Sunday, December 31, 2023

Galactic federation

Sermon Bob Joyce Elvis

123123 Today

Vietnamese Dong

Sequel for Passion of Christ

Posts Pic


Ozzie, music

Fleetwood Mack

Suddenly, sermon

Happy New Year

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Pengo will be very valuable.. Exchange ar Redemption Center

Debt Clock, Wizard of Oz


What to make to stay healthy

Evidence for the Bible

Global Currencey Reset

Global Currency Reset: Restored Republic👉

Tues. 26 Dec. Wolverine: “I have word now that the appointments have started. Things are happening.”
Tues. 26 Dec. Bruce: Today Tues. 26 Dec. the new screen rates were on the bank screens. The Dinar rate was very high, as well as was the Dong. A Bond Paymaster expects Bond notification to give access to funds overnight tonight Tues-Wed. 26, 27.
Tomorrow Wed. 27 Dec. should be significant – RV notification should happen within 24 hours. The new gold asset/backed US Notes will be put in the ATMs on Mon. 1 Jan. and be available to the general public on Tues. 2 Jan.
Tues. 26 Dec. MarkZ: A couple of key group leaders have started to travel to be back in place with expectations that we are in the final few days of this. They are traveling today after being home for Christmas. Banks are seeing different rates on different currencies.
Tues. 26 Dec. Rod Steel: Any time between Tues. Dec. 26 to Fri. 29 Dec. with heavy emphasis on the 29th. Analysis says that if the Iraqi banks close on the 28th it’ll be the 29th or after. So, here we go!
Five days after RV begins the public will have access to Med Beds. Treatments are free, with children having critical medical conditions going first.
Social Security increases of $2,000-$3,000 per month will begin in Jan. 2024. The R&R lump sum payments will begin for those 62 and older on 5 Jan. 2024 and beyond to the end of the month. Ages 30-50, 50-61 will have their R&R paid out monthly over two years time with the requisite that they keep their job, or get a job.
The Federal US Dollar will no longer be used after Feb. 20 2024.


What do you think?

The USD disappeared

🚨🚨The USD disappeared and ended up as the world's reserve currency.🚨🚨

 🚨🚨The great machinery of the deep state has failed; The USD, its controlled currency, now has zero value.🚨🚨

 🚨🚨Treasury bills and bonds have lost value.🔥🔥

 🚨🚨The deep state no longer has control over the world.🚨🚨

 🚨🚨Gold has been decoupled and out of the control of the British Empire, and the crackdown by the big American banks has ended.🚨🚨

 🚨🚨Countries have decoupled from the United States and Western controlling powers.🚨🚨

 🚨🚨UAE/Saudi Arabia, the powerful players in the oil market, have decoupled from the USD.🚨🚨

 🚨🚨XRP will be global reserve currency in 2024🚨🚨

 🚨🚨As fewer and fewer people are interested in joining the US military, it is now difficult to govern by military power; The United States cannot sanction any nation because none is using the dollar and has moved away from the current financial system, which is why banks in the United States are threatened and fearful.🔥🔥

 🚨🚨The power of the US military and the USD has fallen to the ground.🔥🔥

Incase you missed it

Farm Claims

Farm Claims / NESARA 👉 Banks and the government illegally seized Midwestern family farms that belonged to the Farmers Union by giving land patents to farms. A land patent provides legal protection against illegal land grabbers. It is illegal to seize any property owned by an allodial title.allodial.

The corporation USA Inc. thought they owned the land when they seized the land from the Federal Republic of the United States. They did not honor property rights.

A land farm with this type of title can only be transferred by the owner voluntarily; which means it cannot be removed by any other means. The properties in question were pledged to banks by the innocent and unknowing owner as security for a loan. They had no choice, to pawn the land or not take a loan. Forfeiture of the property was written into the loan if it was not repaid on time. This was against the law; the banks knew it and the county clerks of county government knew it too.

Clerks recorded the transfer of ownership to the banks without the voluntary signature of the legal owner. This was pure fraud perpetrated and justified by America’s illegal foreclosure of USA, Inc. NESARA aims to reclaim all of this land and pay the illegal lawsuits and legal fees to these people, as well as return lots of Native American lands and not limit them to reservation lands and sick casinos.

Malitia man

Ignore, Ignore

I have lived in the jurisdiction of Common Law for about a decade.
I never reply to any unsolicited communication from the government, or other agencies. I pay no tax, water or electricity.
I never get any POST from the government or the agencies.
What I do get though is INTERNAL MAIL, which is wrongly delivered to me.
What appears to be Census, Income Tax Returns, Council Tax, Water Rates, Credit Card Bills in the UK and anything else that comes in an envelope with a clear window showing your, or your address, details are not what they seem.
All this MAIL appears to have your contact details.
But with MAIL, the details shown through the clear window on the envelope are not a real name and address, even though they seem like it.
They are the details of a trust fund made for the benefit of those who run the government. Mine is probably worth around 10 billion dollars, so there’s plenty in it to pay any debts that need settling. Not that I can access it. Your’s is probably worth several billion too.
Mail has no Post Office stamp of value on it. It just has a printed image where a stamp normally goes and a window in the envelope where the details pertaining to a trust fund can be seen.
These trust fund details are deliberately similar to your contact details to fool you into voluntarily contracting.
If you check all the MAIL you receive, you will note that different organisations, bank accounts, gas bills, credit card, council tax etc. all have subtly different details showing through the window.
This difference may be as simple as a full stop after an initial, or capitalisation of the details.
To a human these are not noteworthy, but a computer recognises that these differences are very important and refer to completely separate financial trust funds.
The numerical details on the documents inside the envelopes are just statements. Like ‘It’s a nice day’ is a statement. It isn’t a fact.
They look like invoices, which require payment, but they aren't invoices and you don’t need to pay a penny.
They are just requests for a voluntary contribution.
You don’t have to pay them as they are issued in a different jurisdiction of law from the one that applies to you.
It’s like getting a bill from Japan, when you’ve never left this country. It's a con.
Sometimes they simply send an envelope, enclosing a form of some type with your address details, as a phishing scam.

These are commonly addressed to the Licence Payer, the Occupier and The Householder (the latter in the case of the census), or some such anonymous person.

They can all be ignored.
I’ve been ignoring these for years now, with no problem.
Even a summons to court is simply internal MAIL, referring to a trust fund. It can just as well be ignored.
A summons is a request that can be accepted or turned down. It’s just another one of their sharp practices aimed at taking more money from you
If you accept the invitation, you are then likely to accept any fine imposed.
POST (as opposed to mail) will always have an address written on the envelope, not showing from a document inside it.
POST will also have a postage stamp of the appropriate value affixed to it, not printed on the envelope in place of a proper postage stamp.
If postal workers were correctly educated, they would deliver the MAIL straight to the PO BOX on the back of the envelope.
Although it is designed to get to you, to deceive you, it is not addressed to you.
So you see, in reality you never get any bills.
No bills means Nesara / Gesara is here.
You may think we should pay for these services, but we already have.
A portion of our slice of ownership of the country’s resources (this is from the Bible) is turned into money when we enter into any transaction with a company.

There is no need to pay a second time.
On the other side of this madness, when we have won the real bills will be a fraction of what we are asked for now.
If you mistakenly open some internal Royal Mail. Don't worry, it’s not a crime.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

The Shift

Reverse Act of 1871

Naturally when you reverse the 1871 Act Of England then the world needs a new make up to share the wealth. Nesara/Gesara. 

When the EVENT goes down. President Trump will be sending out 7 Presidential Msgs to everyones phones WORLDWIDE. 7 P's AKA 7 Trumpets = 7 Kingdoms.

Again removing this ACT, removes the Commonwealth. All Constitutions on the Crown are removed & we go to 1776 Common Law.

That is where we go to the CASTLE ROCK Scenario. (ACTIVATION of a WW3 Scenario) DEFCON SCARE. All Judges, Lawyers & Police must stand down on Earth & learn 1776 Common Law. The corrupt ones are all arrested by Military.

Tree Excecutive Orders

3 Executive Orders + plus the modelling of when Abraham Lincoln was President. There were 2 Presidents.
1 on TV and 1 real one.
The Art Of War - Sun Tsu

The major thing here to understand is the 1871 Act of England that was placed on America illegally & Unconstitutionally by Secret Societies. This has controlled our world.
America thought it was under 1776 Constitution but since 1871 it has beem ruled by the British CROWN 
Yellow Fringe on Flag = Crown/Maritime Law.

All Govts/Leaders have had Military force them so they would sign off GESARA LAW. That was taken an Actioned at The HAGUE, International Court of Justice.

We now do a Transition to Gesara
POTUS would write Transition to Greatness.
120 day period to have new blockchain elections. Electing new people 10% the size that we currently have.
This Transition will be GLOBAL MARTIAL LAW.

Many 3rd world immigrants from 1st world nations will head home to build and rebuild their nations under good govts. For the people.

Think China have 50 Ghost Cities. 
Think 7 Kingdoms.
For instance USA, Canada, Australia & Pacific Islands will have certain deals in place, being a Kingdom.

Once this all done, everyone will breed like Rabbits, then think about what Elon said within about 10 years we will become inter-planetary species.
Venus/Mars etc.

7 New Kingdoms coming, power off in Jan

Power would only be brief. 
US SpaceForce turned 10 countries power off in January all at once. 
209 should be fun.
Remember you will get 7 Presidential Msgs to all Mobile Phones on Planet Earth to let you know what is going on.
= 7 Trumpets = 7 Kingdoms 
You do need power for EBS to TV's & Radio's.
It was no coincidence that Texas was hit bad recently. The TEXAS TESLA TOWER can power the world for free by itself.

Castle Rock

Castle Rock.
7 Kingdoms.
Reversal of 1871 Act of England.
Means removal of Commonwealth.
Means a new make up to the world.
7 Presidential Msgs, = 7 Trumpets = 7 Kingdoms. Means everything from 1871 is null & void. Wiped completely. Every bit a paper (Illegal). This was an Act placed by Secret Societies. Same time Big Pharma started too. 

I am now going to guide you in understanding this & the ending.We will start with 1776 Title 4 Flag being Captured & Safe with the military.
Like i have said in order to understand now, you must understand the past.

Collapse of common wealth

I have shown 7 Presidential Msgs = 7 Trumpets = 7 Kingdoms. Russia are about to take back former Soviet States.  
Naturally when they announce the collapse of the Commonwealth/Crown there is need for a new make up to share wealth.
The reversal of the 1871 Act Of England means massive things for the make up of the World.

Trump Reinstated

Trump will be reinstated as 19th President. Elect a new VP. [JFK JR] 
Then something massive will happen.
Trump will become KING as Melania is the Queen of Russia. Anastacia Romanov's Grand Daughter.
JFK JR will have a new VP.
General Michael Flynn is very possible.

7 Trumpets
7 Presidential Msgs to everyone's phones on Earth.(Remember E.O 13818) He has seized everything. 
7 Kingdoms.

7 Presidential Messages

7 - Presidential Msgs to Everyone's phones on EARTH.
7 Trumpet's
7 Kingdom's.

Daniel 2.21
Ancient Maps R Key.

LARGEST market crash

After the Largest Stock Market Collapse in history will the Stock Market even remain?
Which will be [PRECISION CYBER ATTACKS] on CABAL Companies that link back too (EXECUTIVE ORDERS 13818 & 13848]
Transfer of Wealth must happen some way.
I am starting to see the evidence behind the STELLAR NETWORKS being the new Stock Market.

STELLAR = For The People.

Q says we are going to show you a Brand New World.
Like i mentioned in my write ups.
Many Industries and existing systems will not remain.

Trump Reinstated

Trump Reinstated as 19th President calls up a new Vice President 
JFK Junior as everything from 1871 was illegal an unconstitutional.
[Justice Thomas only Supreme Court Justice remaining]

Trump will step down 
John will become President like he would of if it wasn't for Killary plotting to kill him.
He will then call up General Flynn as his Vice.

Trump will become 1 of the 7 new Kings. Most likely the King Of Kings.

7 Trumpets.
7 Presidential Msgs to all phones on EARTH.
7 Kingdoms.

All phones turned off

7️⃣▪️P's = Presidential Msg's to ALL Mobile Phones on PLANET EARTH.
Have you got your Alerts turned on?
7️⃣▪️Kingdoms - Once the rightful President is back then something special will happen.

Beginning 1

All of Earth needs to be Switched Off, Programs Removed, Books Burnt History Re-written, Re-wired then Rebooted.
U.S SpaceForce Guardians Of The Galaxy. 
This is the Part 2 of the 1700's Renaissance. They burnt all the books in the streets then too.
We have all been under Project Mockingbird & Paperclip our whole lives. Everything is wrong. 
The Music Is About To Stop.
Read my write ups from before Corona started January to March Last Year.

All of Earth needs to be Switched Off, Programs Removed, Books Burnt History Re-written, Re-wired then Rebooted.SHUTDOWN = SHUTDOWN.U.S SpaceForce Guardians Of The Galaxy. This is the Part 2 of the 1700's Renaissance. They burnt all the books in the streets then too.We have all been under Project Mockingbird & Paperclip our whole lives. Everything is wrong. The Music Is About To Stop.Read my write ups from before Corona started January to March Last Year.

Moving away from oil and gas

How many times have i posted WE ARE MOVING AWAY FROM OIL AND GAS? To Tesla Free Energy, Precious Metals & later Space.

We will be 7 Kingdoms (Many from 3rd World Nations returning to Build/Rebuild their nations to being 1st World Nations) I will meet you at the Sheraton Hotel in RWANDA.
Electric Vehicles to Flying Cars/Supersonic Jets to Elon - Interplanetary Species in 5 to 10 yrs.

Think Replicators too.

Remember my 1st posts January 1 2020.
We are not going back to NORMAL.
We are going to something very different.
We are breaking out of our Sleep Walking Controlled Slumbers and we are being released to do what we want.


17 Millitaries

17 Militaries (Elite Forces)

Australia , France, Germany , Poland, Romania, Spain, Holland, Switzerland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Russia, Denmark, Croatia, Canada, N. Korea, and USA

Daniel 7 17 & 7 3 (4 Beasts)

• USA, Can, Aus. Combo of Lion and Eagle.

1st Beast – Lion with Eagle’s Wings Plucked Off – (USA under control of 1871 Act of England)

Dan 7:4: “The first was like a lion and had eagles’ wings. Then as I looked its wings were plucked off, and it was lifted up from the ground and made to stand on two feet like a man, and the mind of a man was given to it.”

“like a lion and had eagles’ wings” -> symbol for Britain = lion, symbol for USA = eagle -> USA having origins in Britain.
“its wings were plucked off” -> the 1871 Act of England & much of USA coming under British/Khazarian control.
“lifted up from the ground” -> it’s own power taken away, under someone else’s control.

“made to stand on two feet like a man” -> like the satanic goat-man, as influenced by Baphomet

“the mind of a man was given to it” -> man ignores God and does what is right in his/her own eyes, so comes under the influence of the devil. Man chooses own religion (humanism); own worth (abortion, euthanasia); own laws (corruption, lawlessness); own gender (LGBQT+), etc.

2nd Beast – Russia (BEAR)

Dan 7:5: “And behold, another beast, a second one, like a bear. It was raised up on one side. It had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth; and it was told, ‘Arise, devour much flesh.’

“like a bear” – bear = symbol of Russia
“three ribs in its mouth” – possibly 3 territories Crimea, DPR, LPR??
“it was told, ‘Arise, devour much flesh.’” – given permission to attack & devour the Deep State/Khazarian's in Ukraine.

Think Vatican Raids too.

3rd Beast • Leopard with 4 heads and wings.
Germany and other Euro nations.
6 After this I looked, and behold, another, like a leopard, with four wings of a bird on its back. And the beast had four heads, and dominion was given to it.”

This is the flip (being Freed from Rothschild/DS control)
Think NATO & UN breaking up
Turkey flipping on NATO
Also prior CERN Raids by French Foreign Legion.
Think Dominion Raids in Frankfurt Germany by Special Forces.
They seized Dominion Servers.

4th Beast • Beast with Iron teeth and 10 horns - North Korea with 10 horns + (Other Asian Nations) 

Dan 7:7: “a fourth beast, terrifying and dreadful and exceedingly strong. It had great iron teeth; it devoured and broke in pieces and stamped what was left with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns.”
“it was different from all the beasts that were before it” - not a specific kingdom – but infiltration of the whole world ->
Why is The Event Big?
They all turn on England & Israel
The Zionist/Khazarian controllers of Big Pharma/BioLabs/Wuhan etc Act Of England 1871
Balfour Declaration 1917.

17 is the letter Q in the alphabet.
Q is the plan to save the world.
It started off as 17.
150 + now.

It's About the Flip

It's about The Flip.
UK + Israel + CCP (Remember my Original write ups) they teamed up to commit espionage against the USA.
Who owns CIA & Mossad? THE QUEEN
Who is responsible for 9/11?
Commonwealth Dissolves
7 Kingdoms coming.
As i have shown so far with Russia taking back Soviet States some that are NATO.
UK is NATO they will hate it.
Will link to Queen death.
To become King you Disband the Queen.
Turkey taking Turan
USA taking Canada, Australia, NZ and Pacific Islands.

Companies Removed Already

I already know Vatican Italian Companies are being removed from Australia that was happening in 2021.
Just like they are now showing you using Russia & Europe with corporate monopolies 

This is all about the 7 Kingdoms 
I said 3rd world immigrants will be heading home to build and rebuild.
Foreign militaries can not occupy Foreign Land. Look up Executive Order 13959. Companies linked to Chinese Military. Most of them have CIA, Mossad, Vatican, MI5 influence.
Foreign Corporate Monopolies engaging in Deep State Activities the same. 
Using Russia like Marcia, Marcia, Marcia 
Russia is a big Bear it can handle it.
Once the world learns the Truth it will accept it.

Remember it is done already

Remember its done already..
Remember the Air War i told you about? Remember i said special forces were let in after the air war.
You have seen all the Statues removed from the 3rd Red Castle - Tiananmen Square - Q tells you 3 Red Castles.

2 - Rock of Gibraltar - Blockchain Rock, Durham
3 - Tiananmen Square.

China Republican Government will take Taiwan in a matter of Hours. (DEAL DONE) think Pompeo trip to Taiwan.
You have seen all the other countries i said to go under China.
7 Kingdoms.

Seven Kingdoms

So brings me to the 7 Kingdoms in GESARA. Trying to find this old post.
If we give 3rd World Nations gazillions of money now, what happens in 10 yrs time? They end up in the same mess.
So GESARA you need to have RESOURCES to back your assets and financial system. So this is why they will use Ancient Maps and merge into Kingdoms to Share Their Wealth.
Remember Stellar articles saying you can back assets by COFFEE/AGRICULTURE etc.

You have Coffee & AGRICULTURE domains in pinned post too

To Think Deeply

When i ask you to THINK DEEPLY.

What makes a movie Good?


Not all are BAD.
Many have been asked to play roles by U.S Military.

Now some parts in movies are Short and some are Long.

Example Zelenskyy.
Example Gregory Hallet when he laid 200 years on the table of an illegitimate UK Royal Family Arteficially Inseminated by the Rothchild's.

Oh and wait for it.

Think USMCA.

Romana has been placed by the U.S Military for a role to awaken Humanity to Common Law and many other things. Open Your Eyes & Thinking.

This is an Unprecedented Event.
7 Kingdom's
Dissolving Corporation's 
Reversal - Act of 1871 of England
Reversal - Balfour Declaration.
All pre -Laws have been lifted.
We are under GESARA LAW now.
Chapter 11 is complete.

It's about the Flip

It's about The Flip.
UK + Israel + CCP (Remember my Original write ups) they teamed up to commit espionage against the USA.
Who owns CIA & Mossad? THE QUEEN
Who is responsible for 9/11?
Commonwealth Dissolves
7 Kingdoms coming.
As i have shown so far with Russia taking back Soviet States some that are NATO.
UK is NATO they will hate it.
Will link to Queen death.
To become King you Disband the Queen.
Turkey taking Turan
USA taking Canada, Australia, NZ and Pacific Islands.

Chapter 11 cont

CHAPTER 11 [BANKRUPTCY] Filed & Actioned.
The 3 Pillars 

1 - City Of London/UK Royals - FINANCE - Bankrupted

2 - Vatican/Rome - RELIGION - Bankrupted = Hologram Pope has been telling you for Months.
IRON BRIDGE COLLAPSE on the day Julius Caesar claimed Victory.

3 - Washington D.C - MILITARY
 - Bankrupted.

7 Trumpets
7 Presidential Msgs to everyone's phones on Planet Earth.
7 Kingdoms.

1776 Common Law & 1950s 
[195️⃣▪️5️⃣] prices for all.


CHAPTER 11 [BANKRUPTCY] Filed & Actioned.
The 3 Pillars 

1 - City Of London/UK Royals - FINANCE - Bankrupted

2 - Vatican/Rome - RELIGION - Bankrupted = Hologram Pope has been telling you for Months.
IRON BRIDGE COLLAPSE on the day Julius Caesar claimed Victory.

3 - Washington D.C - MILITARY
 - Bankrupted.

7 Trumpets
7 Presidential Msgs to everyone's phones on Planet Earth.
7 Kingdoms.

1776 Common Law & 1950s 
[195️⃣▪️5️⃣] prices for all.

Part 3

Naturally when you reverse the 1871 Act Of England then the world needs a new make up to share the wealth. Nesara/Gesara. 

When the EVENT goes down. President Trump will be sending out 7 Presidential Msgs to everyones phones WORLDWIDE. 7 P's AKA 7 Trumpets = 7 Kingdoms.

Again removing this ACT, removes the Commonwealth. All Constitutions on the Crown are removed & we go to 1776 Common Law.

That is where we go to the CASTLE ROCK Scenario. (ACTIVATION of a WW3 Scenario) DEFCON SCARE. All Judges, Lawyers & Police must stand down on Earth & learn 1776 Common Law. The corrupt ones are all arrested by Military.

Part 2 cont

3 Executive Orders + plus the modelling of when Abraham Lincoln was President. There were 2 Presidents.
1 on TV and 1 real one.
The Art Of War - Sun Tsu

The major thing here to understand is the 1871 Act of England that was placed on America illegally & Unconstitutionally by Secret Societies. This has controlled our world.
America thought it was under 1776 Constitution but since 1871 it has beem ruled by the British CROWN 
Yellow Fringe on Flag = Crown/Maritime Law.

All Govts/Leaders have had Military force them so they would sign off GESARA LAW. That was taken an Actioned at The HAGUE, International Court of Justice.

We now do a Transition to Gesara
POTUS would write Transition to Greatness.
120 day period to have new blockchain elections. Electing new people 10% the size that we currently have.
This Transition will be GLOBAL MARTIAL LAW.

Many 3rd world immigrants from 1st world nations will head home to build and rebuild their nations under good govts. For the people.

Think China have 50 Ghost Cities. 
Think 7 Kingdoms.
For instance USA, Canada, Australia & Pacific Islands will have certain deals in place, being a Kingdom.

Once this all done, everyone will breed like Rabbits, then think about what Elon said within about 10 years we will become inter-planetary species.
Venus/Mars etc.

Part 1

Power would only be brief. 
US SpaceForce turned 10 countries power off in January all at once. 
209 should be fun.
Remember you will get 7 Presidential Msgs to all Mobile Phones on Planet Earth to let you know what is going on.
= 7 Trumpets = 7 Kingdoms 
You do need power for EBS to TV's & Radio's.
It was no coincidence that Texas was hit bad recently. The TEXAS TESLA TOWER can power the world for free by itself.


Huge!! Share, Multiple sorts coming

Mark Z

Iraqi Dinar...


Black Swan is really White

Interest to me

Over the Holidays

I learned something over the holidays. Some people believe 
1 Bonds go first as they pay for the currency.  
2 currency goes first as that was the first investment. 
No is the correct answer to both.

All monies to buy instruments that have been bought by all of us . Those funds were held in 2 trust accounts. Dubai1 and Dunai 2. Those both were emptied out and made available to aggragators and group leaders and paymasters in June of 2023. Unfortunately there were layers of procedures and protocols we knew nothing about that followed. I know it didn't make me happy every time were done in the last 6 mo.

All I did know for sure was you can't put the tooth pasts back in the tube. So when Dubai 1 and 2 were emptied we were destined for the single biggest ever wealth transfer in the history of mankind ever. That's just not a flick your Bic moment.
But plenty lit there hair on fire 🔥 as it became a lottery ticket. Pun intended. There are group rules that are non binding on others. Those rules are not written on stone tablets and have zero effect on others. The problem is Rumors grow there own hair and look.lile woookies. 

The Cool is we are at the end and there is no bad banker out to get you. No bad actors trying to screw you out of your payday. Just a lot of procedures. 
Plus there is no book RV for dummies to read how to do it. Just 209 countries . It's like hurting chickens. Plus they built a whole new asset backed financial system to pay you so the bad actors can't screw you out of your money again
So it took longer. Some of us have been waiting 15 or 20 years. We got old waiting.  

Med beds anyone 
God bless you and don't get your daily exercise jumping to conclusions

Ps there were 176 zeros after the first comma in the trusts.

Your money set aside for mankind including funds for Nesara or Gesara.

Goes Viral

Meaning in times of abundance

Tucker Carlson

Stay away from Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Monday, December 25, 2023

No mountain high enough

First Contact

You are gonna make it!

First Contact

First Contact


First Contact

If you are unvaxxinated

Gesera News

Nader from Middle East

Why the Choosen ones suffer more

Nader from Middle East

Take a stand

Illegal alien sex offenders

XrP on the rise

Tomorrow war trailer, EBS at beginning

Ray Charles

It' a Wonderful Life. Story behind it

True North Strong and free

There will be great clean up ahead. 

For it is I who shall take down and out every evil regime and leader that stands in My way.
“You are about to see My remnant, called by My name, step up in ways they thought were not going to be necessary. 

I will cover them, and they shall have abundant, supernatural grace and favor upon them. 

These ones shall be led by My Spirit, and together, we shall remove such evil ones. 

We shall take down and take out all evil facilities and altars right down to and including, their foundations.
“The nations will never be the same. 

The evil and demonic web that entangles My people shall be removed. 
This dark web is coming down and you shall see My transformation coming with light on a quantum scale - you have never seen anything like it!
“There is a great fall coming to China and the “Red Dragon.” 

The prayers of My people shall avail much! 

This shaking shall reveal much! 

They are no challenge to My angelic hosts and warring angels!" 
Returning the Wealth
I was taken into huge warehouses, each one full of gold.
The Lord spoke to me again:

"Barry, tell My people that I am returning the wealth that has been stolen from them through evil regimes throughout history. 

Tell My people I am destroying the slavery system that has held them in bondage. 

Tell My people deliverance and freedom are nigh!”

I was then taken into a global medical/teaching headquarters and saw God's appointed authorities - armed military SWAT Special Forces (White Hats) entering this facility going room by room, office by office, arresting those responsible for the Pharmacia (Witchcraft and death systems they teach, manage, and deploy that kill millions by their agendas, ways and means).
The Lord spoke to me again: 

"Barry, tell My people they have been lied to and they have been deceived. 

It is much worse than they know. 

Leave it to Me as I bring it down and as I bring healing to My people in My ways!
“Barry, tell My people not to be afraid as I am turning things over. 

Do not be afraid as things shake harder than they may have expected. 

Barry, tell My people to hold fast unto Me as never before. 

Rest in Me. 

Rest in My peace through the storm. 

I am in the boat with you, and you shall be just fine!
“Barry, tell My people to pray and stand with those I have called to lead in this hour. 

You will know by My Spirit whom they are. 

Do not be deceived any longer by those I have not called - who have assumed positions I have not induced or blessed.
“There are those among you who are not of Me—darkness pretending to be light. 

Their days are over; their jig is up. 

It would be best they repent and turn from their dark practices!
“We are in a critical hour. 

The fuse is lit, and it is short. 

Now is not the time to fade back. 

Now is the time to pay attention. 

Now is not the time to slumber and sleep. 

For I have called you, called you by name, predestined all of your days, for these very days you are in, right here and right now!
“So do not falter! 

Do not hold back what I have put in you! 

It is time to arise! It is time to shine with Me! 

It is time to advance the line! It is time for victory!”
Holy is the Word of the Lord.
Respectfully Submitted, 
Barry Wunsch 
The Canadian Hammer  
God Bless and Protect you and your families! 
God Bless and Protect Israel! 
God Bless the United States of America the Beautiful! 
God Bless Canada the True North Strong and Free!
Barry Wunsch
PO Box 25069 Deer Park
Red Deer, AlbertaT4R 2M2 

Sunday, December 24, 2023


Dinar SitRep: you have to understand it. When Iraqi banks establish relationships with international banks, their connectivity with the global financial system improves. This greater integration allows Iraq to participate more effectively in international trade and finance. As these banks establish connections, they gain access to the foreign exchange markets, including the Forex (foreign exchange) market. Being part of the Forex market allows Iraq to facilitate currency exchange, attract foreign investments and conduct international transactions more efficiently. It also contributes to the stability of the Iraqi dinar, as greater participation in global financial markets often leads to better management of currency values. Overall, collaboration with international banks is a positive step for Iraq in terms of economic stability and progress in reforming its banking sector. Do you understand how monumental it is for the US Treasury to confirm this today on Christmas Eve? Did you know that the dollar exchange rate is stabilizing and the parallel market is reaching the official price? Being part of the Forex market allows Iraq to facilitate currency exchange, attract foreign investments and conduct international transactions more efficiently. It also contributes to the stability of the Iraqi dinar, as greater participation in global financial markets often leads to better management of currency values. Overall, collaboration with international banks is a positive step for Iraq in terms of economic stability and progress in reforming its banking sector. Why do you think I kept reminding everyone that on January 1 Iraq will only use its currency? Don't you think they will need all the help they can establish by connecting with other foreign markets to facilitate trade and strengthen their currency? And here's the trick. Iraq will leave with a fixed rate, not a floating one. Do you know what this means? They will cost you 3-4 dollars. If you have 4 million in IQD. Guess how much you will have the morning it appears on Forex? 12-16 million dollars. Talk about making a profit. The other part of this plan is that investing will be easy for you. Because soon we will be on a gold standard. Your money will grow with the market without the fluctuations of the old system. Companies will have confidence. The banks will be confident. Insurance companies will have confidence. ISO-20022 SOFR Basel 3 Comex 589 Protocol 20 You will have all these tools in the new financial system to protect your money and investments. “You should have more confidence than a basket full of cans.” I didn't even mention Zimbabwe bonds. I didn't even mention Iranian rials. I didn't even mention the Vietnamese Dong. I don't even need the Iraqi dinar. But it is a tool and I will use it. Good luck to all of you. Because you're about to enter a completely different game.


Dinar SitRep: you have to understand it. When Iraqi banks establish relationships with international banks, their connectivity with the global financial system improves. This greater integration allows Iraq to participate more effectively in international trade and finance. As these banks establish connections, they gain access to the foreign exchange markets, including the Forex (foreign exchange) market. Being part of the Forex market allows Iraq to facilitate currency exchange, attract foreign investments and conduct international transactions more efficiently. It also contributes to the stability of the Iraqi dinar, as greater participation in global financial markets often leads to better management of currency values. Overall, collaboration with international banks is a positive step for Iraq in terms of economic stability and progress in reforming its banking sector. Do you understand how monumental it is for the US Treasury to confirm this today on Christmas Eve? Did you know that the dollar exchange rate is stabilizing and the parallel market is reaching the official price? Being part of the Forex market allows Iraq to facilitate currency exchange, attract foreign investments and conduct international transactions more efficiently. It also contributes to the stability of the Iraqi dinar, as greater participation in global financial markets often leads to better management of currency values. Overall, collaboration with international banks is a positive step for Iraq in terms of economic stability and progress in reforming its banking sector. Why do you think I kept reminding everyone that on January 1 Iraq will only use its currency? Don't you think they will need all the help they can establish by connecting with other foreign markets to facilitate trade and strengthen their currency? And here's the trick. Iraq will leave with a fixed rate, not a floating one. Do you know what this means? They will cost you 3-4 dollars. If you have 4 million in IQD. Guess how much you will have the morning it appears on Forex? 12-16 million dollars. Talk about making a profit. The other part of this plan is that investing will be easy for you. Because soon we will be on a gold standard. Your money will grow with the market without the fluctuations of the old system. Companies will have confidence. The banks will be confident. Insurance companies will have confidence. ISO-20022 SOFR Basel 3 Comex 589 Protocol 20 You will have all these tools in the new financial system to protect your money and investments. “You should have more confidence than a basket full of cans.” I didn't even mention Zimbabwe bonds. I didn't even mention Iranian rials. I didn't even mention the Vietnamese Dong. I don't even need the Iraqi dinar. But it is a tool and I will use it. Good luck to all of you. Because you're about to enter a completely different game.

People who faked their death

Who enslaves humanity?


Who enslaves humanity?

Little Drummer boy

Financial Collapse next week?

Voice of Q

Voice of Q

It is going to be biblical

Kick start


I love you all, visiting family today. Sending you love and Hugs, and healing and Prosperity. Very cold. Praying for good cheer to all, and Joy abundantly

Tiffany Blue

Merry Christmas

Judy on Collapse

RESTORED republic


The Night Befor the Reveal

Twas The Night Before Reval

Twas the night before reval, when all through the house
Not a creature was sleeping, not even my spouse.
The Dinars were laid on the table with care,
In hopes that the news soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of new cars danced in their heads.
And mamma in her snuggie, and I in my drawers,
Had just settled our brains for a long currency war.

When on the computer there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the couch to see what was the matter.
Away to I typed with a clash,
opening to the homepage to see the NEWS  FLASH.

The glow of the screen on my laid out Dinar
Gave the vision of dreams I had held at afar.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a flashing notice the RV was here.

The government was seated, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be a trick.
More rapid than eagles they fell all in line,
The IMF had told them "Now is the time".

"Now Sudani! now, Allawi! now, Abadi and Saad!
On, Mullahs! On, Kurds! on, Ashour and Awaad!
To the top of the basket! to the top of the chart!
Now Revaluate! Revaluate! The RV must start!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.
So up to the top of the forex charts they flew,
With accounts full of dollars, and new millionaires too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the tile
The prancing and dancing of my wife gone wild.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
I heard my phone ring, a startling sound.

It was my neighbor, who lives down the street,
He is a banker for Chase, and asked could we meet.
A bundle of ideals he had in his mind, of places my riches to put
he could find,
He sounded excited, but I had my plan set in my mind.

His voice how it lifted! He sounded so merry!
His words were like candy, his attitude so cherry!
He promised an exchange rate, without a great spread,
I feared if I trusted my dreams would be dead.

The receiver of the phone, he held tight in his hand,
And I could tell his heart, was beating like a band.
I could imagine his broad face and a big round belly,
That shook when he spoke, like a bowlful of jelly!

He is chubby and plump, like a fat old elf,
And I laughed when I thought about him, in spite of myself!
He asked me to call soon, as he was going to bed,
I thought to myself I have nothing to dread.

I put down the phone, and went straight to work,
I counted my money, then turned with a jerk.
I felt a soft finger aside of my nose,
And there stood my wife in an amorous pose!

I sprang to my feet, and let out a whistle,
And away we flew to our room like the down of a thistle.
The children surely heard me exclaim, as we dove out of sight,
"Happy RV to all, and to all a good-night!"

Saturday, December 23, 2023

The Lost Years of Jesus

John Cash reads the Bible

Hallelujah Song

Divine Christmas music

Emergency Prepper alert Now

High Alert

Our Objectives

Notification and Med Meds,

Yes he said the notification should be coming tomorrow 24th Dec when Iraq announce the international rate so get ready. 

You can make an appointment for Medbed too (I suppose at the appointment, or if you are really unwell, you could book it over the phone when making redemption appointment, that’s what Skye said).

He said you can access the fund from 26th or 27th Dec, as the banks are closed until 25th.

Nader Live chat.. all about biggest wealth transfer on planet

Nick Flemming

Chella Smith, lovely person


Iraq Dinar - National Currency - International - Dinar Game is Going Glo...

Restored Republic


Kanye West - Mike Rubin/Balenciaga DISS (FULL VIDEO)

Merry Christmas news!

Merry Christmas news!

Friday, December 22, 2023

Fallen Angels

Gesera Nesera

Trump's Body Guard, how tall is he?

Situation Update

Movie, Seven Days in May

Pre Christmas update

Sounds Frequency Secrets

Pre Christmas update

The Duze , Jesus' bloodline

Pre Christmas update

Exposing Chold Trafficing

Only vaccinated died during Spaish Flu

Nesera Gesera And Election

Only vaccinated died during Spaish Flu

Is everything about to change?

Talk Show

Where we are at

12 Says of Christmas, denver is alive

Thursday, December 21, 2023

The Punisher in Gree... Green Light, GO

Understanding Crypto


Tax his land, Tax his bed, Tax the table,
At which he's fed.

 Tax his tractor, Tax his mule, Teach him taxes
Are the rule.

 Tax his work, Tax his pay, He works for peanuts anyway!

 Tax his cow, Tax his goat, Tax his pants,
Tax his coat.

 Tax his ties, Tax his shirt, Tax his work,
Tax his dirt.

 Tax his tobacco, Tax his drink, Tax him if he
Tries to think.

 Tax his cigars, Tax his beers, If he cries Tax his tears.

 Tax his car, Tax his gas, Find other ways
To tax his ass.

 Tax all he has Then let him know
That you won't be done Till he has no dough.

 When he screams and hollers; Then tax him some more, Tax him till He's good and sore.

 Then tax his coffin, Tax his grave, Tax the sod in Which he's laid...

 Put these words Upon his tomb, Taxes drove me to my doom...'

 When he's gone, Do not relax, Its time to apply The inheritance tax.

 Accounts Receivable Tax

Building Permit Tax

CDL license Tax

Cigarette Tax

Corporate Income Tax

Dog License Tax

Excise Taxes

Federal Income Tax

Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)

Fishing License Tax

Food License Tax

Fuel Permit Tax

Gasoline Tax (currently 44.75 cents per gallon)

Gross Receipts Tax

Hunting License Tax

Inheritance Tax

Inventory Tax

IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)

Liquor Tax

Luxury Taxes

Marriage License Tax

Medicare Tax

Personal Property Tax

Property Tax

Real Estate Tax

Service Charge Tax

Social Security Tax

Road Usage Tax

Recreational Vehicle Tax

Sales Tax

School Tax

State Income Tax

State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)

Telephone Federal Excise Tax

Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax

Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes

Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax

Telephone Recurring and Nonrecurring Charges Tax

Telephone State and Local Tax

Telephone Usage Charge Tax

Utility Taxes

Vehicle License Registration Tax

Vehicle Sales Tax

Watercraft Registration Tax

Well Permit Tax

Workers Compensation Tax


Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, & our nation was the most prosperous in the world.

We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.

 What in the heck happened? Can you spell 'politicians?'
I hope this goes around THE USA at least 545 times!!! YOU can help it get there!!!


---Charley Reese

RED SEA AND SUEZ CANAL shipping halted

Mark Z

Twitter Changed

DOW just tumbled 500 pts

What do you think of this?

What do we think of this…

NESARA, GESARA and Saint Germain

NESARA began with Saint Germain. This is the event has been in the works throughout all of human history.

Saint Germain is one of the most key figures in the New Age belief system, and is said to be an ascended master. But his spirit is ancient. It goes far beyond what we know as the human of Saint Germain.

A better description of him is the fallen angel known as Lucifer, who is also called Gadreel. The Book of Enoch references Gadreel and calls him the angel who deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden.

It’s been documented that in 1729, Saint Germain was working on the establishment and funding of a new world monetary trust. The Saint Germain world trust now contains the majority of the wealth that will be distributed to the world once the new financial reset takes place.

Today, Saint Germain’s world trust prosperity program is known as NESARA and GESARA.

NESARA stands for National Economic Security and Reformation Act. It applies only to the United States.

While GESARA, the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act, applies to the rest of the world.

For centuries, elite families who “follow the light” (or the agenda of the second beast, the beast of the land) have been contributing to this world trust. Saint Germain specifically stated that the money in his world trust would be used in the future for prosperity and humanitarian purposes.

Now, after over 250 years of contributions by the rich and elite followers-of-light, and compounding interest, Saint Germain’s world trust is over one Quattuordecillion dollars. That is a one with 45 zeros behind it.

It looks like this:


It’s important to note that the United States was none other than Saint Germain’s own Masonic experiment. The reason there’s a program specifically for the United States and a separate worldwide program is because the US determines, to a large extent, what happens in the rest of the world.

This was Saint Germain’s plan from the very beginning. The world trust will be launched in the US under the name NESARA, and will be the first country to distribute the prosperity funds.

Draining the swamp; the false prophet system

Dr. Harvey Francis Barnard, a Louisiana graduate in systems philosophy, and an engineering consultant and teacher, created the NESARA proposal during the late 1980’s and early 1990’s.

He printed 1,000 copies of his proposal, titled Draining the Swamp: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform (1996), and sent copies to all members of Congress, believing it would pass quickly on its merits.

Yes, “draining the swamp.” Sound familiar?

Although the mainstream narrative states that the proposal died before ever gaining traction, the truth is actually quite different.

It’s said that NESARA was secretly passed by the US Congress on March 9, 2000. The military forced Bill Clinton to sign it into law under threat.

Yes, the military. The ones who are behind the entire worldwide Anon movement and are part of the second beast system. They actually forced Clinton, a dark cabalist who is part of the first beast system, to sign NESARA into law.

GESARA is part of the Paris Agreement that was signed into law in 2015. Remember, Trump took the US out of the Paris agreement in 2019. The reason was simple: the US is not part of GESARA. We have NESARA, the version that’s specific to the United States. The move had nothing to do with climate change.

As a program, NESARA can be viewed from a couple of different perspectives. The New Age says that NESARA is:

“A spiritually directed financial program that can be attributed back to Saint Germain. It was designed to provide a new economic system for the world during the time of transition.”

The transition they mention is happening right now, with Donald Trump, the White Hats and Q eliminating the cabal, or the deep state, and “draining the swamp.”

Suns path over flat Earth

British Stranded

Suns path over flat Earth

Symptoms of parasites. Take ivermectin

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Project Looking Glass



Song, Professor Horatio

Financial System collapse

Hello From Wizard

listen Carefully

Words to use more often

Epstein list

Neck flemming

The Punisher

Leftist upset

Mark Z

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

More Bank failures

Nader from Middle East

fake caller ID

revelations of Gesera, Nesera

Shocking plane found


Malitia Man

Monday, December 18, 2023

Command your cells what to do

Life Expectancy Decline

Money can't buy love

Italian health Minister arrested

Celebrate Me


Nicholas Tesla

John Dowling

Nicholas Tesla

Happy Song

Nicholas Tesla

Military still in control?

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Queen Dianna

Santa Terrorizes Children

THE punisher

Interview with military Alien.. current

Gesera News

Ready to Fiesta

Gesera News

the good news

Future air travel

Trump Rally


This Woman in the Mountain


What is going on at this airport?


No more I phones?

Gen Z suffers from menu anxiety

Death Penalty to Pedos

Thursday, December 14, 2023

The Punisher on live

Nino and Princess Diana's Daughter

Mark z


Calm STING Song

Restored Republic

Human Trafficking taken down

The Shriners

Skinny Santa Obumma

Very Confident

Skinny Santa Obumma

Voyage to the unknown

Ariel on X

Voyage To The Unknown: 

Do you all remember the "Cloaking Technology" in Black Panther that allowed the entire nation to be hidden from outsiders? 

Do you know in real life we would call that a "Frequency Fence"? 

(Tech that manipulates light and other electromagnetic waves, bending them around country making it invisible to outside observers)

What if I told you this is how nations on earth remain unseen who were more advanced in 1698 than America is today? 

What if we have more than 25 continents as opposed to the 7 you know today? 

Do you all know the magnitude of what disclosure is? You think America is the most advanced society in the world? 

How would you know if you were not told of the other civilizations who were using vehicles in the 1600s? 

So advanced they couldn't establish any maritime trade with any country because they were not technologically advanced enough. 

Would you believe this exists? NASA knows. Why do you think all the intelligence agencies report to them? 

Now do you see why there is so much secrecy surrounding Antarctica? 

But the entire time I am not even talking about what's behind "The Ice Wall". You want to know where crude oil comes from? 

They call it "The Great Gate". On the Southpole beyond the ice wall. The gate overlooks other land. Petroleum & Oil is rivers to them which makes it way underground to us that we need to drill for in order to access. 

Have you ever heard of "The Iron Republic". Can you imagine how advanced a society is today who were using vehicles prior to Benjamin Franklin's supposed discovered electricity in 1752? 

Excerpt from Document-

“How is it,” I asked my companions, “that people here seem to do so easily what we have labored vainly so many years in my country to accomplish? Are you stronger, or is the atmosphere more dense?”

“Neither one nor the other,” answered Prof. Morris. “You people have always gone at it the wrong way, or had; up to the time I left the country. You have been swallowed up with the idea of machinery. You have seen birds carry their own weight and twice as much besides, with ease; you have seen clumsy squirrels expand their skins by stretching out their legs and make astonishing flights through the air, and yet though knowing that man is one of the strongest animals in the world to his size, it has not yet occurred to you to apply that strength intelligently in the effort to fly. 

Really your attempts at flying have been quite as ridiculous as it would be to attempt to swim by machinery! With a light aero plane having the requisite area of surface and a simple gear with which he could apply the strength of his back, arms and legs to a propelling fan, your boys, with the opportunity, would learn to fly quite as easily as they learn to swim. All you require to enable ‘Young America’ to acquire expertness in the air as he does in the water and on the ice, is the simple aero plane and a high wire two or three hundred feet in length from which he could suspend himself while learning to manipulate his flyer." End quote.

Is the Pope Catholic?

Opioid Deaths canada

Yes, will Re Value

Demonic Sightings

Overlooked in End Times

Malitia Man

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Read all of it

Tomorrow, Boom Boom

We have a new Name

Trump Rally

the punisher

John Dowling

We are not designed to eat meat

Humans are not meant to eat meat 
One of the first things that should be eliminated from your diet is animal products, especially meat. Meat has a tendency to remain an especially long time in the intestines of humans and putrefy. Humans simply do not have the capacity to digest meat properly. 
True carnivores have very short intestines that allow them to rapidly process and eliminate the meat they eat. But within our human bodies, with our much longer intestines, meat putrefies as it makes its way through the system, and this produces many toxins. The foods we are meant to eat (fruits and vegetables) do not tend to putrefy. Since they are mostly water, they can benefit from a longer transit time in the intestines in order for the body to absorb maximum nutrition from them. 
Book: The sunfood cuisine : a gourmet guide to raw-food vegan eating

Get supplies Now

Storm soon Over

Do not panic

To all my friends

To all my friends out there who know what’s really going on… To all my conspiracy theorist friends… Yes, sometimes it’s a curse and not always a blessing to be awake.  Awakening is the most liberating, alienating, excruciating, empowering, lonely, confusing, freeing, frightening, expansive journey.  If you find yourself struggling as you try to process all this insanity, you are not alone.  No one talks about the darkness that accompanies awakening, or the GRIEF. Not only grieving the life and illusions you once had but the realization that almost everything you thought you once knew, is a LIE. The beliefs you’ve held, people you’ve trusted, principles you were taught- ALL LIES.  Shattering illusions is RARELY an enjoyable experience. There is a considerable amount of discomfort that comes with growth and the grieving process doesn’t stop there.  With these newfound realizations, you then find yourself grieving all over again.   Grieving the loss of many relationships with people who just don’t “get it”.  Feeling alone; being ridiculed and shamed, not only by the masses but for many of you, your very own family and friends too. Feeling like you no longer have much in common with the people you are surrounded by.   Struggling with carrying on "bull-shite", shallow conversations that lack substance with those who are still fast asleep.  Even feeling disconnected from your entire support system because they can’t see what you see. Some even grieve the loss of their ignorance- because “ignorance is bliss” and reality is harsh.   Awakening can be a lonely road and you will often find yourself journeying alone.   There is no way to sugarcoat it- Awakening to the realities of this world is brutal. It will have you running through the entire gamut of human emotions.   You have to master the art of diving down the darkest of rabbit holes only to come out and still function in daily life, and that’s a skill people don’t talk about enough.  Some of you are struggling with feeling disconnected from family and friends, it’s as though they exist in another world.  Please know you are not alone, and not only are you not alone, you have an entire tribe standing with you. We may be separated by miles, but we are DEEPLY connected; in purpose and in spirit.

- Author unknown.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Sky Princes thoughts

Wille on Economy

Day by day , song

Shuhmann update

A message to light workers


To All of You who have been laughed at, abused on social media and called insane for years but who still stand up for what you believe in and try to get the truth out to the public. You have lost friends and family, you have been ridiculed, and yet you still speak your truth. 

For all the hippies, lightworkers, lightwarriors, starseeds, wayshowers and conspiracy theorists who have always felt alienated and different but never stopped being that person who tries to offer a different perspective to things. You learned about Energy Healing, Crystals, Meditation, Mother Gaia and Ascension while those around you laughed. You were different and weird and never were one for conforming. 

The ones who woke up and realised what was truly going on in the world and had to have their hearts shattered into a million pieces while everyone in their life simply thought they were losing their minds. You had to face all that alone and it broke your heart, but you did it and you faced that DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL like a King and Queen!!!

For those Old Souls who try every single day to help humanity, who feel isolated and different and who have lost many friends and family members in the process of waking up. The ones who don’t go out any more, the ones who research until days have passed by, the ones who stood up and dared say what nobody else would. The ones who have dedicated their life to this Ascension Process and Humanity’s Liberation... 

I take my Hat off to Each and Every one of You. This process is the hardest thing anyone will ever have to do and you had to do it first! Every single day more and more people are waking up. I know it’s hard and you’re feeling exhausted and sometimes drained by the negative response you’re getting, but stay strong because this battle will soon be over and soon the World will know WHAT WE DO AND WHY WE DID IT...

Where We Go One, We Go All. This time will be spoken about in history and your efforts to awaken and heal humanity will effect not only our existence on Planet Earth but it will effect everything throughout The Universe.

This is a Galactic Event and you have chosen this assignment before you incarnated into this Timeline on Earth. You chose to be here right now to make a difference in the world.


✨Infinite Blessings✨

Order of the Star 🌟

UK Teck faults affects flights

train cancellarions

2 more wireless carriers plan to shut down

This is global soon

Melbourne flight cancellation

Higher cholesterol means longer life


Leave the world behind cast

Netflix outages

Putin's predictions

Bring Crosby

Credit Swiss Bankers cut for Christmas

Monday, December 11, 2023

Dinar Recaps

Leaving the world behind movie #1

Just A Random Chat

New York Prepper, nuclear planew up in sky

Distorted Teaching of Church

Restored Republic Today

What Cancer loves

Android phones

A lesson

It is not just a rock

Super soldier talk

Dead Long Ago

All the Elites are DEAD LONG AGO.
You are watching a long winded movie now that needs too and is about to end. 

Netanyahu is wearing a mask. He is long dead. Pope Frank is long dead and have stated many of these so called Elites have played many parts in the world i call the MATRIX. Do not be surprised if he turns out to be Francis Sinatra, Biden to be Lee Harvey Oswald, Julia Gillard to be Jodie Foster, Morgan Freeman to be Jimmi Hendrix etc 

Biden is long dead, Charles is long dead. Clinton's are long dead, Obama is long dead, Rothschild's are long dead, Vatican inhabitants, 13 Controlling Familes & the list goes on Etc. 

If you are not awake now well your Foundation's are about to be shook.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Covid shots linked to heart disease

Your eyes need sunshine

Polygamy exposed

Angels Singing: Recorded in Bethany Israel November 1973

Gold will destroy the banking system

What's Coming is Not Debt Forgiveness | Banks Cannot Collect on a Fraud ...

URGENT! Massive Land Grab About To Happen!? America's National Parks? Ju...

FULL SPEECH: President Donald J. Trump Headlines the NYYRC's 111th Annua...

Hi! SKY Prince!!

The End Of An Empire

"Breath of Heaven" by Matt and Savanna Shaw (with lyrics)

"Friend In Jesus" by Jason Ingram (with lyrics)

"EYE OF THE TIGER" by Survivor w Lyrics 4 hearing &visually challenged -...

"Have I told You Lately" Van Morrison w lyrics 4 haring & visually chall...

The Punisher


Jon Dowling & Holly Celiano Discuss Will USA Be Last To RV & Iraq Will B...

Restored Republic

the earth is speaking

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Financial Collapse update

Restored Republic

spread Awareness

Jennifer Whiteside, princess Diannas Daughter

Steve Fletcher

The punisher

DJT Birth parents

DJT will be 78yrs. Birthday 12.7.1945. Father Gen. GEORGE S.Patton died 12.21.1945. Jeanie Gordon birth mother of DJT died mysteriously in her New York apartment 1.8.1945 after being confronted by her aunt- Gen
Patton's legal wife. Jeanie Gordon was the daughter of Geo.Patton's wife's half sister. Geo.Patton and Jeanie had a quietly known affair during WW11. 
DJT was adopted by Geo.Patton's 3rd cousin once removed Fred C.Trump & Maryanne Smith McLeod family.(sources Jesus Strand Pt1&2, genealogy records,historical online research data)

Cutting off tge Head of Snake

Our Celular structure

Still not believing that the 666 is not the mark of the beast but IT IS OUR CARBON BASED CELLULAR MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, made of: 

6 Protons 
6 Neutrons 
6 Electrons 

Which is easier to be controlled and that’s why they want us to stay that way…


THANKS to the increased Light coming in, WE are converting our Cellular molecular structure from the 666 carbon based state to a 777 Crystalline molecular structure: 

7 Protons 
7 Neutrons 
7 Electrons 


Posts, Info