact that I did not have to cook for a week. Often on family nights, my children would sing, or perform on their violins/ flutes to show their appreciation for being part of the family of God. I have a few memorable pictures of such days. Some of the skits were hilarious! One such portrayal was a woman putting her make up on while someone else s hands from behind here would apply the powder, and rouge. Another skit would be when a person behind a bed sheet would sneeze, and the person on the other side of the sheet would increase the quantity of the sneeze liquid, by eventually pouring a whole bucket of water unto the head of the person who sneezed, over the top of the dividing sheet. Great times, great memories, good food, and laughter.I think the first thing I will do after I arrive in Heaven, lay down my crowns at His feet and with Jesus defeat Satan, is to go on a long holiday..
More Study: Everyone should remember the clear words of Paul in Colossians: "Let no
one act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a
festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day--things which are a mere shadow
of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ. (Col 2:16-17) This addresses BOTH those who observe and those who don't observe the feasts!
It is getting hot outside again. The water restrictions are still in effect. We must water with a nozzle only, and water only our existing gardens. No car washing, no lawn watering, no many things... My Japanese student has arrived, and she is very sweet, and quiet. I hope to engage her more in our family. This weekend we will go to see the steam clock downtown, and visit a shopping mall. I help her with homework when she has some, and we are planning to visit a Japanese church this Sunday. Her family is atheist, so I do hope that she can go back and tell her family about God's love. I feel very inadequate to bring the salvation story to her, with our language barrier. I don't want to seem too heavy handed, but the urgency is great, and time is running out. The gospel has been preached in all the world, and there is little time left to play. Today, I felt I had to mention to her that we have lost a daughter. She wept deeply, and told us that she had lost a friend this past year also. I do believe that suicide is a very common escape for many Japanese. They have very heavy expectation upon them, sometimes these only children. Only by the grace of God, can we carry on and grow.
Today I also had a filling done, downtown, by my trusted dentist of thirty years. I told him that he was right, a crown never feels like your own tooth. I can't even bite a thread in two, now that I have two beautiful crowns in the front. Imagine how perfect, everything will be in Heaven. I wonder what Deborah is doing now? On CBC yesterday, they had an hour long documentary on the Final Battle between God and Satan, in the battlefield of Armageddon. I believe it was on the history channel. Before the final battle, there is a battle for the souls of men and women. Choose this day who we will serve....
Firefighters and other first responders battle ‘epidemic’ in their ranks
The Province
KENT SPENCER kspencer@theprovince.com twitter.com/@kentspencer2
fire captain Mike McNamara says the department was ‘emotionally thin’
after the recent deaths of two members, part of a wave of suicides by
first responders.
Hegarty was the kind of firefighter who “wanted to help everybody” and
was a tireless speaker on behalf of mental health issues.
sometimes the helpers need help. On March 1, Hegarty, dispirited and
alone, couldn’t even help himself. He took his own life.
and I were great friends, but he had a bad call 10 years ago and had
become distant,” said Surrey fire captain Mike McNamara.
Hagerty, 53, suffered from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Seven weeks later, another Surrey firefighter committed suicide, throwing the department’s 420 firefighters into turmoil.
said the department was “emotionally thin for a while.” “We still are,”
he said. The two Surrey deaths are part of a wave of suicides sweeping
the country among first responders — fire, police and paramedics.
So far this year there have been 26, according to the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs.
total of 27 first responders took their own lives in 2014; most years,
the number is around 20, said Michael Hurley, a Burnaby captain and
president of the B.C. Professional Firefighters Association.
“I believe it is an epidemic,” Hurley said. “I think many of our members are in crisis.”
Shocked into action, firefighters are talking about stress, participating in workshops and raising money for treatment.
Vancouver firefighter Colin Thompson is undertaking a bike ride this
summer to Colorado Springs, Colo., where a large memorial wall pays
homage to North American first responders killed in the line of duty.
has an agreement with Vancouver General Hospital to start up a mental
health program costing $70,000 which will encourage traumatized
personnel to seek treatment.
“Stress is an
item that has been ignored far too long,” said Thompson, a 30-year
veteran who once used a ladder seven storeys high to help rescue a
portly woman from a burning building.
“Fire chiefs need to go to their city halls and ask for a lot more funding to deal with this issue,” he said.
To find out more about Thompson’s ride and how to contribute, go to ptsdfireride.ca.
downfall began in 2005 after he responded to a call where a slight
16-year-old male was murdered at Surrey Central SkyTrain station by a
couple of thugs. McNamara said the beating was prompted because
onlookers didn’t like the look of his jacket.
believes Hagerty got too close to the grief-stricken family and
couldn’t come to terms with the fact one of his alleged killers was
never convicted. His personality had changed over the years.
lived it. He couldn’t sleep and was angry and unreasonable,” he said.
“Even my friendship with him struggled. He talked publicly about mental
health, but would break down and cry.”
A picture shows a cheerful-looking man with dark hair. He left behind a wife, from whom he was separated, and young son.
fire chief Len Garis said Surrey is changing the way it approaches
stress disorders; the department recently facilitated a two-day workshop
with health professionals that was attended by 24 firefighters.
“Unfortunately, we weren’t exactly prepared for this,” Garis said.
have assistance programs but they may not be tailored as tightly as
they could be to first responders’ needs. We are learning in light of
the two most recent tragedies.”
Traumatic events are witnessed more than 100 times during a firefighter’s career, said Thompson.
The problem is that big, strong men and women don’t usually want to show any weaknesses.
once fought unsuccessfully to save a four-year-old boy who was severely
burned in a barbecue fire. “I worked on him. I watched his chest go up
and down ... I never got over that,” he said.
ride is aimed at creating a program that can pass the “pajama test,”
where a mind-numbed firefighter can receive an online therapy program at
home that begins the health process.
leaves on Aug. 13 on a monthlong, 3,000-km ride to Colorado Springs,
where a remembrance ceremony will be attended by 5,000 firefighters on
Sept. 19.
+Thin Ice OK...
yes, you are correct. However, this event where 1/3 of the earth will
be peppered with meteors will occurs at Rev 8. At this point, the
anti-christ has already been revealed. right?
Since this is the
case, the departure as described by Paul in 2nd Thes 2 HAS ALREADY
OCCURRED. This departure as described by Paul is the 'gathering unti
Jesus'. Here is the scripture using the World English Translation
Thes 2:3 Let no one deceive you in any way. For it [The gathering until
Jesus] will not be, unless the departure comes first, and the man of
sin is revealed, the son of destruction,
first thing I do in the morning is thank my Jesus for allowing me to
wake up to another fine morning be gave me, last thing i do is thank him
for having me live thru another day. So yes, to both questions. Now
show me this" scripture" bc I've read the gospel from cover to cover
and NOWHERE is this" Catholic garbage" in my holy book
+Joe Momma ,
the reason I asked you that was that I get sucked into discussions with
non-believers who want nothing to do except beat-up on Christians and
mock them. God's word is like Pearls... and Jesus says that we are not
to caste our Pearls before swine...that is why I asked. You are a child
of God, like I am and look for Jesus for our redemption and cleansing.
We will both stand before God and be blameless due to the spilled blood
of Jesus.
The rapture event is the 'catching away' of the Body
of Christ, known as the Church (The Called-Out Ones). It is a real
event that Paul describes in 1st Thes 4:16-17 (not found in the 4 Gospels, but in Paul's writings) _______________________________________ 16
For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the
voice of the archangel, and with God’s trumpet. The dead in Christ will
rise first, 17 then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up
together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air. So we
will be with the Lord forever. _______________________________________ The
English word "caught up" is translated from the Greek word "Harpazo",
which was translated in the latin vulgate as "rapiemur", which was
before the English translations were completed. This is where the
english word rapture comes from... the original Latin translation.
This is deep and Perry speaks a little bit fast. I think his interpretation if fairly good, but no interpretation is perfect. Keep studying the bible and ask the Holy Spirit to give you a revelation and enlightenment before this very critical time in our history. Alan Horvath, who is also on youtube, is an excellent teacher. He almost sounds like a Hungarian chap, looks Jewish, and speaks Aramaic also, so he has a really close interpretation of the picture language of the Bible.
Triceratops greets visitors at the 14,000 square foot Dinosaur Hall
permanent exhibition at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles.
(Photo credit: ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty Images)
— Attorneys for a California State University, Northridge scientist who
was terminated from his job after discovering soft tissue on a
triceratops fossil have filed a lawsuit against the university.
While at the Hell Creek Formation excavation site in Montana,
researcher Mark Armitage discovered what he believed to be the largest
triceratops horn ever unearthed at the site, according to attorney Brad
Dacus of Pacific Justice Institute.
Upon examination of the horn under a high-powered microscope back at
CSUN, Dacus says Armitage was “fascinated” to find soft tissue on the
sample – a discovery Bacus said stunned members of the school’s biology
department and even some students “because it indicates that dinosaurs roamed the earth only thousands of years in the past rather than going extinct 60 million years ago.”
“Since some creationists, like [Armitage], believe that the
triceratops bones are only 4,000 years old at most, [Armitage’s] work
vindicated his view that these dinosaurs roamed the planet relatively
recently,” according to the complaint filed July 22 in Los Angeles Superior Court.
The lawsuit against the CSUN board of trustees cites discrimination for perceived religious views.
Armitage’s findings were eventually published in July 2013 in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.
According to court documents,
shortly after the original soft tissue discovery, a CSUN official told
Armitage, “We are not going to tolerate your religion in this
Armitage, a published scientist of over 30 years, was subsequently
let go after CSUN abruptly claimed his appointment at the university of
38 months had been temporary, and claimed a lack of funding for his
position, according to attorneys.
“Terminating an employee because of their religious views is
completely inappropriate and illegal,” Dacus said in a statement. “But
doing so in an attempt to silence scientific speech at a public
university is even more alarming. This should be a wakeup call and
warning to the entire world of academia.”
CSUN spokesperson Carmen Ramos Chandler told CBSLA Armitage was a a
temporary hire between 2010-2013 and worked as an electron microscopy
technician. She could not comment on the lawsuit as university
officials had not yet received the complaint.
The discovery is the latest in several recent – and controversial –
soft tissue finds by archaeologists: researchers last November claimed
the controversial discovery of purported 68-million-year-old soft tissue
from the bones of a Tyrannosaurus rex can be explained by iron in the
dinosaur’s body, which they say preserved the tissue before it could
A very touching story. I hope no one even contemplates death by suicide. It is ok to talk about our thoughts, and feelings. They are ours alone, and no one can argue with that. Please fulfill your purpose that God put you here for. Only you can do that, no one else.
B.C. Government Apologizes For Firing Worker Who Committed Suicide
The Canadian Press
VICTORIA - The allegations were serious, a stern-faced
British Columbia health minister announcing that seven employees had
been fired and the RCMP had been called in to investigate a collection
of data breaches.
More than two years later, another health
minister admitted the government was "heavy-handed" in firing a co-op
student related to the internal probe as he issued an apology to the
family of a former employee who killed himself months later.
Roderick MacIsaac was let go from his position in late summer 2012, just days before the end of his term.
"To be fired when you're working under the supervision of other
employees is disproportionate," Health Minister Terry Lake told
reporters on a conference call Friday. "We have come to the conclusion
that other types of actions should have been considered rather than
firing him."
On behalf of the government, Lake said he wanted to
relay an apology and sympathy for the stress and sadness MacIsaac's
family has endured as a result of the man's death in December 2012.
"What happened to Mr. MacIsaac, of course, was a tragedy. I want to personally express my condolences."
ministry employees were fired and three others were suspended without
pay between August and September 2012 after an investigation into the
relationship between university researchers seeking grants and employees
working on B.C.'s Pharmacare program.
Then-health minister
Margaret MacDiarmid said the investigation found evidence of potential
conflict of interest and inappropriate conduct involving the abuse of
drug research information. Personal medical information appeared to have
been improperly used for research purposes, she alleged.
RCMP were contacted, no charges have been laid. The government has never
released evidence of wrongdoing by MacIsaac, nor given a fulsome
explanation about what happened.
A review of the 2012 firings was
later conducted by deputy health minister Stephen Brown. He found some
of the employment terminations were unwarranted or excessive, leading to
settlements with three employees. Two wrongful dismissal lawsuits are
still winding through the courts.
Neither Lake nor Brown were in their current roles at the time.
said that the government apology was prompted by touching public
statements made Tuesday at the legislature by MacIsaac's sister, Linda
"I would say that hearing Ms. Kayfish touched us all," he said.
really did have an effect on us, and I think made us realize that an
apology was appropriate given all we have learned over the last couple
of years."
Kayfish told reporters through tears that all her family wanted was an apology and explanation.
figured that when somebody makes a mistake and ruins people's lives
like this, they had to know there were going to be repercussions," she
"For us to fix things, you have to recognize an error. Stand up and recognize that error. Apologize. Be sincere."
coroner's report said MacIsaac, 46, was experiencing "significant
personal stress" related to occupational and academic matters that had
arisen in his life when he died.
He was found collapsed on the
floor of his home on Jan. 8, 2013, although he hadn't been seen for more
than a month. A gas-powered generator in the room had been running
until its fuel ran out, the report said.
New Democrat leader John
Horgan, who facilitated the woman's news conference, called the apology a
"victory" for the MacIsaac family.
The government has appointed
the head of the Public Service Agency to review the initial
investigation that resulted in the firings. Recommendations will be made
to improve how the ministry responds to alleged misconduct in the
The deadline for the report is Oct. 31.
Wedding Video Link is located above. It is so beautiful, I never thought something as lovely as that could be made. Surely, you can all see a photo of Deborah, not only at the entrance of the church with all those who have gone before us, including my dad, but also, the grooms dad, and other family members. Her photo was also on the table at the reception hall, beautifully framed in white. Also, remarkably, this was the first time I got a glimpse of Deborah's blue ring on the bride's bouquet. What a lovely touch.The extra groomsman, the flower of bouquet for her, all reflective of her presence and joy. She is always with us, every moment of every day. She is dancing among the stars now, and I am optimistic that our time apart will be very short.
Driving real and lasting change in Canada’s mental health
demands more than great ideas and good intentions – it happens when
everyday people across the country take positive action to help improve
mental health.
The movement is quickly gathering momentum, and Canadians of all ages
and in all communities are letting their voices and actions speak
loudly. Businesses, organizations and communities are stepping up and
getting involved.
We are thrilled to highlight the milestones reached and report on the impact we are having collectively.
Impact Report
Our impact report shares the progress achieved by Partners
for Mental Health from April 2014 to March 2015. It draws from a
synthesis of key findings from many information sources, including an
evaluation of Not Myself Today by the Propel Centre for Population
Health Impact (University of Waterloo), online surveys with supporters
and volunteers, interviews with companies and campaign strategy
I'm sure most people have heard about this tragedy circulating in the news. A young 20 something man shot by police who claim they were responding to a suicidal person in distress. There is little information about the investigation being released so there are many questions left unanswered. Was he really in distress? What occured right before shots were fired? Has his family been noticing changes in his behavior? I am not sure if RCMP officers receive additional workshops or training in terms of how to best help someone who has mental health issues. It would be a shame if this was another case of poor judgement because RCMP are not trained to recognize TRUE mental health flags.
Surrey police shooting: Hudson Brooks wasn't suicidal, says family
Beaudry Brooks, whose brother was shot dead by a Surrey RCMP officer, says Hudson Brooks was "a joy."
By Jesse Johnston, CBC NewsPosted: Jul 22, 2015 12:11 PM PT
Last Updated: Jul 22, 2015 12:19 PM PT
Friends and family of the
young man from Surrey who was shot dead by police last weekend haven't
been able to find out much about why Hudson Brooks was killed.
The Independent Investigations
Office has only said the 20-year-old was shot and killed early Saturday
morning near the South Surrey RCMP detachment during some kind of
altercation with an RCMP officer.
The female officer — who also suffered a gunshot wound to the leg
during the incident — was responding to a call about a suicidal man in
significant distress, according to the IIO.
But the Brooks family doesn't believe that was the case.
"He has been misrepresented," said Beaudry Brooks, Hudson's brother.
An RCMP officer walks underneath the
Semiahmoo Library in South Surrey on Saturday, after Hudson Brooks was
fatally shot by police. (Rafferty Baker/CBC)
"I've seen the word suicidal thrown around. That is not right. It's
not what he was and anyone who knows him, his family and his friends,
it's hurtful to see that."
In a statement released earlier this week, the IIO said, "Other than
police issued equipment, nothing of significance was recovered from the
When asked whether that means Brooks was unarmed, the organization said it won't elaborate on the wording of the release.
Quirky sense of humour
Murals dedicated to Hudson Brooks cover the South Surrey skate park that he used to frequent as a teenager.
People who used to run into Brooks at the park say they can't believe
the young man, who was known for his sharp but friendly tongue, came to
a violent end.
"He used to bug me, but he knew the way he would bug me would make me happy," Beaudry Brooks said.
Beaudry Brooks looks at a spray painted tribute to his brother Hudson Brooks. (Jesse Johnston)
"He would make fun of my nose. He would call people squid. He was quirky and happy and he made you feel good in his own way."
Paul Durand says Brooks was easy to get along with.
"He's a nice guy. A chill guy. He never hurt anybody," he said.
"He didn't deserve what happened to him. They didn't need to take their guns out and shoot him."
Neither the IIO, nor the RCMP has revealed what happened in the
moments leading up to the shooting, and why, or how a weapon was drawn.
on: Hi Larry H - There is a reason the bible repeats over and over to
watch for the signs. Why would Daniel give us signs to watch and days to
count?!?!?! BO caused the abomination of desolation on March
Larry H - There is a reason the bible repeats over and over to watch
for the signs. Why would Daniel give us signs to watch and days to
count?!?!?! BO caused the abomination of desolation on March 22, 2013!
therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent.
If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and
thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee -Revelations 3:3
this know, that if the goodman of the house had known what hour the
thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house
to be broken through. -Luke 12:39
ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as
a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day:
we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep,
as do others; but let us watch and be sober. -1 Thessalonians 5:4-6
are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching:
verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit
down to meat, and will come forth and serve them. -Luke 12:37
I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his
garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. -Revelations 16:15
See, If we DO NOT WATCH we will be taken like a thief! Blessed he who watches and keeps his garments.
bible tells us when these things will unfold, but you have to watch to
see the prophecies unfold to know the times. God does things on His
Feast Days! I pray for you my friend so you are not deceived!
I don't know what I'm doing lately, except that aging is hard. I feel frustrated in that I'd like to do more but feel tired by the afternoon. Today I cleaned my house, returned some library material for my husband, got some vegetables and flowers from a nursery, all on sale. I purchased some seeds for next year. Then I returned some of our bottles to recycle, and then went to take some flowers to Deborah's graveside. I found a nice little grey pot, and put two pink potted plants in the one, along with her freedom angel. I know her time is short in the grave, so my prayer is more along the lines of the Lord has given, and the Lord has taken, blessed be the name of the LORD. I cannot fret or be angry for what has happened, only a deep sadness covers me, along with great expectation. The other day, just asking the family to clean her room, for the foreign student who is about to spend three weeks with us, was more than what I bargained for. A wave of opposition from my household overwhelmed me, as they say, I just want to forget Deborah. Of course this can never be. A mother can never forget her child.I simply thought that giving her clothes to a good cause, after we all retrieved whatever we wanted from her room, would have worked. With my husbands kind reminder, I learned that my other three daughters are not ready to deal with it. Deborah was part of their entire lives, and they are not ready to clean her room, even a year later. So after shrieks of opposition, I exited the room, and told them that I will not have another day to tidy up, before the students arrival. By the evening, they had put most of the closet's content in boxes in the garage, promising to go through it again at a later date. The very smell of Deborah's clothing gives comfort to a few of us. It is something that I refuse to deal with now, as by the fall, I'm confident Jesus will come back for us. Then we can all be united again. This is not our home, we are all heading somewhere eternal. My husband wonders, if this is the case, then why am I still planting vegetables in the garden, why are we still pushing ourselves so much? There is no real good answer really, only that we are to occupy till Jesus comes. His reward is with him, and once we are with Him, the Bridegroom, then we will have to work no more. Our purpose in the heavenlies will be so much more interesting, and beyond our wildest dreams. On a casual note, the television is bombarded with movies like, 'The day the earth stood still' Independence day', Back to the Future, The day after tomorrow, Dominion, and many others, the world is being prepared in many ways for what is to come, without realizing it. The pictures from Pluto will not be such a big deal, in the light of the Universe that God created. Those of us who believe have nothing to fear, only watch and pray for His soon return to snatch up His Bride.
» How to approach mental illness in a relationship - together
How to approach mental illness in a relationship - together
When I met my boyfriend, I had been diagnosed with bipolar
for about four years, and in that four years, I had refused to date or even get
close to anyone. I initially saw my bipolar as a death sentence, something that
would repel everyone around me. So when I met A online, I was initially scared
to get close to him. Luckily, we had many many miles between us, so I felt safe
that I could be open with him, and if he rejected me (like I knew he would), it
wouldn't hurt as much. I showed him my blog that had been charting my life with
bipolar. I told him how bad it could be. I warned him, in no uncertain terms,
what I could be like when my synapses weren't firing correctly. And weirdly, he
was okay. He didn't run away. He asked questions. He tried to understand. He
told me he accepted me for who I was, bad and good.
It's been four years since we met. We've been married for
almost 2 years now, and our son celebrated his first birthday a few weeks ago. I
still keep him up to speed on my disease – he knows when my doctor appointments
are, and if I have had a med change. He takes our son to play when I have a difficult
therapy appointment. He texts me in the middle of the day to see if I need to
give him a status update on my mood. When I have a bad day, he doesn't try to
'fix' me, he just asks what I need. Sometimes I don't even know how he can
help, but I at least appreciate that he has asked.
There are some things we do to help our partnership deal
with my illness, and that might help you as well. So here are my top tips for
approaching a new (or existing) relationship with a mental illness.
Be honest. For someone to be with you fully,
they need to know about your illness. It may be difficult, but if you want the
relationship to work, be honest with them. You don't have to tell them your
entire medical history on the first date (that would make for a very long
dinner!), but you do owe it to them and to yourself to show them all the sides
of you.
Encourage them to ask questions. When it comes
to understanding mental illness, there are no stupid questions! Be open and
honest in your responses; it will help them see that your mental illness is
just one small facet of the amazingness that is you!
Keep your sense of humour. If I didn't take time
to laugh with my husband at my illness, I would be far worse off. I know many
times your illness is not at all funny, but on the times when you can smile in
spite of it, DO IT!
Everyone has issues. Remember, lots of people
have chronic illnesses – diabetes, lupus, and the like. They get in and out of
relationships, have families, and live their lives with their illness, not
battling it. When I am feeling down, it's easy to think that my husband and
child would be better off without me, but that's exactly when I need to reach
out to them (and to my doctors) for support. No man is an island. We all need
help from time to time, whether we are perfectly healthy, are going through a
temporary bout of depression, or have a more severe/chronic form of mental
illness. We're all in this together.
And finally, if the relationship ends, do NOT
immediately blame the illness. Millions of people break up with each other
every year, and I sincerely doubt that all of them have mental illness.
Therefore it stands to reason that people can grow apart for reasons that have
nothing to do with being bipolar/depressed/etc. Sometimes things don't work
out, and while it is sad, a person with a mental illness has to dust themselves
off and move on just like every other person out there.
I hope you have a great Valentine's day, whether you are
with someone or not, and that if and when you decide to enter a relationship,
please remember that your mental illness is a part of you, and you shouldn't be
ashamed of it. I may not like being bipolar, but I know it makes me, me. And as
my husband and baby love me, warts and all, my bipolar must not be all that
The city of Vancouver is finally revealing $35 Million worth of changes being proposed for the Burrard Street Bridge, with one specific change that has some heritage advocates concerned.
addition to lane widening and replacing the bike lane divider, among
other things, there is now a proposal to install a five to eight foot
high fence that would prevent someone from attempting to jump off the
bridge as a means to commit suicide.
Anthony Norfolk, a heritage advocate and member of the Vancouver
Heritage Society, says the design was never one that had been discussed
with stakeholders or at any of the city’s public house meetings.
issue has been the last-minute addition of design proposals that
seriously change the look of the Burrard Bridge,” said Norfolk. READ MORE: City of Vancouver holds public consultation over proposed changes to Burrard Bridge
average, between 2006-2011, emergency services in Vancouver received 17
calls–labeled as potential suicide attempts–involving the 83-year-old
bridge. According to the BC Coroner’s Service, one person dies each year
by jumping off the bridge.
Norfolk admits the issue of how to preserve both history and life is not an easy topic to address.
not that anyone is opposed to the concept of means prevention,” said
Norfolk. “But this is not the right way to go about doing that sort of
thing. It needs to be thought about, it needs to be discussed, the
stakeholders need to be engaged–which they have not.”
Vancouver Coastal Health first raised the issue with the city–which is how the proposed design came about.
this point, the design is still a proposal. However, Jerry Dobrovolny,
the city’s Acting General Manager of Engineering Services, says they
will be presenting this draft to council.
“If council gives us
direction to keep going in that detail design that’s when we’ll take a
look at exactly how high is the fencing, exactly what is the spacing of
the various bars, what is the diameter of the bars and start to design
it in a way that minimizes the impact as much as we can,” said
If officials do get the green light from council,
Dobrovolny says they will be consulting with heritage advocates and
other stakeholders to design a fence that is appropriate for the bridge. WATCH: City unveils new plans for a revamped Burrard Bridge
Here is the live radio show that I previously talked about regarding the incoming Planet 7 X with Gill Boussard..I also would like to share with you that someone wrote me regarding the Pope's visit below.
+Maria Gordon It's called Apolloliacum.
(the city that Cern is built on top of) :) And when Jesus is setting the Church of Philadelphia apart, in other
words declaring it HOLY, He told them~ "I will keep you from the Trial that
is coming upon the World." That's a gathering, regardless of what Jesse
believes. ;)
Petrus Romanus shall actually be speaking at the
Church of Philadelphia on 9.23-9.28. Well, will you be witnessing~ "The
Abomination that Causes Desolation standing in the Holy Place."?
I believe you will be.
And then what does Scripture tell
Why Mountains? ELEVATION.
( I think personally that the rapture, may come about sooner ie. Feast of Trumpets)
After the Tropic of Cancer strike, Elevation shall be of upmost
importance. LoveGod.LoveEachOther.
Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and
repent. If therefore thou shalt NOT watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and
thou shalt NOT know what hour I will come upon thee -Revelations 3:3 And this
know, that if the goodman of the house had KNOWN what hour the thief would come,
HE WOULD HAVE WATCHED, and NOT have suffered his house to be broken through.
-Luke 12:39 But ye, brethren, are NOT
in darkness, that "THAT DAY" should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the
children of light, and the children of the day: we are NOT of the night, NOR of
darkness. Therefore let us NOT sleep, as do others; but let us WATCH and be
sober. -1 Thessalonians 5:4-6 Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he
cometh shall find WATCHING: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself,
and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them. -Luke 12:37 Behold, I come as a
thief. Blessed is he that WATCHETH, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk
naked, and they see his shame. -Revelations 16:15
I was walking with a friend of three decades through the park yesterday. It was a nice time to catch up on family, and events such as my daughters wedding in June. Sadly, she had a funeral to attend to at the time, in a neighboring province, so this was our time to chat and walk, and share pictures. My friend was keenly aware of the droopy leaves of some of the trees in the park. The drought that we are experiencing is phenomenal. We went round and round the park, first to the mature forest, to enjoy the cool canopy, then off for the longer walk around the trail with the electric wires overhead. She had mentioned that she saw an eagle nest on top of such a concoction, and hoped that the nest could be relocated, instead of it perching on these wires. We truly have invaded the space for nature. Then we noticed the low water level on the creek, and she confirmed to me that in California, they are going to to their fifth year of drought, so we should be thinking of ground irrigation rather than sprinklers here in our northern region, which is much more efficient, and water will not evaporate easily. There is an article I found just now in the Surrey Leader July 17th issue about this. As I'm enjoying my first cup of coffee this morning while everyone else is asleep, I couldn't miss but read on the front page of the same newspaper, that a "Green Watchdog Resigns" from the city our city. The caption goes as follows: "Surrey environmentalist quits city advisory committee, citing mistreatment and dysfunction of group". The man, Bob Campbell has been openly critical of several environmental issues, including Surrey's loss of tree canopy and the creation of a galvanizing plant in South Surrey. How unfortunately that we cannot be better stewards of our environment, when the beauty, peace and tranquility, that are part of a beautiful natural setting benefit all of society. The park is desperate for rain. We are desperate for the provisions of God. We can manufacture nothing, yet we were invited to reign and rule with Him one day. I will let you know if I hear of any news regarding Deborah's bench installation at Bear Creek Park.
P.S. please if you are a smoker make sure the cigarette butt is totally extinguished before disposing it. It is a privilege to have the parks still open in our neighborhood.
Today was a very special day. I and my husband went to a BBQ at the Valley View Funeral home. All the folks have been touched by suicide or homicide in some way. All we had to contribute was some salad or dessert, and everything else was prepared for us by the sweet facilitators at Valley View in Surrey. It sure meant a lot to visit with former class members, and meet some of the new families who have gone through the course. Cast iron chairs and tables, beautiful flowering vine on the walls, birds fluttering by, and the smell of the BBQ stimulated our senses. It was like a big family, all enjoying an evening together. Even going to the powder room was a treat. I thought I was in a grand hotel, or something, it was gloriously upgraded.
One humble teacher at a university who lost a daughter to suicide, shared in her joy of having one of her literary pieces published. One young man who lost his father played the guitar for us towards the end of the evening. I shared wedding pictures of June 6th with several interested folks. I so appreciated one lady there, who helped me get through that wedding day, as well. I have made a new friend, during my time of grief. How privileged I am, to have been picked up, literally, and encouraged to walk again. The pain doesn't go away, but as an old man expressed, who has lost his best friend at age 30, "we are not consumed by it 24 hours a day", though the tears and pain is still raw. He said, "I am as healed as I will be." He is now a facilitator for the homicide group. We ended up leaving with a half a delicious lemon pie.
Before dinner we visited Deborah's grave,... still torn with emotions.
This first and only Jesuit Pope has a long history that is not studied by many. People are under the impression he is a humble, simple man who rides a bicycle and has compassion on the poor. Below is an excerpt of the past.
promptly poisoned).THE ORDER
SESSION, 25 April 1916.
of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly
they are ravening wolves."
I read a book some years ago
that started my research that I am still involved in today.The information I have, I believe, if it were ever brought to a
trial, would prove so conclusively of what I am about to tell you that not
even the perpetrators themselves would try to deny it.In the past, when confronted with their prior history of
atrocities, their only response has been: "we don't do that
anymore", or sneer at its improbability, or a gratuitous imputation
of bigotry and intolerance against the writer, while at the same time
telling all their followers: "we never change".
Before I begin, and you start
thinking I'm an "extremist", let me say that I'm not the only
person to find this information.It
is readily available (at the finger tips of those on the internet) to
anyone willing to put in a little time and research.I have found, what I believe to be, the common denominator for a
very large percentage (if not all) of the events perpetrated and/or
carried out by departments of government and/or its agencies, that are
totally negative to the rights and freedoms of the American people.This organization is responsible for the wholesale slaughter of
multi-millions of peoples all over the world.It is responsible for the "Dark Age" (inquisitions)
period leading up to (and long after) the founding of this country.
A zeal for the discovery of
new territory marked the fifteenth century.The first navigations for this purpose were concerted and directed
by prince Henry. Born 1394, the fourth son of John I. king of Portugal.His valor in the assault and capture of the city: Ceuta in Africa
1415, presaged the fame he afterward acquired.From this period he devoted himself to naval expeditions for the
discovery of unknown countries.His
ships subjected divers parts of Africa and the neighboring islands to the
dominion of Portugal.After
the success in doubling cape Bojadoy, he gave to his father and successors
all the land he discovered, or might discover, and applied to Pope Martin
V to ratify the donation.He
engaged that in all their expeditions the Portuguese should have mainly in
view the extension of the Roman church and authority of its pontiff.Pope Martin granted the prince's request.In his bull of ratification, which was about the year 1430, it is
declared that: "whatever might be discovered from the said cape to
the utmost India, should pertain to the Portuguese dominion."Edward, brother of prince Henry, succeeded to the throne of
Portugal 1433, on the death of John I.Pope Eugene IV. by his bull in 1438, ratified, to Edward, the grant
made by Martin V.A bull of
Nicholas V. dated 8 Jan 1454, refers to the aforesaid bulls of his
predecessors, Martin and Eugene.It
recites the declaration prince Henry made of his achievements "that
for 25 years he had not ceased to send annually almost an army" of
Portuguese, "with the greatest dangers, labors and charges, in the
most swift ships, to search out the sea and maritime provinces toward the
southern parts and Antarctic Pole." that these ships "came at
length to the province of Guinea, and took possession of some islands,
havens and sea adjoining" that "sailing further, war was waged
for some years with the people of those parts, and very many islands near
thereunto were subdued and peaceably possessed, and were still possessed
with the adjacent sea" that "many Guineans and other negroes
were taken then by force, and some by barter."The bull describes Henry as "a true soldier of Christ, a most
courageous defender and intrepid champion of the faith, aspiring from his
early youth with his utmost might to have the glorious name of Christ
published, extolled and revered throughout the world."It recognizes the exclusive right of Portugal to the acquisitions
and possessions aforesaid, in virtue of the letters of Popes Martin and
Eugene, which granted to the king of Portugal and prince Henry "free
and ample faculty to invade, search out, expunge, vanquish and subdue all
pagans and enemies of Christ whosesoever placed, and their persons to
reduce to perpetual slavery, and all their kingdoms, possessions and goods
to apply and appropriate," etc.Pope Nicholas's letter then goes on to "decree and declare,
the acquests already made, and what hereafter shall happen to be acquired,
after that they shall be acquired, have pertained, and forever of right do
belong and pertain to the aforesaid king and his successors, and not to
any others whatever."It
forbids, on the severest penalties, all Christian powers from settling in
the countries discovered by the Portuguese, or any way molesting them in
their expeditions for the discovery and conquest of unknown countries.It speaks of prince Henry's plan and his prosecution of it as
"a most pious work, and most worthy of perpetual remembrance, wherein
the glory of God, where the interest of the commonwealth of the universal
church are concerned."
Thus was prince Henry's views
and operations sanctioned by the highest authority, at that time,
acknowledged in Christendom.A
right derived from a source so venerable was then undisputed.The Roman pontiff bound princes at his pleasure, and as Vicar of
Christ, was allowed to have at his disposal all the kingdoms of the earth.This grant of Pope Nicholas was confirmed by his successor:
Calixtus III. 6 August 1458.
On the death of Edward, his
son Alphonsus, then in his minority, succeeded to the throne of Portugal,
1438, and died 1481.Prince
Henry died 1460-63.At his
death the spirit of discovery languished, but revived with the accession
of John II., son of Alphonsus.The
year after his accession (1482), sent an embassy to Edward IV. of England,
to acquaint him with the title acquired by the Pope's bull to the conquest
in Guinea: requesting him to dissolve a fleet, which some English
merchants were fitting for the Guinea (slave) trade.The king of England showed great respect to the ambassadors and
granted all they required.The
king of Portugal assumed, and the king of England gave him, this style,
Rex Portugalie et Algarbiorum citra at ultra mare in Africa.Pope Sixtus IV., not long before his death(12 Aug 1484), confirmed
all the grants made by his predecessors, to the kings of Portugal and
their successors.
In 1481 John II. sent 100
artificers, 500 soldiers, and all necessities to build a fort in Guinea.The large kingdoms of Benin and Congo were discovered 1484-85, and
the Cape of Good Hope 1486.The
Portuguese built forts and planted colonies in Africa: established a
commercial intercourse with the powerful kingdoms, and compelled the petty
princes, by force of arms, to acknowledge themselves vassals.
At this period, and by these
means, the power and commerce of the Portuguese in Africa were well
established.The wholesome
decrees of five successive Roman pontiffs granted, conveyed and confirmed
to the most faithful king a right to appropriate the kingdoms, goods and
possessions of all infidels, wherever to be found, "to reduce their
persons to perpetual slavery or destroy them from the earth", for the
declared purpose of bringing the Lord's sheep into one dominical fold,
under one universal pastor.Succeeding
kings of Portugal have not forfeited the large grant by any undutiful ness
to their holy father.Portugal
long enjoyed the trade to Africa and the East Indies without interference
of any European power.For
more than half a century, before exporting any negroes from Africa, she
made and held them slaves in their native country.
The Portuguese first imported
slaves into Hispaniola 1508, and into their Brazilian colonies 1517. Their
sugar works were first set up in these colonies 1580.Their union with Spain, at that time, was most unfortunate for
them.The Dutch became their
enemy, who took their East-India and Brazilian conquests and parts of
their African colonies.They
recovered Brazil and their African establishments 1640, but not that of
After the Dutch gave up Brazil
and the gold mines were discovered, the trade of Portugal improved and a
great importation of slaves took place: carrying yearly from Loangro to
Brazil: 25,000, also many thousands from Goango and Cape Lopos.They themselves say they carry to Brazil 50,000 and more every year
from Melinda, on the Mozambique coast.Such had been the increase of their Brazilian and African colonies
for a century that their increase in English goods, annually, was greater
than that of Portugal and Spain combined prior to 1700.
Spanish America received
slaves from the Genoese, Portuguese, French and English.States purchased from Spain were the first to secede from the
union: 1861.Before, during
and long after the african slave trade ended: the heads of state of Spain
and Portugal were addressed(and may still be), in formal title, by foreign
dignitaries/heads of state, as: "His/Her Catholic Majesty"(U.S.
State Dept. records): thereby acknowledging them, only, as emissaries of
the pope.
Catholic priest's dealing in
the African slave trade is testified to, in this poem, by the famous
nineteenth century poet, J.G. Whittier:
poem, on the slave block in New Orleans.
going, gone!
bids for Gods own image?-for His grace
this poor victim of the market-place
in her suffering won?
My God! can such things be?
thou not said that whatsoe'er is done
Thy weakest and Thy humblest one,
even done to thee?
that sad victim, then,
of Thy pitying love, I see Thee stand,
more the jest-word of a mocking band,
sold, and scourged again!
Christian up for sale!
with her blood your whips-o'ertask her frame,
her life loathsome with your wrong and shame,
shall not fail!
for the turbaned bey
robber-peopled tunis! he hath torn
dark slave-dungeons open, and hath borne
inmates into day:
our poor slave in vain
to the Christian shrine her aching eyes-
rites will only swell her market price,
rivet on her chain.
of all right! how long
priestly robbers at Thine alter stand,
in prayer to thee the bloody hand
haughty brow of wrong!
from the fields of cane,
the low rice-swamp, from the traders cell-
the black slave-ship's foul and loathsome hell,
coffle's weary chain-
horrible, and strong,
to heaven that agonizing cry,
the arches of the hollow sky,
Long, O Lord, how long!
For those who think the
Vatican's attitude, toward black people, may have changed through the ages
bear this in mind: (1)the biggest race riot in American history(1864,
Brooklyn, New York City) was instigated by Archbishop Hughes (in response
to Lincoln creating a draft for more union soldiers), including the
burning, and trampling to death of the occupants, of a black orphanage.
(2)when the U.S. Army occupied Rome during WWII, Pope Pius XII made it
clear to American generals there were to be no black soldiers garrisoned
in Rome. (3)over 95% of St. Louis, New York City, Chicago etc. police are
Knights of Columbus: bear this in mind when reviewing the facts of the
Malcolm-X murder by the Chicago police: every shot fired in the apartment
was from fully automatic weapons used by the police;Amadou Diallo: 41 shots fired, 17 striking the body: Diallo was
unarmed: police in plain cloth's and unmarked car, never identified
themselves.The cops, lawyers
and judge all had a party after the trial.Every unarmed black being shot in New York City (by police) is a
working immigrant.Special
Forces Group's (snipers) have been giving weapons training (and illegally
selling weapons) to the KKK in Alabama in exchange for info on black
leaders that lead to the murder of Martin Luther King Jr. and was financed
through, New Orleans godfather: Carlos Marcello (direct associate of J.
Edgar Hoover).Portuguese,
Raul Maori (actual shooter who killed Martin Luther King) was a drugs and
weapons smuggler for Carlos Marcello.Blacks are being systematically squeezed out of welfare, while
legal and illegal catholic immigrants receive unending welfare.Blacks fear the police more than street gangs.Every American city has a predominate catholic influence, and the
proportion of mafia/catholic power and influence and crime rate is
consistent from city to city.
Entire tribes of western
American Indians were annihilated under the direct orders of the brown
robed butchers, i.e. Coronado and his Spanish Conquistadors 1519-1540's.Not to mention the Aztecs and Incas of Mexico, Central and South
America, Cuba, Haiti, Grenada, Guam, Philippines etc.With the likes ofAlmagro,
Cortez, Pizarro, Valverde, de Meza, Gregory, Sepulveda, Valega and, yes,
Christopher Columbus (imprisoned by Queen Isabella of Spain for his
atrocities against the natives of Grenada), robbing them of all their
national wealth and enslaving the people (try finding that in your public
school history books.In the
late middle age discoveries, the Vatican viewed all natives of the
Americas as "indigenous natural slaves".Until 1960 you could read, in any public library, books detailing
Vatican/Jesuit atrocities throughout the European middle age/dark age
inquisitions, since 1960 there has been a systematic removal of all
publications(after web pages, like this one, became known, several hundred
books suddenly disappeared from the Library of Congress; example:"Confessions of The Conspirators"{to Lincoln's
assassination}): evidencing a systematic takeover of all educational
material: remember the "book burnings" in Berlin 1933?).This is further evidenced by the remote location of Machu Picchu.And all in the name of their "holy mother", the Church of
Rome.Our own war of
independence was called a war of spiritual freedom: after seeing the
purposeful destruction of every church and synagogue in every city,
village and town the British Red Coats marched through.Every church that is except Roman Catholic.That's recorded in: "The Light and the Glory", by: Peter
Marshall and David Manuel.Though
the authors never mention the Jesuit's as the perpetrators of these
atrocities other records leave little doubt ["British Canadian Sir
Henry Clinton: commander-in-chief in North America, his troops made up of
Oliver Delaney's and Cortlandt Skinner's brigades, New York Volunteers,
Queens Rangers, Orange Rangers, Loyal Americans, Pennsylvania Loyalists,
Maryland Loyalists, Roman Catholic Volunteers, West Jersey Volunteers,
Chasseurs, Royal Americans Reformees, Volunteers of Ireland(Catholic),
British Legion, Guides and Pioneers" (Secret History of the American
Revolution, by: Carl Van Doren)].In
fact the authors try to exonerate the Jesuits.However in that attempt they accept the information of a man who
was on the team of translators of the "American Standard
version" of the bible.How
anyone could put their trust in a person who would associate himself with
a group of men of which 33% were known affiliates with communist fronts
and causes is beyond me ("None Dare Call It Treason", by: John
H. Stormer,1964).A synopsis
of Vatican orchestrated atrocities can be seen when reading: "Foxe's
Book of Martyr's".This
book also shows the direct correlation between the submission demands
placed on the inquisition victims, by Priests, and the Papal encyclical to
the Second Vatican Council, promulgated 25 May 1995 i.e. recognizing the
Pope as the vicar of Christ(Christ incarnate); taking part in communion
that recognizes the wafer of unleavened bread (Eucharist) as the literal
body and blood of Christ, and making it an essential part of being a
member of the body of Christ.For
this to be a part ofR.C.
dogma is of no consequence, but to say that the R.C. Church has not only
the authority, but the obligation and duty to God to apply it to every
person, of every religion, that has been baptized in Christ's name
(willing or unwilling), and that the sole purpose of the Vatican and its
ecuminical movement is to bring about this end, is to expose the fact that
the Vatican has not changed its dogma, stand, purpose or methods since the
start of the inquisitions.Here
are a few paragraphs: "We can now ask how much further we must travel
until that blessed day when full unity in faith will be attained and we
can celebrate together in peace the Holy Eucharist of the Lord.The greater mutual understanding and the doctrinal convergences
already achieved between us, which have resulted in an affective and
effective growth of communion, cannot suffice for the conscience of
Christians who profess that the Church is one, holy, Catholic and
apostolic.The ultimate goal
of the ecumenical movement is to re-establish full visible unity among all
the baptized"(page 35, last paragraph)."It is already possible to identify the areas in need of
fuller study before a true consensus of faith can be achieved: 1) the
relationship between sacred scripture, as the highest authority in matters
of faith, and Sacred Tradition, as indispensable to the interpretation of
the Word of God; 2) the Eucharist, as the Sacrament of the Body and Blood
of Christ, an offering of praise to the Father, the sacrificial memorial
and Real Presence of Christ and the sanctifying outpouring of the Holy
Spirit; 3) Ordination, as a Sacrament, to the threefold ministry of the
episcopate, presbyterate and diaconate; 4) the Magesterum of the Church,
entrusted to the Pope and the Bishops in communion with him, understood as
a responsibility and an authority exercised in the name of Christ for
teaching and safeguarding the faith; 5) the Virgin Mary, as Mother of God
and Icon of the Church, the spiritual Mother who intercedes for Christ's
disciples and for all humanity" (page 36, paragraph 7)."Consequently, for the out come of dialogue to be received,
there is needed a broad and precise critical process which analyzes the
results and rigorously tests their consistency with the Tradition of faith
received from the Apostles and lived out in the community of believers
gathered around the Bishop, their "legitimate" pastor"(page
37, paragraph 3).The
enormity of the implications of this edict so staggers the imagination
that to refuse to acknowledge this threat to American freedoms and rights,
and the enormity of its scope, can only be construed as complicity with
its intentions.If you have
any doubts at all about this all you have to do is read this edict.It is titled: "That They May Be One".It is interesting that the pope uses the word "they" and
not "we", obviously excluding himself.After all, being the vicar of Christ(Christ incarnate), he can't
consider himself a mere mortal(power is intoxicating, even to the extent
of total distortion of logic).This
edict has been given full approval by Skull & Bones: Pat Robertson, of
the 700 Club.Also read the
first and second points of the second week of "The Spiritual
Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola".Ignatius of Loyola, who's real name was Inigio Lopez De Recalde,
founded the Society of Jesus(Jesuits)1534 in Spain, and also the
Illuminati (holder of the light) [later instituted 1 May 1776 by Adam
Weishaupt (German Jesuit, who's picture is on our one dollar bill) at
Ingelstadt University, where he was Professor of Cannon Law, under the
direct orders of the "Black Pope"(who is a member of the Masonic
Lodge of Europe and, in all likelihood, was picked from the House of
Rothschild) and financed by the "House of Rothschild" (In 1777
Weishaupt was initiated into the Masonic Order, the Lodge of Good Council,
in Munich, to infiltrate and control it.At the Masonic International Congress at Wilhemsbad July 1782 the
Masonic leaders received Illuminati indoctrination) (U.S. branch of the
Illuminati is: "Council on Foreign Relations", of which U.S.
Supreme Court judges: Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Catholic), Stephen
Breyer(Catholic) and Sandra Day O'Conner are members, Bill Clinton, George
Bush, Newt Gingrich, etc.); "Trilateral Commission" and
"Skull & Bones" of Yale University].De Recalde was also a Crusader (Vatican army that raped Israel, and
most of Europe, in the dark age inquisitions). Interlocked
Illuminati fronts are: United Nations, Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome,
Royal Institute For International Affairs(England), Tri-Lateral Commission
and Council On Foreign Relations.
Jesuit spiritual exercises are
a daily ritual for Jesuits.A
copy is easily obtainable thru the Internet.Let me quote a couple of lines: "The first point is to put
before me a human king chosen by God our Lord, whom all Christian princes
and men reverence and obey.The
second, to look how this king speaks to all his people, saying: It is my
will to conquer all the land of unbelievers.Therefore, whoever would like to come with me is to be content to
eat as I, and also to drink and dress, etc., as I: likewise he is to labor
like me in the day and watch in the night, etc., that so afterwards he may
have part with me in the victory, as he has had it in the labors".
Third week, first day, fifth point: "The fifth to consider how the
Divinity hides itself, that is, how it could destroy its enemies and does
not do it, and how it leaves the most sacred Humanity to suffer so very
cruelly".In the bull:
Unam Sanctam (by: Pope Boniface VIII, promulgated 18 Nov 1302) we see the
Vatican's intention of using governments and their agencies to achieve
Vatican goals: "We are informed by the texts of the gospels that in
this church and in its power are two swords; namely the spiritual and the
temporal.For when the
Apostles say: "Behold here are two swords"[Lk 22:38] that is to
say, in the church, since the Apostles were speaking, the Lord did not
reply that there were too many, but sufficient.Certainly the one who denies that the temporal sword is in the
power of Peter has not listened well to the word of the Lord commanding:
"Put up thy sword into thy scabbard"[Mt 26:52].Both, therefore, are in the power of the church, that is to say,
the spiritual and the material sword, but the former is to be
administered-for-the Church but the latter-by-the Church; the former in
the hands of the priests; the latter in the hands of kings and soldiers,
but at the will and sufferance of the priest".This alone should be sufficient to convince you of the militancy of
the Vatican, Illuminati and their method of administration [now we know
what was behind the Waco raid (pilot program to establish future policy)].Nowhere is this more obvious than in the Balkans.The "Dogmatic Constitution on The Church" proclaimed by
pope Paul VI, 21 Nov 1964: 20. Paragraph 3: "with priests and deacons
as helpers, the bishops received the charge of the community, presiding in
Gods stead over the flock, of which they are the shepherds in that they
are teachers of doctrine, ministers of sacred worship and holders of
office in government." Ireland is a typical example of this policy.
Ironically the Jesuits are
feared(and highly disliked) among the Catholic clergy more than anywhere
else (there is inner-clergy rivalry within the R.C. orders, not unlike
that of the upper-echelon of the Third Reich).Not too surprising since the Jesuits answer only to the "Black
Pope".The Jesuits do
for the Vatican what the, Jesuit trained, S.S.,S.D., S.A. and Gestapo did
for the Third Reich.
Frans Von Papen, Jesuit,
Hitlers mentor, chancelor of Germany(June 1932-March 1933) and first
vice-chancellor of the Third Reich, stated in his book: "My
Conversations with Hitler": "Hitler has put into practice the
high ideals of the papacy".This
statement was made in reference to the death camps.As chancellor, von Papen's first act was to dissolve the Reichstag;
his second was lifting the ban on Hitlers "Brown Shirts"(SA); he
then integrated Catholic youth groups into the "Hitler Youth":
setting the stage for Hitler and the Third Reich to move into power."Mein Kampf" was written for Hitler by Jesuit Staempfle.As papal nuncio to Germany(1917-1929), Archbishop Eugenio Pacelli
worked with Germany's Illuminati bankers and industrialist's(I.G. Farbin),
preparing the way for the Third Reich to move into power. Thousands of
Jews were hidden in the Vatican, as a precaution, in case Hitler lost the
"Yea the time cometh when
he that killeth you will think that he doeth God service." (John
The fact that the Vatican
entered into a concordat with Hitler [signed in the Vatican by Von Papen
and Cardinal Secretary of State: Eugenio Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII), 20
July 1933], as with Mussolini, Franco and Salazar is no secret.But the Vatican's attempt to seduce Hitler into extending the
provisions of that concordat to include every country he raped and
pillaged is not so well known, but is recorded in Hitler's own words in
his book: "Hitler's Secret Conversations" i.e. "I have
shown myself unresponsive to the attempts of the Vatican toward the
extension of the provisions of the concordat to embrace the newly acquired
territories of the Reich.The
Saar, Sudetenland, Bohemia and Moravia, the Reichsgau Danszig-East
Prussia, the Warthegau, a large part of Silesia and Alsace-Lorraine have,
in fact, no relations with the Roman Catholic Church which are supported
by formal international agreement"(page 516)."The attitude of the Bishop von Galen affords just one more
argument in favor of terminating the Concordat after the war, substituting
for it regional regulations and immediately withholding from the Church
the financial support at present guaranteed to it by that
treaty"(page 520).Pacelli(negotiating
the concordat provisions) insisted, the German State, within the dictates
of the concordat, "be bound by any and all proposals of the local
bishop regarding teachers of religion, and that the state would be obliged
to fire such teachers if the bishop so demanded; meanwhile, the state
would be required to meet all financial obligations, and at the same time,
guarantee the application of cannon law to the faithful";[Bill
Bennett(and his, Jesuit, brother Bob(now senator(R)from Utah) are KNOWN
operatives in CIA/MK-Ultra/Project Monarch-extreme trauma induced multiple
personality mind control sex deviates and pedophiles), self professed
Jesuit, Secretary of Education under Reagan, propagator of Outcome Based
Education (OBE), stated: "All children should be taught by
Jesuits"].This makes me
very curious of the content of the concordat: "Conciliar Document on
Religious Freedom", being pushed in Washington by John Courtney
Murray (R.C. Priest).
It becomes apparent that a
chain of events of influence by certain people directed R.C. Hitler's
life.Leopold Poetsch, his
(Catholic) teacher; Mein Kampf: written, for Hitler, by German Jesuit:
Staempfle; his "recruitment" into the Thule Society, 1919
(totally racial, religious, ethnic biased and anti-Semitic satanic cult.Read: "The Occult and The Third Reich"), as stated in
(web page) "Illuminati Outline of History". All of Hitler's
"inner circle" were members e.g. Himmler, Goebbels & Hoess
etc. (and still good Catholics) which were among the thousands of Nazi and
Ustasha fascist war criminals smuggled to Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay,
Australia, Canada and the U.S.(with 10,000+) by the Vatican (using forged
documents, with Vatican seal, on stolen Red Cross travel cards with
Vatican Visa's).The mass
evacuation ("Ratlines") being coordinated by a small cabal of
Vatican officials ("Intermarium") such as Giovanni Montini(later
Pope Paul VI), Hubal and Dragonovic(worked with U.S. Army's Counter
Intelligence Corps(CIC)organizing the escape of Gestapo head and war
criminal Klaus Barbie to South America) under the direction of Pope Pius
XII(1945-1950) "Unholy Trinity" by: Mark Aarons and John
Loftus); "Those who did rescue the mass murderers from the hand of
justice were not Peron(Argentine populist dictator) and his secret police
but the [Roman] Catholic Church and its emissaries.It was the [Roman] Catholic Church, which, through its priests,
church's, monasteries and forged Vatican passports, managed to foil the
post-war hunt for Nazi war criminals.Nor was the church's rescue operation inconsistent with the policy
it had pursued throughout the Nazi era. Henri du Lubac, a Jesuit
theologian, filed a report in 1944, well before the end of the war, on the
collaboration of the [Roman] Catholic Church with the pro-Nazi Vichy
(French) regime.Hidden until
this month, the report condemns what du Lubac calls the moral and
spiritual abdication of Roman Catholic Bishops under the Nazis.For decade's French cardinals, monks and nuns had helped one of
France's worst war criminals, Paul Touvier, escape justice.It is difficult to imagine that it was possible, in the monolithic
[Roman] Catholic Church, for so many to act so uniformly for so long
without the knowledge and approval of the highest levels of the Vatican.Israelis have found it difficult to understand why the Vatican has
refused to recognize the State of Israel." Jerusalem Post, editorial:
"Maxima Culpa" 14 Feb 92; Adolf Eichmann was issued a Vatican
visa and passport (in the name of Ricardo Klement, dated: 14 July 1950) by
Franciscan monks in a Catholic monastery in Italy, giving him free passage
to Argentina.At his trial in
Jerusalem, raising his right hand in swearing to tell the truth, Adolf
Eichmann gave the hand sign of the Pope.Hitler was backed by Illuminati bankers[the reason Rudolph Hess
flew to Scotland(home of the Rothschild's)], in London, New York City and
Berlin, after approval by Ivy Lee (probably chosen due to his successful
promotion of the image of John D. Rockefeller), who was hired by I.G.
Farben for that purpose [I.G.Farben, who fed the notorious "Farben
buna soup" to the inmates working at "I.G. Auschwitz"
factory (specially formulated to starve them to death in three months) and
invented Zyklon B, the poison used to gas the Jews(according to Franciscan
Duns Scotus, Jews were slaves by divine decree), Gypsies etc. and now
controls the pharmaceutical industry in the U.S., the A.M.A. and the F.D.A.
That's why Laetrile was outlawed without ever being tested and not allowed
to be tested.It's a food,
(not a drug) vitamin B-17, derived from apricot seeds(and other food
sources), that has been proven to cure three out of five
"terminal" cancer patients. That's also why the F.D.A.
"requires" $210,000,000 and 10 years in research to put a
vitamin on the market (effectively stopping all new vitamin company
manufacturing).It really
doesn't take much imagination to figure out the annual multi-million
dollar income these pharmaceutical companies are raking in ($29 billion in
25 years) from federal grants, which would come to a sudden stop if their
were no more "cancer industry"(read: "World Without
Cancer", by: G. Edward Griffen).Now you can see why Dr. Burzynski is being prosecuted in Texas for
curing cancer patients. They
will put him away because he is too much of a threat to their mega-buck
industry](in 1996 over 600 hospitals merged with Catholic institutions in
19 states, from Portland Maine to Oakland California).
Kernersville N.C.: a cancer
patient was told, by his doctor, he would have to have half his jaw
removed to stop the cancer.The
man went to Tijuana(Dr. Ernesto Contreras: Contreras Oasis Hospital,
Playas De Tijuana, Mexico) and was treated with Laetrile and the cancer
cleared up.The man told his
doctor about the treatment and the doctor(by federal law) reported it to
the American Medical Association: federal agents came and searched the
mans home for the Laetrile.In
the U.S: I.G. Farben is BASF, Bayer and Hoechst.
2 March 1939: Cardinal
Secretary of State, Eugenio Pacelli was sworn in as Pope Pius XII; four
days later(as Hitlers tanks are rolling into Poland) Pacelli wrote to
Hitler: "To the illustrious Herr Adolf Hitler, Fuhrer and chancellor
of the German Reich!Here at
the beginning of our pontificate we wish to assure you that we remain
devoted to the spiritual welfare of the German people entrusted to your
leadership. During the many years we spent in Germany, we did all in our
power to establish harmonious relations between church and state.Now that the responsibilities of our pastoral function have
increased our opportunities, how much more ardently do we pray to reach
that goal?May the prosperity
of the German people and their progress in every domain come, with Gods
help, to fruition!"Pacelli
maintained a papal nuncio(Archbishop Orsenigo) in Berlin throughout the
Third Reich.At Pacelli's
express wish(20 April 1939) Orsenigo opened a gala reception for Hitler's
50th birthday, which became a tradition throughout the Third Reich, along
with Cardinal Bertram sending "warmest congratulations to the Fuhrer
in the name of the Bishops and dioceses in Germany", to which he
added "fervent prayers which the Catholics of Germany are sending to
heaven on their alters": "Hitlers Pope: The Secret History of
Pius VII", by, John Cornwell(all research for this book was done in
the Vatican Library).
Chick Publications, in Ontario
California, prints gospel tracts, storybooks and other Christian
literature. (Internet word search: Jesuit, click on "Bible believers
resource page") This company is very important to this subject
matter.As are the names of
Joseph McCabe (former Franciscan monk and internationally famous atheist
and author of almost 250 books); ex-Dominican monk: Walter M. Montano,
author of "Behind the Purple Curtain"; ex-priest: Bernard
Fresenborg, author of: "Thirty years in hell" and "Uncle
Sams New Fiancee".Chick
Publications has, in print, the true story of a former Jesuit who, after
many years in the service of the Vatican, came out of the Church of Rome
and put his story into print, as did Montano, McCabe and Fresenborg.This former Jesuit (Dr. Alberto Romero Rivera) and Jack Chick, of
Chick Publications, have had many attempts made on their lives for
publishing these materials, (Dr. Rivera, being poisoned by a dentist
breaking off an infected needle in his jaw and systematically fed poison
for many years, succumbed 20 June 1997) as have other authors and
publishers of like subject matter.The
Vatican does not take lightly the exposing of its practices, or of its
secret books i.e."Secret book of instructions for the Jesuits",
LCCN: BX3705.A2 M65; "Secret History of the Jesuits": Edmond
Paris 1975, LCCN: BX3706.2 .P3713 (these are two books you should
definitely read).They expose
the unquestionable clear methods and intentions of the Vatican for the
future, (their own publications).There
are enough books, by such a variety of authors, from different time
periods, writing from first hand knowledge, saying the same thing that the
evidence is inescapable.Denial
of this information can only be done with total bigotry and abstinence of
logic, and therefore can only be construed as complicity with its
intentions (yes it does bear repeating).It is very true that tyranny can only prevail when good men do
nothing e.g. Chamberlain and the Treaty of Versailles.
"Romes responsibility for
the assassination of Abraham Lincoln" (LCCN: E457.5.H316), author:
Thomas M. Harris, Late Brigadier General U.S.V.(and a presiding judge over
the trial of the conspirators), "The assassination of Abraham
Lincoln" (LCCN: E457.5.H28 or .H31), also by Thomas M. Harris;
"Behind the Purple Curtain"(LCCN: BX1773.M6); "The Great
Conspiracy"; "The suppressed truth about the assassination of
Abraham Lincoln"(LCCN: E457.5.M27) by Burke Mccarty; "Fifty
years in the Church of Rome" by Charles Chiniquy, ex-catholic priest;
"Treason History of the Order of the Sons of Liberty"(LCCN:
E458.8.S85) by Felix G. Stidger; "Washington in the Lap of
Rome"(LCCN: BXI770.F9) by Justin D. Fulton; "History of the
Plots and Crimes of the Great Conspiracy to overthrow Liberty in
America"(LCCN: E310.D983) by John Smith Dye; "The Trial of John
Surratt" by: John Surratt [John Surratt hid in Catholic monasteries
in Canada (6 weeks); England (4 weeks); became member of Zuaves (personal
body guard to the Pope, in the Vatican) before, eventually, being
extradited back to Washington D.C. to stand trial where (full row of
Jesuits paraded, in file, up to John Surratt, at every break in the trial,
to shake his hand and making sure the jury saw them) he got off on a hung
jury]."Official Records
of the Union and Confederate Navies" series II volume III (federal
depository library) shows the Vaticans involvement, on the side of the
Confederacy, its complicity in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and
attempted assassination of Secretary of State William H. Seward.As well as their planned control of politics, education [Bill
Bennett(and his, Jesuit, brother Bob(now senator(R)from Utah) are KNOWN
operatives in CIA/MK-Ultra/Project Monarch-extreme trauma induced mind
control sex deviates and pedophiles), self professed Jesuit, Secretary of
Education under Reagan(Reagan was shot after balking at assigning Bill
Bennett as Secretary of Education) propagator of Outcome Based Education (OBE),
stated: "All children should be taught by Jesuits"], immigration
[St. Leopold Foundation (Vatican spy network, founded: Vienna Austria,
1828)] and their already, at that time, control of much of the press(which
has grown to include every other mode of media communication).Pope Pius wrote a letter to Jefferson Davis, with the specific
instruction to have it printed in the Richmond newspaper to get the Irish
Catholic's in the Union army to desert. He did and they did (144,000+
deserted in one week).When
Lincoln initiated a draft for the Union Army, in New York City(1864),
Archbishop Hughes instigated the biggest race riot in American history,
including the burning to the ground of a black orphanage and trampling to
death of its occupants.We
know the Illuminati's international bankers supplied Jeff Davis(who's
secretary of state, Judah P. Benjamin, was a House of Rothschild agent),
J.Wilkes Booth, Sons of Liberty, Knights of the Golden Circle (J. Wilkes
Booth was seduced to assassinate Abraham Lincoln by a woman, Ella Turner,
and joined Knights of The Golden Circle for the sole purpose of obtaining
their assistance to that end; Leon Czolgosz joined Knights of The Golden
Eagle and was seduced to assassinate president William Mckinley by a
woman: Emma Goldman), Order of American Knights (Copperhead organizations)
etc. with money thru the Bank of Ontario, Montreal Branch, thru Jeff
Davis's "Canadian Cabinet", which was planned in detail in the
Vatican before Brig. Gen. Beauregard (Catholic) fired on Fort Sumter:
"We have the proof that the company which had been selected and
organized to murder me was led by a rabid Roman Catholic named Byrne; it
was almost entirely composed of Roman Catholics.More than that, there were two disguised priests among them to lead
and encourage them. Professor Morse, the learned inventor of electric
telegraphy, tells me that recently, when he was in Rome, he found the
proofs of a most formidable conspiracy against this country and all its
institutions.It is evident
that it is to the intrigues and emissaries of the Pope we owe, in great
part, the horrible civil war which is threatening to cover the country
with blood and ruin."(Abraham Lincoln).All this is in the Library of Congress, along with U.S. State
Department record of the U.S. Government breaking off diplomatic relations
with the Vatican on 30 June 1867 (for refusing to allow non-catholic
religious worship inside the walls of Rome: which should tell you how TBN
now has an international religious TV broadcasting station in Rome), which
was re-established by Ronald Reagan, 10 Jan 1984.Reagan only authorized the raid on Moammar Gahdafi after Gahdafi's
terrorists set off bombs in Rome, even though he knew about Gahdafi's
terrorism and counterfeiting activities for years.
According to Alberto Rivera
there have been over two thousand Jesuits in U.S. government positions
prior to 1980.If this is
true, and all indications appear so, there's no telling how many there are
now, and how much power they wield in Washington and state governments.The Jesuits control the entire CIA/MK-Ultra/Project Monarch(extreme
trauma induced multiple personality: Jesuit/Vatican mind control) program.These robotic victims are used as sex slaves and to deliver
drugs/money and/or encrypted messages to heads of state and/or their drug
operatives all over the world.They
are also used to carry out murders[Eric Harris and Dyland Klebold (Al Gore
and his goons wore black trench coats while he made his speech at
Columbine High School: identifying with the "Trench Coat
Operatives within Project
Monarch program: Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, George Bush Jr.,
Bill & Hillary Clinton, Robert C. Bird, Alan Cranston, Madeleine
Albright, Dick Cheney, Bob(drug czar) & Bill Bennett (Jesuits), Alan
Simpson, Arlen Spector, Jim Traficant, Governor Mellon, Bob Clement,
Pierre Trudeau(Canadian President/Jesuit), De la Madrid(Mexico), Michigan
governor: Blanchard, Prince Bandar Ben Sultan, Dr. Steve Hassen, Dr. Jolyn
West, Civia Tamarkin, Sue Carper, Joe Casey, William Casey, Dennis
Delaney, William Dieh, Lloyd Lindroth, Jimmy Buffett, Rev. Billy Roy
Moore, Larry Flint, Charlie Pride, Jack Greene. Country music operatives:
Alex Houston, Lee Atwater, Boxcar Willy, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Walker, Tommy
Overstreet, Lee Greenwood, Jerry Reed, Kris Kristopherson, Wayne Cox, Ken
Riley, R.C. Bannon. Baseball operatives: Tommy Lasorda, Nolan Ryan.
Others: Don & Guy Vanderjagt, Bud Crammer, Steve Hassen, J. Bennett
Johnston (Louisiana Senator), David Rorick, Patrick Leahy, George Lucas,
Michael Dante'(Michael Viti), Reggie "Mac" McLaughlin, Hal
Meadows, Dick Thornburgh, Mickey Miller, Ray & Regina Myers, Scott
Rosenburg, Carlos Salinas de Gortari, H.R. Gibson, Gary Ackerman, Lamar
Alexander(ritual Satanist), General Cedras, Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, Jack
Valenti, Jose Busto(Puerto Rican drug lord).Catholic priest operatives: Vesbit, father Don, James Thaylen.Centers for mind control experimentation: Branson Missouri Country
Music Center, Lords Chapel Church(Brentwood Tenn.), St. Frances of Assisi
Catholic Church/Catholic Center high school(Muskegon, Michigan), Jesuit
College(Wheeling W.V.), Boys Town Orphanage({incorporated}Omaha Neb.),
Mormon Church(Salt Lake City, Utah), Church of Scientology, Andrews A.F.
Base, Barksdale A.F. Base, McDill A.F. Base, Offutt A.F. Base, Plattsburgh
A.F. Base, Tinker A.F. Base, Warner-Robbins A.F. Base, Ft. McLelland, Ft.
George Meade, Ft. Campbell, NASA: Cape Canaveral; Washington D.C.;
Marshall Space Flight Center, Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville Al., Harvard
University("Trance-Formation of America", by Cathy O'Brian and
Mark Phillips).Advocacy
Committee for Human Experimentation Survivors-Mind Control(ACHES-MC) is an
organization dealing with survivor/victims of this heinous Jesuit/CIA
The Vatican bought 26.8
million dollars in gold from the U.S. reserves, at a dollar an ounce under
market value ($34 an ounce) and sold it back to the Government at market
value [$35 an ounce (United Nations World Magazine, Dec.1952)]; With 5500+
schools, colleges and universities (Clinton was educated at Jesuit
Georgetown University, where he and Fidel Castro were trained in communist
philosophies; Jefferson Davis at St. Thomas Catholic college in Kentucky)
all receiving government subsidies.Marymount
College in Boca Raton, Florida is typical: Founded in 1963 and having a
student body of 350 in 1968, it received, from the government, two million
in housing grants, a $55,000 anti-poverty grant to study migrant children
and a $10,000 education grant; In 1965 in Mississippi a $7,000,000
government-sponsored program for the retraining of unemployed was run by
an agency organized by a Roman Catholic Diocese, the $7,000,000 was
financed by the government via the Hillburton Act (1954, 1964).From 1947 to 1964 7,372 such projects were approved; HUD condemning
public lands and giving it to the Catholic Church, along with protestant
tax money to develop the land [build Catholic schools or hospitals(since
1961 the Catholic Church has been receiving $83,000+ a day for such
projects)].HEW should be
renamed CPA(Catholic Property Acquisition); Jesuit Fordham University
acquired a valuable piece of Lincoln Square in New York City for a
fraction of its worth, then got federal aid to develop the property;
Manhattan College, famous for its wines and brandy, obtained a large
factory and financial assistance from New Yorks Dormitory Authority; In
Chicago HEW donated a sixty-acre, 4.5 million dollar tract at the Hines
Veterans Administration Hospital to Jesuit Loyola University.When V.A. general councilman Fred B. Rhodes Jr. balked at the
giveaway a devout Catholic replaced him.New York State banking records shows us that in 1962 the Catholic
Church owns stocks and bonds in hundreds of corporations. Among others:
Baltimore & Ohio R.R., Rock Island, Erie, Sea Board, Missouri Pacific,
Pere Marquette, Goodyear Tire & Rubber, Firestone, Fisk, U.S. American
Smelting, Commonwealth Edison, Brooklyn Edison, N.Y. Edison, Pacific Gas
& Electric, West Penn Power, American Commonwealth Power, Texas
Electric, Atlantic City Convention Hall, Louisiana Hotel Company, Squire
Building, Lane Bryant, Fox Playhouses, Fox Theater(St. Louis), Denver
Joint Stock Land Bank, Savoy Plaza Hotel, National Dairy, Thermoid,
Washington Silk, Pillsbury Flour, Yankee Stadium, Watergate, General
Motors, General Electric, Shell Oil, Bethlehem Steel, Gulf Oil, IBM,
Boeing, Lockheed, Douglas, Curtis Wright, Phillips Oil Co., Creole
Petroleum Co. And all tax-free.
In Massachusetts its hard to
distinguish between the Catholic Church and the state government, every
time a public school closes the Catholic Church buys it for a dollar; The
Catholic Church never loses a "sealed" bid on public land
auctions.This is done via an
open and devious by-passing of the U.S.Constitution, by the hidden
Catholic pressure group within the U.S. Government, state and local, by
the legal, semi-legal and dubious politico-financial manipulations of sly
Catholic dealers relentlessly operating in the legislative, financial and
real estate fields on behalf of the Catholic Church.At one time the Catholic Church owned more land area than the
entire state of Connecticut.The
Catholic Church has been "buying" land and constructing
buildings in New York City at a rate second only to the city itself (being
all tax exempt: care to take a guess why New York City went bankrupt twice
when George "Mr. Cocaine" Bush was in the Whitehouse?) and all
thanks to Cardinal Francis "burn-em alive" Spellman (read
"The Vatican Billions" by Avro Manhattan); [The Popes banker,
Michele Sindona, was a very busy boy before being sent to federal prison
in New York State for causing the default of Franklin National Bank.It appears he was not only the Popes banker but also the banker
for: IOR [Vatican bank (Societa General Immobilaire), Italian Masonic
Lodge, P2(Italian Masonic Lodge political arm), Vatican political party,
Sicilian mafia and Cosa Nostra (Sindona set up the system for Sicilian
mafia and Cosa Nostra to launder their drug money thru Vatican owned banks
in Switzerland).He, in all
likelihood, set up the program of $900,000,000 in counterfeit bonds for
the Vatican, to be pushed in this country.When it was discovered that the Vatican Bank (IOR) and Cardinal
Tisserant (second only to the Pope) were the main offenders, and an
investigation was certain to follow, Tisserant conveniently died,
requesting before his death that his diaries be removed from the
Vatican.]; The I.R.S. classifying people who stand up for their rights as
nonfilers, knowing full well there is no I.R.S. code or law requiring
anyone to assess themselves for any tax (article five of the Bill of
Rights) and then turning them over to the B.A.T.F. who (by computer
program automatically) classifies them as drug smugglers with their
semi-secret "T" code system["T5"(I.R.S.6209 manual)],
to give them the appearance of legality, to confiscate properties [If you
go to court(Title 4(annotated) U.S. Code, Chapter 1: u.S. flags in federal
court rooms are military Ceremonial/Parade Flags(gold fringe),
AR840-10(b-1): under which the u.S. Constitution is suspended{two
gold-knotted-tasseled ropes are admiralty flag: again the u.S.
Constitution is suspended}) with the I.R.S. they ask you about your U.S.
citizenship and if you don't answer just right they classify you as a
citizen of Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa or the U.S. Virgin Island's[the
"other" united states that are owned by the District of
Columbia(acquired from the Spanish American War) and run by the Catholic
Church].Care to guess why?
(Because that's the only place the I.R.S. & B.A.T.F. have
"legal" jurisdiction).The
I.R.S. is a department of the Treasury of Puerto Rico. The title heading
of the I.R.S. reads: "Internal Revenue Service a Department of The
Treasury", it does not tell whose treasury it's a department of.Look in 31 USC under Dept. of U.S. Treasury and look for the
agencies they authorize: guess who is missing, that's right, the B.A.T.F.
& I.R.S.Why do you make
checks payable to the I.R.S. and not the U.S. Treasury?That's how the I.R.S. diverts your money to the international
bankers (IMF)]; The I.R.S. tax file on every member of the jury pool, in a
tax case, is given to the U.S. Attorney prosecuting the case: securing a
partial jury for the I.R.S.If
you, or any one you know, is having problems with the I.R.S. contact, tax
expert, Ben Houck Ph:(614)532-9669 or Fax: (614)532-3570.Ben knows more about income tax codes than the I.R.S.
The Jesuits own fifty one
percent of Bank of America, the Vatican owns stock in hundreds of banks
all over the world; Banca Nazionale de Lavoro(the Pope owns controlling
interest), through its branch in Atlanta Georgia, laundered over $5
billion of American taxpayers money from the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture to
pay for Saddam Hussein's war machine, including his "super gun";
Railroading Rep. George Hansen (R-Id.) into prison and physical
torture("Diesel Therapy", that left his wrist's crippled for
life) by judge Edward Lodge, after he called for a congressional
investigation of the Justice Department and wrote the book: "To
Harass Our People, The IRS and Government Abuse of Power"(assault on
religion)[In this book Representative Hansen exposes the I.R.S.'s practice
of selectively prosecuting church's for income tax evasion(Sun Myung
Moon,1981, for not reporting interest on 112,000 in Chase Manhattan bank.Do not be deluded that this has anything to do with a zeal for
collecting tax's for the United States Treasury.The tax, fine and penalties combined do not amount to a fraction of
what the I.R.S. spent in prosecuting the Moon case.Not three miles from the court house where he was prosecuted, Roman
Catholic Archbishop of New York: Terence Cooke, held personally in his own
name, assets worth a thousand times that which Moon was charged with
evading.In fact Catholic
church law requires the reigning ordinary own its property in his own
name: known in law as: "corporate sole", for which, of all the
hundreds of Catholic Archdioceses reigning Cardinals and Bishops in the
U.S., not one has ever been looked at by the I.R.S., much less brought up
on any charge, showing conclusively, who the I.R.S. selects and why)];
Ruining Rep. Joseph Montoya (D-N.M.) for pushing for reforms of I.R.S.
agency crimes exposed by him in Senate hearings in the 1970's; F.D.A.,
H.R.S. etc. arresting people, ransacking health food stores, confiscating
property, killing animals, destroying property, and all without a court
order and in deliberate violation of article five of the Bill of Rights,
throwing peoples right of habeas corpus (assumed innocent until proven
guilty) out the window; with immigration (totally controlled by Jesuits)
bringing in Hispanics (all Catholic) by the boat loads (legally and
illegally) to feed off our welfare system and further deplete the economy
[which explains the planned failure of Nafta and Gat (sending companies
and jobs to dominant Catholic countries) thru Vatican controlled Mexico]
and influence federal, state, county and city legislation and
elections[the unofficial private corporation: News Election Service (NES)
has sole physical control of the counting and dissemination of every vote,
in our national elections, and does not allow the public to know how it is
done] and will be the only ones to receive unending welfare when welfare
"officially" comes to an end.At or near every immigration office in the U.S. is a Catholic law
firm to give free legal assistance to any Catholic immigrant entering this
country.Anyone doubting this
should read: "Illegal Emigration movements In And Through
Italy", by: Vincent La Vista, declassification no. NND 760050,
4-11-90, National Archives Record Group No. 59, Center For Legislative
Archives, Washington D.C.Why
else would we have immigration offices in Rome and Mexico City?
Ronald Reagan and Richard
Nixon used the WWII fascist war criminals smuggled into this country(Nazi
war criminal, Walter Dohrnberger, sentenced to be hung at Nuremberg, is
head of Bell Aerospace Corp. R & D dept.) thru the Vatican
"Ratlines" to get the ethnic votes that put them in the
Whitehouse.Ronald Reagan,
while governor of California, set a day of recognition for the Ustasha of
Yugoslavia until the Yugoslavian government protested; on his visit to a
concentration camp in Europe: Reagan laid a wreath on the grave of an S.S.
officer."The Church can
dispense from a promissory oath.This
power belongs to the Pope and Bishops, who exercise it either by
themselves or by their delegates." p.203; "The civil laws(of
Christendom) are binding in conscience so long as they are conformable to
the rights of the Catholic Church."p.278 "Abridged Course of
Religious Instruction for the Use of Colleges and Schools" by: Rev.
F.X. Schouppe (Jesuit); federal judges controlling the juries to the
extent that they have no choice but to rule the way they say, or
overruling them and passing his own judgement on the defendants(which
moves sovereignty from the people to the courts), e.g. Walter Smith
Jr.(Judge Roy Bean) of Waco Texas.The
list of federal agency violations of "citizens rights" is a
bottomless pit.Like the
threat made on myself by an I.R.S. special agent from Pikeville Ky. in the
I.R.S. office in Ashland Ky.(28 April 1995) when he laid a loaded snub
nose cal.38 revolver on the desk in front of me, with the barrel pointed
at me, while being witnessed by collections agent John T. Yewell.
Then there's Waco, with its
trumped up charge of a methamphetamine laboratory(never mentioned again
after the raid started) to give assistant U.S. attorney Bill Johnston an
excuse to get his warrant and special forces training for his B.A.T.F.
goons; and with the B.A.T.F. agent Robert Rodriguez having been in Mount
Carmel (day before the raid) where he inspected all the firearms and knew
what was and was not there, and with further inspection of the weapons
"requested" of the B.A.T.F. by David Koresh and
"refused" by the B.A.T.F.(which would have left them without an
excuse for their murder and mayhem).Now we know why Slick Willy replaced the Attorney General with
Janet Reno after the raid started.I'm
sure Bill Johnston was expecting a turkey shoot, and all with 100% support
from the controlled(Skull & Bones) media, before, during and ever
since("The Massacre of The Branch Davidians" by Carol Moore, 28
Jan 1994).
Ever notice how the media
never misses an opportunity to jump on preachers who make statements
concerning government policy, screaming: "separation of church and
state"? And when the Pope comes to this country making speeches on
the same issues their silence is deafening! The only person to voice a
negative response to the Popes statements to abortion was Madelin Murrey
O'Hair, whose statements have not been published since.Just before O'Hair, and her family, was to go to New York, to
protest the Pope, she and her family disappeared without a trace.Again the media's silence was deafening.Ever notice the A.C.L.U. in all of its ranting about separation of
church and state is stone silent about government(protestant taxpayer)
moneys going to Catholic schools? (Federal grants and loans to Jesuit
colleges, universities and their programs are in the billions).At the turn of the century Pope Leo XIII was raking in over one and
a half million dollars annually from: (1) Peter's pence contribution (over
$415,000); (2) Apostolic Chancellery aggregate ($520,000); (3) Interest of
the vast sum left by Pius IX in the Pontifical treasury, invested chiefly
in English Consols ($625,000).Notice
the Pope trusted the securities of a Protestant nation and not a Catholic
as France, Spain or Mexico.These
figures would hardly make a dent in those of today.
The Jesuits rake in over $280
million annually. The assets of Grey Nuns of Charity $3.5 million; Sisters
of the Immaculate Heart $7.5 million; Sisters of Saint Joseph of Newark
$17,899,384; Little Sisters of the Poor $25 million; Sisters of Mercy
$39,754,132; Sisters of Charity $66,533,833; Sisters of Charity of
Providence $90,187,000; Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother $93,636,516;
Sisters of the Holy Cross $110,892,759. There are 539 such orders of nuns
and monks.All tax-free! AND
"Praise The Lord For Tax Exemption", by: Stanley Lowell and
Martin Larson.
If you think my thesis
untenable then please prove me wrong.Simply run a background check (personnel file) to see which (if
any) Jesuit schools were attended by (or: Knights of Columbus; Knights of
Malta): publishers of public school history books; federal judges: Joyce
Hens Green, Manuel L. Real, Tanner, Hodges, Thomas P. Griesa, Milton
Pollack, John W. Walker Jr., Kimba Wood, Clifford Weckstein, Richard A.
Posner, Richard Maich, Ranck, James F. McClure and definitely Walter
"Roy Bean" Smith Jr. of Waco; Assistant U.S. Attorney's Bill
Johnston, John Maisto (U.S. diplomat), Leslie Brydon, Herschel Lock,
Jeffery Mench,[the previous three, along with Tom Bowman(personal aid to
Skull & Bones Senator Arlen Spector), Richard Medellin, Judges: Rank
and James F. Mcclure being instrumental in the kidnapping (the children
were taken without the parents being present or even notified when the
charges were presented in court) of the children of Steven and Dawn Ames
in the court of common plea's of Northumberland County Pennsylvania.The sole charges being: teaching their children the Bible and the
U.S. Constitution], and B.A.T.F's: John Magaw, Davey Aguilera and Lloyd
"Bilderberg" Bentsen [who was C.F.R. (Illuminati)]; Peter
Galbraith: U.S. Ambassador in Zagreb; Bob Bartel of "The
Spotlight" newspaper (his political tabloid is anti-Semitic and
denies the Holocaust, which was orchestrated in the Vatican); Tom Metzger,
who's skinhead organization uses R.C. symbology [the mirror image
dragon/bird, used by the Skinheads, is identical to that used by the
Nazi's and Albanian KLA(Stash)] and doctrine (with the names changed) and
has direct links with skin head/nazi organizations in Germany; US
Magistrate: Richard Kop, US Attorney Thomas Taken, FBI head: Nicholas
O'Hara, Mickey Mott (the last four being Satan worshiping pedophiliac of
Omaha Nebraska); Frank Liberto(New Orleans godfather/close associate to J.
Edgar Hoover and key figure in the assassination of Martin Luther King
Every Government official,
especially C.I.A., graduate from Yale University should be checked for
Skull & Bones membership (which had its origin in the University of
Berlin.Founded at Yale by
Alphonso Taft and William H. Russell and exists only at Yale University).Some members being: Arlen Spector, Prescott Bush(and other Skull
& Bones members robbed the grave of Geronimo in Oklahoma taking the
body back to the "Tomb" on the Yale campus), George Bush, George
Bush Jr., Franklin Roosevelt, Kellogg, Dupont, Richard Bissell Jr. etc.
Since the Pope has set down,
in document, his clear intentions it would be prudent to do a background
check on Robert L. Sumner (who spreads lies about fundamental
preachers):"Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before
two or three witnesses." (I Timothy 5:19), Jim Bakker, Pat Robertson
[J.Peter Grace, top man in Knights of Malta (a secret Catholic
quasi-religious on the surface/anti-religious at the core organization
that dates back to the Crusaders), is godfather to his children], Paul
Crouch, Benny Hinn, Billy Graham and Jack Van Impe.These are T.V. preachers pushing the ecumenical whitewash of the
"Mother of harlots and the abominations of the earth"
(Rev.17:5)."For such
are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the
apostles of Christ.And no
marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed
as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their
works" (IICorinthians 11:13-15).The Jesuits have been in control of the National Council of
Church's and World Council of Church's for over thirty years.
It is very relevant to
remember that the Vatican [Vatican is from the classical Latin root word:
Vaticanus, which by definition means: "house of divination"
(dwelling of demons); standing in the center of St. Peters Square is an
obelisk(symbol of male sex organ in Satan worship)from Egypt] is an
independent country with its own dogmatic constitution.With the Pope (vicar of Christ) being the head of that state.Therefore for a practicing R.C. "not to" adhere to the
dictates of the Pope and his encyclicals is to go against God.This is Roman Catholic cannon law: "Abridged Course of
Religious Instruction for the Use of Colleges and Schools," by Rev.
Father F.X. Schouppe (Jesuit) p.203: "The Church can dispense from a
promissory oath. This power belongs to the Pope and bishops, who exercise
it either by themselves or by their delegates." p.278: "The
civil laws (of Christendom) are binding in conscience so long as they are
conformable to the rights of the Catholic Church." (Whats this tell
you about the U.S. Supreme Court of which at least four are R.C. and ruled
to keep the Bible out[while allowing two dirty books: "Of Mice and
Men" and "Catcher In The Rye"(of which John Lennons
killer{Mark David Chapman} was a student) to be required reading in every
high school in the country] of Public schools and to murder the unborn and
calls pornography: "freedom of speech"?).("The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take
counsel together against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, let
us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have
them in derision.Then shall
he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore
displeasure." (Psalm, 2:2-5.)This
is very important to remember also when reviewing the events leading up to
and during the Vietnam War i.e. secret meetings in the early fifties of
certain democratic senators (including John Kennedy) concerning Vietnam;
placing R.C. Ngo Dihn Diem in the presidency [after being schooled in the
U.S., by Cardinal Francis "Burn-em Alive" Spellman (key figure
behind William J. Donovan, creator of the O.S.S., forerunner to the CIA;
close associate of Dwight D. Eisenhower{who directed American B-17 bombers
to avoid I.G. Farben headquarters in Berlin and cut off the gas supply for
General Pattons tanks to slow him down, thus extending the war), who's
only answer to communism was to burn them alive, and Robert Strange
Mcnamara thru the CIA (Catholic Illuminati Assassin's)] in deliberate
violation of a legally constituted (U.N. sanctioned and observed)
election, which communism won; Diem's systematic "ethnic
cleansing" of all who would not recant of their religion and embrace
Catholicism; creating a tax structure that was so oppressive that
non-Catholics were starved out, and so favorable to Catholics that it
caused a mass exodus of north Vietnamese Catholics to the south and south
Vietnamese Buddhists to the north, which was more than even John Kennedy
could tolerate, so he had Diem killed (2Nov63), and twenty days later
Kennedy was shot by three hit men (Oswald look-alike: William
Seymour-school book depository; Manuel Gonzales-Dal-Tex building; Emilio
Santana-open manhole on street curb: last two picked from, FBI Division
5's thirty professional assassins kept on retainer in Mexico City) 22Nov63
(planned and supervised by, two sex deviates: Clay Shaw, Solidarist-Catholic
priest: David Ferrie and William Seymour: employees of Defense Industrial
Security Command (DISC) which is a joint venture of FBI's Division 5 and
Defense Intelligence Agency of the Pentagon).Almost all of the orchestration operatives were WWII Nazi's
smuggled into this country 1945-1950 on Vatican visa's e.g. Werner von
Braun and Walter Dohrnberger. Ferenc Nagy: high level boss in FBI Division
5 and president of Permindex Corp.(money laundering liaison for FBI
Division 5 and DISC operatives)was the "umbrella man" in Deily
Plaza who opened his umbrella(sunny day) signaling the start of the
shooting(closing his umbrella signaled the stop).
planners in the assassination cabal: Lyndon Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover, L.M.
Bloomfield, Ferenc Nagy, John DeMenil, Carlos Prio Socarras, Walter
Jenkins, H.L. Hunt[American Council of Christian Churches(ACCC)], Bobby
Baker, Clifford Jones, L.J. McWillie, Werner Von Braun, Roy Cohn, Fred
Korth, John Connally and Clint Murchison.
L.M. Bloomfield(answering only
to Hoover and Johnson) was in overall charge of the supervisory and
working assignment group: Walter Dohrnberger, Guy Bannister, Albert
Osborne(ACCC), E.E. Bradley(ACCC), Morris Dalitz(Las Vegas), Major General
John B. Medaris, Robert McKeown, Igor Voshinin, George Bouhe, Peter
Gregory, Maurice Gatlin, Sergio Arcacha Smith, Lee Harvey Oswald, William
Seymour, David Ferrie(Catholic priest), T. Gonzales, Manuel Garcia
Gonzales, Layton Martens, Gordon Novel, Walter Sheridan, William Dalzell,
Paul Raigorodsky, Joe Bonnano, Dimitri Royster(ACCC), Alex Carlson, George
Mandel, Breck Wall, Clay Shaw, Joe Cody, Jake Kosloff, Mike McLaney, Ruth
and Mike Payne, Igor Vogonov, Jack Bowen, Mike Ryan, Tammie True, Max
Cherry, Patrick Hoy, David Hoy, James Powell and many others with lesser
assignments. (Nomenclature of An Assassination Cabal, by: William Torbitt)This document previously quoted: "Plausible Denial" by,
Mark Lane. However, due to more recent revelation, it is obvious that
publication is without merit[Mark Lane(personal friend and confidant to
the infamous Jesuit: Jim Jones), as attorney for James Earl Ray, sent his
key witness to Jonestown the day before the Jonestown massacre.
Fortunately, for her, she didn't go].
The Vietnam
"genocide" was given a fresh shot in the arm in the 1967 CIA
"Operation Phoenix", implemented by, sovereign Knight of Malta:
William Casey [known MK-Ultra/Project Monarch pedophile operative (CIA's
Laos & Vietnam station chief, egregious mass murderer, Theodore
Shackley being the key operative in the assassination cabal, under George
Bush)].General Westmoreland
became a Catholic while in command in Vietnam.Ross Perot wasn't able to contact any POW, MIA's because the CIA
kept getting in the way, with their operation of taking over the opium
smuggling trade, for themselves and the Sicilian Mafia, out of the
"Golden Triangle" [largest buyers of opium in the world are well
known top officials in the CIA & DOD (Richard Armatage, no.2 man in
the Department of Defense (DOD); Theodore Shackley, no.2 man in the CIA,
under George Bush. Bush is on the board of directors of Eli Lilly: the
company that produces the precursor chemicals to produce cocaine, heroine
and the company that first synthesized LSD for the CIA)]. The U.S.
government transports over half the illegal narcotics into the U.S.,
mostly on military transport, tons at a time with no customs check, then
flown on commercial airliners, in cargo containers, to organized crime
families, then distributed in cities street gangs, Contra's and motorcycle
Nixon got us out of Vietnam
without winning and the Vatican getting control of the southern
government, for which he was watergated.Read: "Vietnam, why did we go?" by: Avro Manhattan.Ten days before his assassination John Kennedy stated in a speech
at Columbia University: "The high office of president has been used
to foment a plot to destroy the Americans freedom, and before I leave
office I must inform the citizen of his plight".There is evidence of Fidel Castro's involvement in the conspiracy
but not conclusively. However Dr. Alberto Rivera's testimony of knowing of
Castro's presence in the Vatican while he, and the infamous Jim Jones,
were there in school (being trained to destroy church's), and Soldier of
Fortune magazine's article on two Jesuits kidnapping Honduran peasant
farmers and sending them to Cuba, into forced guerilla warfare training,
along with John Kennedy stopping the B-26 bombers from taking off in
support of the freedom fighters during the Bay of Pigs invasion, which
they were totally dependant on; leaving Castro's planes to strafe and bomb
the raiders {its obvious the raid was designed to fail: all aspects were
controlled by the CIA; troop transport deck machine guns malfunctioned,
mounts rusted thru, four of six landing craft sink before their even
boarded; using Bay of Pigs [which the Cuban Revolutionary Council would
never approve (reefs, surrounded by swamp, radio station nearby) so
Kennedy has them flown, under false pretences, to a blacked out airfield
at Opa-Locka Fla., where their held in isolation, against their will,
under armed military guard: Only then do they learn, via AM radio, that
the raid has been moved up (putting the initial air strike, using six
B-26's, not all fourteen, securing minimal damage and giving Castro ample
warning of an impending attack) just before the UN meeting knowing the US
would be blamed, giving Kennedy his excuse to ground the bombers (but not
the paratroop planes taking off from the same field in Nicaragua) and, had
not only already started, but already past the point of no return]
guaranteeing the failure of the raid and effectively ending all organized
effort to remove Castro}."This
was how the whole thing was going from the beginning", General
Lemnitzer: Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff ("Bay of Pigs, The Untold
Story" by Peter Wyden), certainly lends credibility to the assertion
that Castro is a Jesuit and was involved in Kennedy's assassination. We do
know Castro is Illuminati and indoctrinated in communism at Jesuit
Georgetown University (as was Bill Clinton).Kennedy had stopped borrowing money from the IMF and had new
inflationary money printed at the US Treasury (the bills you see with red
serial numbers) which secured the orchestration of his assassination by
the Illuminati, Bilderberg's(modern day version of: "Congress of
Vienna" who wrote the "Secret Treaty of Verona" 1814-1815:
the execution of this edict was assigned to the re-established Jesuits
1814) and Trilateral Commission; he made it known he was going to dissolve
the CIA, thereby securing Skull & Bones organizations co-operation;
having Ngo Dihn Deim killed, plan of pulling U.S. troops out of Vietnam
without getting control of Vietnam for the Vatican secured the
co-operation of the Jesuits and the Vatican. Though J. Edgar Hoover set
the procedural orchestration in motion, John Connolly, Lyndon Johnson and
Louis M. Bloomfield (Canadian lawyer who did the contract operative hiring
for FBI's Division 5), the planning of the assassination itself was done
by E. Howard Hunt, William Seymour, Clay Shaw and David Ferrie(Catholic
priest).Financing the entire
assassination operation was Vatican banks: De Famaco Astalde Vaduz(Swiss),
Leichtenstein (Swiss), Seligman Bank(Swiss), Banca Nazionale de Lavoro (Rome)[this
bank, owned by the Pope, through its branch in Atlanta Georgia, laundered
$5 billion from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to Saddam Hussein's war
machine, including his "Super Gun"].Lyndon Johnson sent the USS Maddox and USS C.Turner Joy into North
Vietnamese territorial waters (2&4Aug64) to draw fire from North
Vietnam (the radio message the USS Maddox received, ordering it, and USS
C.Turner Joy, into North Vietnamese territorial waters came direct from
the Whitehouse).When the
plan failed to bring the desired results (knowing why they were there:
Maddox and C. Turner Joy fired on each other in the night out of shear
paranoia) Johnson lied to Congress and the nation, saying the North
Vietnamese fired on an American war ship in international waters: giving
him his excuse to commit U.S. troops into armed conflict with North
Vietnam.Later Johnson
realizing "his" war is a non winner and his bombing escalation's
bring protest's and riots and not able to back out either (he didn't want
to take a ride through Dealy Plaza): simply elected not to run for
"another term as your president", thereby escaping: "the
poisonous cup"; "the strangulation cord"; "the steel
of the poiniard"; "the leaden bullet".The blanket of corporate stonewalling (by every department of
legislative, executive and judicial branches of government, including the
media, to all subsequent investigations into the murders of John F.
Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy, extending from the
local levels all the way to the U.S. Presidency and Supreme Court)
culminates into a preponderance of evidence of, not only a cover-up but,
complicity in the carrying out of these atrocities("The Truth behind
The Murder of Martin Luther King, Orders To Kill" by, William F.
Pepper).The one common
element between John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F.
Kennedy: all three were working to get us out of Vietnam(militarily) when
they met their untimely demise.Cardinal
Francis"Burn-em Alive"Spellman(trainer of Ngo Dihn Diem,
president and butcher of South Vietnamese Buddhists) was the one person
the F.B.I. consulted to persuade the Pope not to have a meeting with
Martin Luther King Jr. and Spellman concurred.Project Monarch operative: Gerald Ford was the only member of the
congressional investigative committee to say that Lee Harvey Oswald acted
alone in the assassination of John Kennedy(and also the only one to make
president, and he made it by appointment).
By LAPD's own SUS file: Sirhan
Sirhan was hypno-programmed using hypnotic drugs and torture(by, DISC
operative: reverend Jerry Owen, CIA mind-control specialist: William Bryan
and others) producing MPD(Multiple Personality Disorder mind control, a
product of CIA's MK-Ultra-Project Monarch) at the horse stable, in Santa
Anna, where he worked with Thomas Bremer(the brother of Arthur Bremer, who
shot George Wallace in 1972). Sirhan Sirhan was used to distract attention
while CIA's Thane Eugene Cesar (in the employ of the LAPD) shot Robert F.
Kennedy behind the right ear. John Hinckley Jr's(shot Ronald Reagan)
brother was George Bush's golf partner. John Hinckley Sr.(owner of
Vanderbilt Oil Co.) has been George Bush's neighbor in Texas for years,
and contributed to his campaign when he first ran for congress.
John Maisto (U.S. Diplomat to
the Philippines) came to Panama to train the "Civic Crusade"
(C.I.A. operatives {many of which are trained in the infamous
terrorist-revolutionary "School of the America's" at Fort
Benning, Ga.}): organizing street campaigns, burn tires, protest march's
etc. Archbishop Marcos Mcgrath, Monsignor Jose' Sebastion Laboa, Priest
Javier Villanueva being among the operatives in the destabilization
campaign.A repeat of Manila,
Guatemala, Nicaragua, Grenada and Haiti's Francois "Papa Doc"
Duvalier.Archbishop Mcgrath
and his priests ran their own operation of ballot box confiscation and
vote counting (having no connection with the Panamanian Voting Commission)
in deliberate violation of Panamanian law (what's this tell you about NES,
News Election Service, giving the established press total control of
counting and dissemination of national voting and does not allow the
public to know how it is done?! What's this tell you about John Kennedy
winning the election when Richard Nixon won the vote?).Archbishop Mcgrath later became guarantor of transition of the
Panamanian Government from military to civilian control (the Vatican has
$1.4 billion invested in sundry Panamanian and other "shell"
companies) after he, along with Laboa and Villanueva, tricked Noriega into
the Vatican Embassy with the promise of diplomatic immunity, then once in
the embassy giving him the choice of surrendering to the U.S. Army or they
would let the army in to capture (kill) him.The Panamanian raid was concocted by Senator Alan Simpson(R)
Wyoming.This is a direct
continuance of: "Secret Treaty of Verona" policy of
extermination of all representative governments as recorded in the: U.S.
Congressional Record-Senate of the 64th Congress, 1st session volume 53,
part 7, page 6781, 25 April 1916 and in the: American Diplomatic Code,
1778-1884, vol. 2; Elliott, p.179.
With main accusers like Jorge
Canalias, Floyd Carlton Caceres, Cesar Rodriguez, Teofilo Watson (pilots
who flew arms to the Contra's and cocaine to the U.S.) and paid convicts
(recruited from American prisons) as key witnesses in conjunction with the
Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA, U.S. Code 22) Noriega's fate
was sealed as soon as he entered the Vatican Embassy (With legal
procedures like this you could convict John Kennedy of assassinating Lee
Harvey Oswald).William
Kunstler was planning to defend Manuel Noriega in Miami federal court
before his(convenient) death prevented his representation.
Now with no Panamanian
National Guard [many of which were shot(at Balboa High School
concentration camp) with their hands zip tied behind their backs, by U.S.
marines (journalist Julio Guerra was murdered by U.S. marines for
photographing the bodies)], Panama is now a major stopover point on the
opium trail from south and Central America to the U.S.Cocaine is rampant now in George "Mr. Cocaine" Bush's
(who's cocaine running boats from his oil well rigs go unchecked by the
coast guard) Panamanian narcodemocracy.With drug money's being laundered thru Panamanian banks, e.g.
Interbanko, First Interamerica's Bank (owned by drug cartel boss Gilberts
Rodriguez Orejuela)("The Memoirs of Manuel Noriega, America's
Prisoner" by: Manuel Noriega and Peter Eisner).Now with, RC Priest, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, back in power in Haiti
the cocaine trail is complete.
We know from WW II that the
Vatican had a highly militant influence in Yugoslavia.War records show the existence of a Vatican organization called
"Ustasha"(from the verb: ustati, meaning "to rise
up").The reputation of
the Ustasha throughout Yugoslavia is far worse than that of the S.S., S.D.
and Gestapo combined: being created by Ante Pavelic, the head of the
Ustasha state of Croatia.Pavelic
held many and frequent meetings with Bishops and Archbishops of Croatia
and Pope Pius XII. Pavelic was to Yugoslavia what Hitler was to Europe.Pope Pius XII's statement to a group of Croats, on a pilgrimage to
the Vatican(lead by Archbishop Aljzije Stepinac), Nov 1939, outlined the
Vatican orchestrated atrocities from 1941-1945 and 1991-1995: "The
hope of a better future seems to be smiling on you, a future in which the
relations between church and state in your country will be regulated in
harmonious action to the advantage of both."Catholic priests like Stane Kukavica (Franciscan monk), changed
their robes for the uniforms of the dreaded Ustasha killer squads and led
the most barbaric, brutal raids upon those people and practiced satanic
torture never before known in this century.The entire genocide operations were overseen by the military vicar
Archbishop Alojzije Stepinac ("Jasenovac" was the main center
for extermination, being the third largest concentration camp in WWII
where over 800,000 Serbs, Jews and Gypsies were butchered) working
directly with the Nazi's, helping to create the state of Croatia.(read:
"Smokescreens" by: Jack Chick; "The Yugoslav Auschwitz and
the Vatican" by: Vladimer Dedijer; "Blowback" by:
Christopher Simpson).In
Bosnia the revived Ustasha movement is called "Croatian Peoples
Party"(HSP) and its army, the "Croation Defence Force" (HOS).Dobroslav Paraga led HSP.HOS
units (Black Legion) comprised of Belgian, Austrian, British and Canadian
mercenaries, as well as units from the French mercenary unit:
"Nouvelle Resistance".After
HOS was dissolved in 1993, by its mentor president Franjo Tudjman (for
fear of being exposed for his Vatican connection as too politically
obvious units), members were absorbed into other units, later amalgamated
into the 108th Bosnian Bregade or the International Bregade."Front National", "Croatie Libre", and "Slavonie
Libre" run by Faci, are also Vatican organizations fronted as
Humanitarian Aid.MPRI(shadowy
mercenary organization based in Virginia) contracted by the Pentagon to
train Ustasha in Croatia, Bosnia and now Kosovo.Who but the Vatican has the power and/or influence to coordinate
both sides in a military conflict to annihilate thousands of peoples at a
time i.e. using U.S. troops to control Serbs in a (so called) fire free
zone while Fascist Croats murder them, while the U.S. troops keep the
Serbs defenseless.This
policy will continue throughout the Balkans.
Hitler presented the
Independent State of Croatia(NDH) to Pavelic, 10 April 1941, as Greater
Croatia which lasted from 1941 to 1945.The original plan was to annihilate one third of the population,
force a third to migrate out of the country and force a third to convert
to Catholicism.The process
was to take ten years. The second half of the plan was completed
1991-1995.U.S. troops now
enforce that Croatian state, against the displaced Orthodox Serbs.Today Franjo Tudjman is doing everything to have Greater Croatia
presented by Germany (today if you publish anything in the German press
about the Vatican Nazi concordat the state prosecutes you) the United
States and the Vatican, reconstructed from Bosnia and Serbian lands.While a concerted propaganda campaign is being mounted to frighten
small Balkan countries with the spectre of "Greater Serbia" and
are being offered a protective "umbrella", behind the
smokescreen of the Washington Agreement from 1994 that inaugurated Greater
Croatia in which the Muslims are a majority, while the 1995 Split
Agreement consolidated the military alliance between Tudjman and
Izetbegovi} and was given the blessings by the United States Ambassador in
Zagreb: Peter Galbraith.Both
of them have been sent teams of U.S. military planners and experts and
they have been rendered military and financial assistance.The United States has unilaterally discontinued the control of the
arms embargo against Muslims and Croats in violation of the Security
Council arms embargo resolution in whose adoption it participated.It is only too obvious that the Vatican plans to continue the
Serbian genocide throughout Yugoslavia only now the genocide will be
financed by the United States with military assistance, while we can trust
the national and international media to continue its lies about Orthodox
Serbs murdering Muslims.The
Vatican has established its own international court in Rome to try anyone
it so chooses with total disregard to the sovereignty and/or autonomy of
the country under who's authority the person had acted.
The theme here is unification,
the same kind of unification that, Roman Catholic Ngo Dihn Diem so
ruthlessly administered in South Vietnam, under the protection of the
C.I.A. (and US Army "advisors") using civilian internment camps
probably similar to those built by Trudeau (Jesuit) of Canada, see
"Civilian Internment Camps", Toronto Sun, 4 March 1982.And with the sole theme of the popes 5 May 95 encyclical:
"That They May Be One", being "unification"; Thru
Netscape-AltaVista: word-search I.G.Farben, click on "The
Rockefellers mass murder and the U.N."), leaves no doubt whatsoever,
in my mind, what the Vatican, in coordination with the Illuminati, has in
store for this country.With
the literacy rate in the U.S. being below 50% in 1986 and getting lower
every year (Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles), [20% in
Ireland(Ireland has no comprehensive public school system)] knowing you
can't control an educated populace, and 88%+ in Vietnam (Groliers
Encyclopedia): Who are we trying to kid?
"Sex": There is
enough real evidence (past and present) of the Roman Catholic Churches
"practice" of child sex abuse that it is without precedence.This is worldwide.Sodom
and Gomorra could have taken lessons from the Catholic Church.I seriously doubt there is enough paper to record all of the
victims (over 400 priests in North America from 1984-1992 and that's just
the ones that were reported).Ask
any insurance company that sells liability coverage to Catholic Church's
and/or orphanages, why they charge the high premium rates.Ask any fourteen year old Catholic girl of the explicit questions
about every form of sex imaginable the (so called) celibate priest puts to
her ear (by cannon law) every time she enters the confessional, then watch
the expression on her face when she says she is not allowed to say under
pain of excommunication: How convenient! Ask a Catholic priest what a
"Blessed Creature" is, then watch the expression on his face.
Read: "Why Priests should Wed" by: Justin D. Fulton, 1888 (not
on a full stomach).You
should have no difficulty seeing the correlation between the rate of
illegitimacy and crime with the Catholic population in any given area.Typical examples of this priestly practice are: priest James
Porter, who molested hundreds of boys and girls in who knows how many
diocese: for which the Catholic Church did nothing but move him to another
diocese (standard church policy) until even the Catholic Church
patronizing news media had enough.No
formal charges were made until the media made his practices public, for
which the presiding cardinal over the diocese blasted the journalist's
from his pulpit.This same
cardinal was later promoted; Priest O'connel of New Hampshire,
"ditto"; Priest Brendan Smyth, who's case brought down the Irish
government, "ditto" (the Catholic Church now files lawsuits
against those exposing the church's child sex abuse, regardless of the
accuracy of the charges).Pedophiling
Priest Marcial Maciel Degollado, founder of Legionaries of Christ,
molested his students in Spain and Italy with full approval from Pope Pius
XII; Catholic orphanages are run by pedophiling priests, these sadistic
practices being protected by local and provincial governments: Mt. Cashel
orphanage in Newfoundland, where 20 priest's molested young boy's for over
15 years (for which a book was written and a movie made) is typical; Boys
Town(incorporated) of Omaha Nebraska sells children into child
prostitution and demonic occult ritual sacrifice.The key operative being Larry King (who sang the National Anthem at
the 1984 & 88 Republican National Convention's) of Omaha.King's practice of Reagan, Bush, Contra drug money laundering (used
in Nicaragua & Haiti) thru Franklin Community Federal Credit Union
(banking system made possible by Nebraska Senator Bob Kerry) and selling
children and drugs at his political parties (George Bush was a regular
customer) held in his apartment in Omaha, his Southfork Ranch outside
Dallas Texas and his $5000 a month rented house on California Ave. off
"Embassy Row" in Washington D.C. (where he secretly videotaped
politicians sexual acts with young boys he brought in from Boys Town
Catholic orphanage, to be blackmailed later) are well documented in:
"The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in
Nebraska", author: Senator John DeCamp.Monsignor Robert Hupp, head of Boys Town, verified every detail of
the authors investigation of the Franklin Cover-up and told of the priest
who kidnapped a boy in Elkhorn, Nebraska, raped and murdered him and was
immediately transferred to another diocese (probably out of the country)
by the head of the Omaha diocese and provided guidance on where to look to
develop further proof of the children's stories of abuse by this nations
wealthy and powerful(who have been adopting children in Paraguay, bringing
them back to the US before sacrificing them to Satan. This is acknowledged
by the Paraguayan government).Monsignor
Hupp was later, unceremoniously, retired from his position as head of Boys
Town. The pedophiling group: North American Man-Boy Love Association
(who's members buy kidnapped children at auctions held at a ranch outside
of Las Vegas Nevada) has been given official status by the United Nations.CIA head, William Colbey, was found dead in a river after telling
Senator DeCamp he was going to give him information to help his
Another demonic practice, of
the Catholic church, is convents. Held within these walls are thousands of
young women enticed, while still children, with the belief of living a
life of Holiness and purity in service for Christ, for those lost
souls(anyone not catholic). What these little girls never learn(until it
is too late) is that they are there for the sole purpose of satisfying the
sexual apetites of priest's(drunk most of the time). These girls are fed a
cup of black coffee and a slice of bread in the morning and a bowl of soup
in the evening(no lunch) 365 days a year. And doing laborious work all day
long. It's certainly no wonder why catholics, who give their daughters
over to this sadistic vermin, never see their little girls again(one can
only imagine their emaciated bodies). In the cellar of every convent is a
lime pit, where the bodies are thrown. Sometimes their thrown in alive,
with their hands and feet bound: if the priest, or mother superior, deems
their offense bad enough. For lesser offenses they can be subjected to a
dungeon cell chained to a wall, where their bodies decompose hanging from
the wall. These are by no means the only forms of torture(they can be
strung out on racks for days, hung by their thumbs for days etc.) If you
find this too offensive to believe, simply ask the Mexican government why
there are no more convents in Mexico. William Casey [sovereign
Knight of Malta(Catholic), George Bush's campaign manager and
"authorized" Clintons bid for the White House (being fully aware
of Clintons background of a bank robbing sister, drug trafficing brother
and murdering mother; his receipt of a bucket of cocaine a month for
Reagan's Iran/Contra-weapons/cocaine smuggling/money laundering($100
million a month) operation out of the Mena Arkansas airfield(Iran/Contra
was the brain child of William Casey and Oliver North] was named in a
class action law suit in Southern California (case no.99-02603) along with
Robert Gates, John Deutch, George Tenet, estate of William French Smith,
Edwin Meese, Richard Thornburgh, Janet Reno and others; CIA and US
Department of Justice] responsible for the 1980's crack cocaine epidemic
and resulting social and economic devastation of inner city communities.
The Jesuits have orchestrated
the deaths of presidents, heads of state and dignitaries of countries all
over the world i.e. C.I.A.[French king: Henry IV issued: "Edict of
Nantes", giving freedom of religion for all French citizens, for
which he was assassinated(14May1610), by Jesuit: Ravaillac; by the
"leaden bullet": Presidents: James A. Garfield(2July1881),
William McKinley(6Sept1901), Abraham Lincoln(14April1865), John F. Kennedy
(22Nov1993); "by the poison cup": presidents: William Henry
Harrison (4April1841), Zachary Taylor(5July1850); attempted assassination
of James Buchanan by poisoning the tea at the National Hotel, Washington
D.C., (Feb 1857) where 50 were affected and 38 died, Andrew Jackson: shot
for refusing loans from international banks; Franklin D. Roosevelt:
injected with strichnein, as was WWII General George Patton].Jesuitism was born in Spain, 1534 (for the express purpose of
exterminating the reformation); reared in France; developed in Papal Rome;
sanctioned by Pope Paul III, 1540.Expelled
from: England,1581; France,1594; Portugal,1598; England again, 1604;
France again,1606; Russia,1717; Portugal again,1759; France again, 1762-3;
Spain, Genoa, Venice and Sicily,1767; Naples, Malta and Parma,1768.All, except England and Russia, being strictly Roman Catholic
states. The order was suppressed 21 July 1773 by Pope Clement IV(for which
he was promptly poisoned); continued to exist under other names i.e.
"Brothers of the Faith"; re-established by Pope Pius VII, 1814
(to carry out the dictates of the "Secret Treaty of Verona").In the words of Abraham Lincoln: "If the Protestants of the
North and the South could learn what the priests, nuns, and monks, who
daily land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching their religion,
were doing in our schools and hospitals, as emissaries of the Pope and the
other despots of Europe, to undermine our institutions and alienate the
hearts of our people from our Constitution and our laws, and prepare a
reign of anarchy here, as they have done in Ireland, Mexico, Spain, and
wherever there are people that wish to be free, they would unite in taking
power out of their hands"."The
Jesuits never forsake." (Washington in the lap of Rome, Justin D.
Fulton; Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, by: Charles Chiniquy LCCN:
Phyllis Schlafly, Reed Irvine,
Dusty Rhodes(of National Review), Brent Bozell, Edwin Fulner, Robert
Godwin, Richard Viguerie, Sommers White, Foster Friess, Oliver North,
Coors family, Roland Hinz, Rush Lembaugh, Tim La Haye, Pat Robertson, Jack
Kemp, George Will, Jean Kirkpatrick, William Bennet (Jesuit), Robert
Krieble, Burton Yale Pines, Gary Hofmeister, Clarence Thomas, Ed Meese and
Charles Colson are pseudo conservatives who's puppet strings are pulled by
Jesuits, Skull & Bones, Council on Foreign Relations or directly from
the Illuminati.
"I am not happy about the
rebirth of the Jesuits. Swarms of them will present themselves under more
disguises ever taken by even a chief of the Bohemians, as printers,
writers, publishers, school teachers, etc.If ever an association of people deserved eternal damnation, on
this earth and in hell, it is this society of Loyola."(John Adams,
will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sittith upon many
waters. With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and
the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her
fornication. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and
I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of
blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in
purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious stones and
pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and
filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead a name written,
EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with
the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And here is the mind which hath wisdom.
The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And he
sayeth unto me, the waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are
peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. And the woman which
thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the
earth. And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the
great is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of
every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all
nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the
kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants
of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. And
the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and have lived
deliciously with her, shall bewail her and lament for her, when they shall
see the smoke of her burning, standing afar off for the fear of her
torment, saying, alas, alas, that great city of Babylon, that mighty city!
For in one hour is thy judgment come. And the merchants of the earth shall
weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise and more: The
merchandise of gold and silver and precious stones, and of pearls, and
fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and of
brass, and iron, and marble, and cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and
frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts,
and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of man."
(Rev. 17:1b-6a, 9, 15, 18 & chapter 18:2-3, 9-13)
This hardly scratch's the
surface of info on the Jesuits and Popery as a whole. If you refuse to see
and believe the pattern that is set forth here, you wouldn't believe the
rest either.
"If they hear not Moses
and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the