Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Deborah's Boots and the Cat

Today, out of necessity, I went into Deborah's bedroom, and borrowed her cute steel toed size 9.5 work boots. She bought it to be an electrician, and today I needed it to put things in place in our newly constructed shed. The last shelf went in today, and I helped with getting all the items ready for piling in. I can't say these boots are mine, they are borrowed from a daughter dearly loved. Before I stepped in them, the cat noticed it in the hall way, and she smelled it many times, and rubbed her face into the boot over and over again. This was my older daughters cat, named Ava.  It is remarkable how the animal kingdom is so much more sensitive, and also grieves with us. I will post this picture later of the boot and the cat.

It fit my foot like a glove, I felt so secure climbing the ladder to the second shelf while placing light objects there. We have been reading all the highlighted Job 36 verses 5-34, that she underlined. We cry. We rest assured that she is with her Heavenly Father, completely whole, and content. This world had nothing to offer her. Her vision was much more far sighted than our families. Why did she leave us? My husband sleeps in her room now. He is in so much pain, that he feels safe in the room that was hers. He awakes frequently from pain, and he says that simply being there gives him comfort, though he is in such grief, he let it out only now: after months of silence. I will no longer take his absence from our bedroom as a gesture of lack of compassion. Instead, I must grant him what gives him comfort. Time alone, time away, time of solitude even if it is without me.

A friend just told me that in the USA, 1,000 people die daily to suicide, and that over 50 million babies have been aborted. Though the two unrelated, we can see the dire need for God among it's citizens. The need for healing, comfort and reconciliation. Life has to be lived to it's fullest. Without God we are broken, lost, and naked.

There is still plenty to do in the shed, the outside of which we can't finish just yet, until funds are more available, but at least it is useable now.  The rain will continue to be a challenge in getting it organized. I hope to put all my empty suitcases in there also, as we previously had them piled on top of the refrigerator in the garage, until it almost caved over, like in the Cat in the Hat story book.

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