We cover: Current Events Suicide Awareness Suicide Prevention World News COVID Mental Health Awareness Mental Illness Anxiety Depression Global Reset Market Crash End Days Currency TRUMP NESARA GESARA Digital Currency Bitt Coin Dinar International News Economics Global Currency Reset Crypto Currency Currencies
Friday, December 31, 2021
Thursday, December 30, 2021
Boring! Just got taken off of Face Boo k , Looking Forward!
Hello, Readers.
All of a sudden my readership got much smaller. Likely, it is due to cencership, or the general Christmas holidays. We are snowed in the coast of British Columbia. I promised a friend that I will be making Cabbage rolls for New Years. I am not sure that I will succeed, because the preperation involved.
Look out for the new currency that will be backed by gold the first of January. The current fiat is ending and the Rainbow, gold backed currency is appearing,
Do not Shovel snow if you are 45.. or help push a car out from a ditch.. men get heart attackes from doing so.. Please be safe!!
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Monday, December 27, 2021
Sunday, December 26, 2021
Saturday, December 25, 2021
Best Christmas Songs Of Elvis Presley 2021 🤶🎄 Christmas Songs Greatest H...
Merry Christmas my dear Blogging Family! I Pray for you and ask God to Bless you and your Families.I pray for your health, physical as well as Mental. Please check on friends to see how they are REALLY Doing! We are speniding it with our Grandchildren. I saw the smiles as they had a little train set revealed before their faces. The two and a half year old and her 6 month old brother were thrilled.
We are off to have a breakfast this morning. God will do wonders this year!
Thursday, December 23, 2021
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
links recomended by JUan O Savin
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Monday, December 20, 2021
50% stock market crash 'wouldn't surprise me'; This is the biggest risk ...
Bitcoin to Zero... only XRP and XLM will do well
buy only physical silver!!!
Saturday, December 18, 2021
U S millitary news Dec 18
Friday, December 17, 2021
Brush Up on Your info Financialy upcoming
Coffee with MarkZ and Mr Cottrell
(11/4) https://youtu.be/9jxF5iz6uNs
(9/29) https://youtu.be/vApP40_dCU8
QFS VIDEO: https://youtu.be/SQYttHbELbE
NEW US DOLLAR VIDEO! https://www.behance.net/gallery/63326...
The pandemic will end when the digital monetary system is in place
She is right about some things. The Evil that the Cabal had in store for us.. HOwever, God Wins!!! Trump is in control of the Military, and the Fake Biden Presidency.
Whiplash taking a break for 24 hours/ Protect your children
Good Mornig everyone, If you are an Telegram, Whipash has posted that is taking a 24 hour break. Much military events are taking place. Hundreds of Cardinals have been eliminated, over 160 died of Covid.. ha,ha, Today, the Transit lines are being shut off in England in the midst of a planned Rally. Whiplash has also changed his cover photo to a youthful army picture of President Kennedy. By the way, He did not die at his apparent assasination, but a colne/ body double did. He has been part of our journey to be freed from the Cabals grip. Whiplash is likely under an NDA, a non disclosure Clause, which we will also go under, for thos of us who hold foreign Currency. Upon the announcement of the end of the Emercencey lockdowns for Covid/ globally, starts the 120 days prior to holding manditory elections. Trump was on Mike Huckabee last night on News Max television. He was wearing a Gold Tie.. We will Also be Rich!! See Nesera Nesera that I have posted about many times.
I am still not at my optimum after my stoke in August, I get tired, and writing and speach is affected. I am happy to say that we have had a new addition to our family, I lovely Grand Daughter Born on the US thanksgiving day, birthday of JFK JR. In Total we have 2 Grandsons and 2 Grand Daughters. Today is last day of school. Home School your children. Do not send them back, they learn nothing there.Do not allow them to inject them with the poison Vaxxine Jabb!!!!
Love each other, love your families.
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Share far and Wide, your debt is forgiven This month we hope
WhipLash347, [2021-12-15 6:27 AM]
[Forwarded from American Patriot 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸]
NESARA implements the following changes: 1. Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank
debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst
1. a “jubilee” or a forgiveness of debt.
2. Abolishes the income tax
3. Abolishes the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transferred into the USTreasury national sales
tax area.
4. Creates a 14% flat rate non-essential ‘new items only’ sales tax revenue for thegovernment. In
other words food and medicine will not be taxed; nor will used items such as old homes.
5. Increases benefits to senior citizens 6. Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal
7. Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment. Hundreds of thousands of Americans under
the control of foreign powers will lose their citizenship, bedeported to other countries, and barred
from reentry for the remainder of their life. And millions of people will soon discover their college
degrees are now worthless paper.
8. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s
announcement. The interim government will cancel all “National Emergencies” and return us back
to constitutional law.
9. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.
Creates a new U.S. Treasury, ‘rainbow currency,’ backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious
metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.
11. Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bondsby the US
Department of Transportation.
12. Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law
13. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period theFederal Reserve will be
allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for oneyear in order to remove all Federal
Reserve notes from the money supply.
14. Restores financial privacy
15. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law
16. Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide
17. Establishes peace throughout the world
18. Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes
19. Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that arebeing withheld
from the public under the guise of national security, including freeenergy devices, antigravity, and
sonic healing machines.
Because President Clinton’s clone had no interest in signing NESARA into law on October 10,
2000; under orders from U.S. military generals, the elite Naval Seals and Delta Force stormed the
White House and under gunpoint forced Bill Clinton to sign NESARA.
During this time Secret Service and White House security personnel were ordered to stand down,
disarmed, and allowed to witness this event under a gag order.
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Sunday, December 12, 2021
restored republic 12th of Dec.
Saturday, December 11, 2021
Coffee with MarkZ 12/10/2021 Mr Cottrell joins us. Listen to this.. about our money coming
Get more Iraqi Dinar.. and Vietnamese Dong
Do not take the Jabbbbbb, ever..
Do not take the Jabbbbb, our family has held out, do your own research,.. they are after our children now!! Don't allow them to touch your child. homeschool.... the truth will come out soon. please , please, please do not take the VAXX
Thursday, December 9, 2021
restored republic
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Restored republic Dec 8
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Monday, December 6, 2021
Sunday, December 5, 2021
Thursday, December 2, 2021
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Monday, November 29, 2021
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Friday, November 26, 2021
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Monday, November 22, 2021
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Trump wins 2 lawsuits
Nov 21 Update
Get Get Prepared
Please Get Prepared. Get Essential Supplied, Food, Water, Medicine, pet food. You can find plenty of infomration on line. Have water to flush toilets etc.. Feeling tired today. Stored are running out.
Dinar Recap Greetings
November 20th 6pm
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The below new posts are in this newsletter
Zig’s Place Chatroom News Late Friday PM 11-19-21
Iraqi News Saturday AM 11-20-21
"Tidbits From TNT" Saturday 11-20-2021
Nick Fleming: "A Failure To Launch" 11-20-2021
News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday 11-20-2021
The below posts were in our 11am newsletter
Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday AM 11-19-21
More Iraqi News Friday PM 11-19-21
Friday Night KTFA CC "The Three" 11-19-2021
"Welcome to the Unknown Zone" By Dr. Dinar
Short Friday Evening Update with MarkZ 11-19-2021
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Zig’s Place Chatroom News Late Friday PM 11-19-21
Zig: Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here
TWW Zig No sure Zig. But I do think this RV/RI has been slowed down & or stopped by biden/harris/piglosi: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/biden-withdraws-judy-shelton-s-fed-nomination/ar-
BB1doX8O (more comment L8TR today)
Dave Just 1 week ago news posts from Iraq Govt indicated clearly that they were still under CH7 UN sanctions, thought the whole idea of being under sanctions was fer them to get their SHiITE together before IMF allowing them to go global with thier currency......
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Iraqi News Saturday AM 11-20-21
TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner
Who Will Rule Iraq And Who Is The Next Prime Minister?
Posted On 2021-11-20 By Sotaliraq Who will rule Iraq? Majority or consensus and who is the next prime minister? Premature questions, the answers to which will become clear after the election results
Everything that has been proposed and will be presented during the current period does not mean that it has been resolved and everyone agrees on it. Talking here is about the personality who will rule Iraq in the next stage, as observers believe that the talk at the present time is very early and the marathon of serious negotiations will start after the election results for the form of the government and its head.
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"Tidbits From TNT" Saturday 11-20-2021
Thursday/Friday morning UPDATE for November 18-19, 2021
Thursday :
The Committee Guy collaborated with the information we shared on Wednesday also indicating that the "target date" was earlier this week.
A bank source called, said they are moving their staff in place and looking forward to an exciting weekend! They also stated that they are being "told" that the Zim will be accepted with NO LIMIT on the amount to be exchanged. Definite confirmations are expected later.
Friday morning:
Dinar sales have stopped at all currency exchange locations at the United Arabic Emirates International Airport in the Middle East!
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Nick Fleming: "A Failure To Launch" 11-20-2021
Spaces between ladder rungs have increased because Americans are getting taller.
Manufacturers claim it’s due to climb it change.
They can make up some stories, can’t they? We are seeing less in everything and calling it Build Back Better. Let’s go Brandon…
To continue with the theme of The Big Con, obfuscation and chimera, is the Thursday, Friday-pump, the party-line with its-happening-right-now, Christmas-in-November, RV GCR folklore.
We are so jaded with this chronic fake-pump. It’s been years and years of this repetitive theme for way too many of us. We’ve literally been there, done that, too often to be invested in this story line today. It’s near impossible to get excited with the rhetoric.
Read More
News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday 11-20-2021
RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 20 Nov. 2021
Compiled Sat. 20 Nov. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Judy Note on the Global Currency Reset:
Historic Bonds have been paying out since Mon. 8 Nov. and would continue through the end of Nov. – though the accounts were not yet liquid.
The Chinese Royals were paid out on Wed. 17 Nov. afternoon. The next in line started Wed. 17 Nov. afternoon and continued on through now. There were four confirmations out of Zurich that Bond Holders were being hydrated as of 10 am EST on Thurs. 18 Nov, with remaining Bond Holders paid out overnight Thurs. 18 Nov. and Fri. 19 Nov.
Rates for currencies in the present reset basket would be changing this weekend – late Sat. into Sunday.
Vaccinated are dropping Dead not reported by the mainstream news
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The vaccinated are DROPPING DEAD in plain view as Fauci and the media admit total vax FAILURE… while
The vaccinated are DROPPING DEAD in plain view as Fauci and the media admit total vax FAILURE... while pimping more booster shots for the gullible
(Natural News) It’s now official: Tony Fauci has admitted that vaccines aren’t working and that vaccinated people of every age are getting sick and dying. His exact quote from a New York Times podcast on Nov. 12th, as reported by Yahoo News:
They are seeing a waning of immunity not only against infection but against hospitalization and to some extent death, which is starting to now involve all age groups. It isn’t just the elderly…
It’s waning to the point that you’re seeing more and more people getting breakthrough infections, and more and more of those people who are getting breakthrough infections are winding up in the hospital.
This is after months of claiming vaccines had “95% effectiveness” and that they were so safe and effective, everyone should be jabbed multiple times. Suddenly that false narrative has collapsed, along with a growing list of soccer players and young sports professionals who are literally dying on sports fields across the globe.
So what’s Fauci’s answer to all this? More booster shots, he says. As if a third injection will magically make the vaccine work when the first two injections have already been proven disastrous. For the record, the “booster” shot is just another full dose of the exact same poison that’s loaded into the first two vaccines.
“I think … that the boosting is gonna be an absolutely essential component of our response, not a bonus, not a luxury, but an absolute essential part of the program,” Fauci said during the podcast, doubling down on a failed vaccine that’s killing people.
People who took the first two shots may be brain damaged enough to keep taking “boosters” until they’re dead
Of course, anyone gullible enough to go along with a third shot after being told the first two shots no longer work will probably also go along with a fourth shot once they’re told the third shot has stopped working. At this point, no rational person should believe any claims whatsoever about vaccines actually working, and anyone who continues to believe these vaccines are offering them “protection” from a pandemic is obviously cognitively retarded or operating under a mind control spell of some kind.
It’s rather obvious that Fauci wants people to keep taking bioweapons injections until they die. In order to do that, they have to keep tricking people into taking newer spike protein shots by invalidating the ones they previously agreed to take. In France, vaccine passports are now being deactivated for citizens who took the first two shots, all in an effort to coerce them into a third shot (which will soon be a fourth shot). From ReclaimTheNet.org:
French residents over the age of 65 will have their vaccine passports deactivated if they do not take the booster shot when they are eligible… The government said seniors above the age of 65 who do not get their booster shot when they become eligible will have their vaccine passport deactivated and so they will be locked out of much of society.
Got that? If you refuse to take the never-ending parade of deadly spike protein injections, you will be cut off from society. It begs the question: What was the pointing of taking the first two shots in the first place?
Many people took the shots because they just wanted the government to leave them alone. Now, they’re being told that their initial wave of obedience no longer counts. Humans are being trained like dogs to bow down to ever-increasing obedience demands levied by evil government.
Yet that very same government is trying to murder us all, and they’re using vaccines — and food scarcity, food inflation, energy disruptions, etc. — to achieve that end game goal. Covid vaccine “booster” shots are merely compliance steps required for the completion of vaccine suicide.
Those who continue to take booster shots are only accelerating their biological destruction, playing right into the hands of the depopulation globalists who seek to end the viability of the human race on planet Earth.
Get full details in today’s Situation Update podcast:
Military News update
Saturday, November 20, 2021
JFK Jr PLANE CRASH - Setting the Record STRAIGHT!
Friday, November 19, 2021
Underwater ailen beings.. some videos taken off youtube
Russia Collusion was a complety bogus
Restored Republic via GCR
Thursday, November 18, 2021
5 Things to Do if you receive a Windfall- A LOT of Money
5 Things to Do If You Receive a Windfall
Getting rich can be easy compared with staying rich.
By Geoff Williams
Jan. 24, 2014, at 11:25 a.m.
U.S. News & World Report
5 Things to Do If You Receive a Windfall
Closeup of cash
It isn't likely that you will become fabulously wealthy overnight, but it can happen. You could learn of a rich uncle who left you a fortune in his will. The lottery gods may bless you. You might be really good at March Madness picks and win $1 billion promised by Warren Buffett and Quicken Loans for correctly guessing the winners of 67 basketball games.
So just for kicks, and for the few readers who find themselves in this position, what should you do if you suddenly, practically overnight, become fantastically rich beyond your wildest imagination?
If you can help it, tell almost no one. You may not be able to prevent everyone from finding out. A will becomes a public document. If you win a gazillion dollars after a successful lawsuit, it won't exactly be a secret; the press will likely have been reporting on your every move. In most states, if you win a lottery, you must agree to have your name released to the public, which helps their marketing cause but not necessarily yours.
But if you can, keep your mouth shut, advises Sally Mulhern, an estate planning attorney in Portsmouth, N.H.
[See: 12 Money Mistakes Almost Everyone Makes.]
She says she had a client who won $2 million in a lottery and never told anyone other than his wife. "Not his parents, children, co-workers, friends or anyone else. He told me it's difficult, but definitely worth it," Mulhern says.
Why the secrecy? For the obvious reasons: "Those friends you haven't seen in years are not your real friends," Mulhern says.
And you may even have enemies. Nearly two years after the fact, the murder of Urooj Khan is still unsolved. Khan was an Indian immigrant and Chicago resident who owned three dry-cleaning shops and five condominiums and won $1 million in June 2012 in the Illinois lottery.
Khan apparently told everyone of his windfall; he was so happy when he won his scratch-off ticket that, according to media reports, he tipped the clerk $100. He was poisoned by cyanide in July 2012, one day after he received a check for $424,449, the amount left over after he selected a one-time payment, minus taxes.
For as long as possible, do nothing. That is, don't spend unusually large amounts of money. The last thing you want to do is blunder into an expensive purchase you can't return and will soon regret. According to Dan White, a Philadelphia-area financial planner, "Many people move too quickly, acting on impulse and not giving themselves the time to think."
He says some of the issues you'll need to think about include your current debt, your plans for retirement and what you want to do about taxes. This is the time, in any case, to process what has just happened to you.
Hire a good team. While you're doing nothing, here's something you can do. "Surround yourself immediately with expert, trustworthy advisors," Mulhern says. "This includes an estate planning attorney, but perhaps more important, a tax accountant."
Mulhern stresses this point because she says she had a client who won $70 million in a lottery, but because his income in previous years hadn't been high enough to require him to file, he didn't report his taxes.
"Before meeting with us, [he] got into trouble with the IRS," Mulhern says.
[See: Tax Tips: The Good, Bad and Ugly (But Legal).]
There are other reasons to hire a tax accountant besides staying in good graces with the IRS, although that's an excellent one. Lawrence Pon, a certified public accountant in Redwood City, Calif., who has been doing clients' taxes for 28 years, says talking to a tax advisor first can help you avoid mistakes like bad investments or overspending. For instance, Pon says, "some inheritances are set up so they aren't paid until a certain age or conditions are met." He adds that he once saw a trust that indicated the child would be disinherited if he didn't pass a drug test.
In other words, if you go from having no money to a lot of it, you're going to come in contact with a lot of issues you probably aren't familiar with. Yes, you'll spend money hiring an estate planning attorney, accountant, financial advisor, tax advisor and whomever else you decide to bring aboard, but if they save you thousands or millions in the long run, it will be money well-spent. And, of course, if you're worth millions and everyone knows it, you may want to hire a security firm – at least for a while. Your newfound attorney, accountant or financial advisor or should be able to point you to a local firm that specializes in protecting high-net-worth clients.
Be careful in your dealings with friends and family. If everyone knows you're now worth – let's dream big – $100 million because you've won the Powerball Mega Millions jackpot, and your name and face have been splashed on virtually every newspaper and website, it's inevitable that family and friends are going to hit you up for a loan.
You'll have to come up with your own approach, but if someone is asking you for big money, "approach it like you'd approach any other business opportunity," advises Jim Flanagan, a financial advisor and founder of Bentron Financial Group, Inc., in Naperville, Ill. He suggests: "Establish criteria, such as their need to submit a résumé, a business plan and business projections. These are things that are asked for in any business relationship. If the family member or friend is really serious and has their act together, they'll come up with all that stuff. But if they're just blowing smoke, that will become clear pretty quickly."
Another way to look at this approach, Flanagan says, is that if people are always hitting you up for money, "now you are [like] a bank, so you have to think like a banker."
If you're not comfortable saying no or asking for a business plan, Mulhern has an idea: "Have all requests for junkets and loans go through your attorney. You'll be amazed at how few requests you'll receive."
Don't lose your head. That is, do all or at least some of the above. Try to keep your newfound wealth quiet, get financial advice and ease into your wealth. Stay as grounded and safe as possible. Because while money may buy you happiness, it does not guarantee happiness.
Just as you have seen stories in the press of overnight millionaires on their way up, you're likely familiar with the same people on their way down.
[See: 10 Saving Strategies That Can Backfire.]
There are numerous rags-to-riches-to-rags stories out there, such as the one of William "Bud" Post III, who won $16.2 million in the Pennsylvania lottery in 1988 and had anything but a happy ending. His girlfriend sued him for a portion of the lottery winnings, and a judge agreed with her. His brother, hoping to inherit some of the money, unsuccessfully hired a hit man to kill him. Businesses he started and heavily invested in failed. By the end of his life in 2006, when he was 66, bankrupt and ill, Post owed more than a million dollars. According to the Los Angeles Times, he once called his winnings "the lottery of death."
Tags: personal finance, taxes, wills, federal taxes, money
IMPORTANT UPDATE NOVEMBER 16th 2021 Tesla's Niece... has direct contact with Trump
James Rink- look him up on Rumble.... per this ladys suggestions!!!
Military News today
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
This man lives in Merrit B.C not he is also on youtube! Mike Martins
10:45PM ET: TUES 16th, GEORGE NEWS CHAT, 11/16/2021 #SlingsAndArrows Innaguration Soon
See Small Print on the bottom left hand corner!!! Innaguration Soon!!!!!
LIVE: Day 12 of Kyle Rittenhouse Defense Trial in Kenosha, WI 11/17/21 FreeMason.. BLM and Media
Read Carefully.. Rennenhouse is a Girl, Female.. All wanting riots.. Soros funded.
Not sure if Duplicate
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
New Restored Republic
This Makes Sense.. Whiplash explaing Abraham Lincolns real name..
US News
WhipLash347 Telegram Update: JFK’s Grandfather, Tip of the Spear
Sunday, 1 August 2021, 14:11 PM
Telegram 8/1/21
This is William Wallace Lincoln.
JFKs Grandfather.
He is was the Great Freedom Fighter. You must understand the Roman invasion of Libya.
Ghaddafi was a good guy, he wore WWL on his chest.
He was hung in the streets of Benghazi when he was 81 yrs old.
Notice the Actor Quinn & the Film maker. Weren’t those the names used for the AT & T Nashville White Hat hit on CIA servers?
Telegram 8/1/21
Elvis, Trump, Assange, Lincoln Kahlooni, JFK, Joseph, John, Patrick & Co are all family of Lincoln/Kahlooni.
DRUZE Descendants.
The key is William Wallace Lincoln aka Omar Al Mucktar (The Great Freedom Fighter)
Tad Lincoln.
2 of Abraham Lincolns Sons who were sent to Libya and did not die when recorded.
The Roman Invasion of Libya is important to understand.
Elvis Presley is the TIP OF THE SPEAR.
Elvis was in the SPEARHEAD Division & also kept a SPEAR TIP on his book shelf.
Elvis told us all on August 15 1977 via the WOW Signal that he wasn’t going to be dieing. Ask Howard Hughes.
The HH, John G Trump & Nikola Tesla connection is very important. Download the TESLA FILES on FBI VAULT from 2019 & see for yourselves.
Elvis, DJT, JFK & Joseph & Julian Assange are all cousins.
The Key is William Wallace Lincoln & his Brother Tad Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln had 4 Children.
2 of those were sent to Libya. They did not die when History said they did.
William Wallace Lincoln became Omar Mucktar. He had 3 daughters. Saidea, Gaillea & Mary.
Mary met Said Issa H Kahlooni and had 2 boys (JFK & Joseph)
(Tad Lincoln was DJT & Elvis Grandfather)
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Iraq found more Gold! Get some Iraq Dinar's if you still can.
Restored Republic Via GCR Share
Just you you know, the markets will collape soon
Best News Here
Monday, November 15, 2021
Sunday, November 14, 2021
We got our Christmas Reef for Deborah
Yesterday, we exhausted ourselves walking around the BAY, one of the last department stores in our area left standing. There was a half price discount on ornaments and snowballs and wooden nutcracker soldiers. We bought both for the grandchildren. In the midst of it all, we notices a lovely smaller size reef, which we purchased for Deborah's Grave. They no longer allow fresh cut flowers on the graves over the winter time. I can't imagine another Christmas without her. We live because she would want us to. Here is a video compilation of her life, not including her earlier hears.. That is reflected on the slide show we showed on the funeral. I love you all.
military news recent
Restored Republic
Friday, November 12, 2021
Where is Gov. Gavin Newsom? Here's what we know about his continued abse... Self Murder?????????????
Apparently, Newsome had a secret dungeon where he kept children and abused them. On Telegram, I saw the secret entrance to his chamber. The news on Telegram is that he has hung himself.. self murdered!
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Monday, November 8, 2021
Vaccine mandates dropped
Ontario, Qubec have dropped vaccine mandates!!!! Do NOT take the vaxx, nor give to your children. Pull your children out of school so that they are safe. Until our world is more stable.. you do not want to risk anything regarding your health or that of your family.. Ultimately, if your child dies of Covid shot you can be blamed' you alone. we must fight for our freedom!!
Communities,families must pull together! I know many families have been pulled apart, but keep strong, surround yourself with like minded people. Protect, and defend your family. Keep your energy level high.
We will be seeing arrests of very evil people. Justice is coming. Queen Diana will be the Queen shortly! Did you catch the previous posts.. that the Queen has died?? in the Restored Republic TODAY.
Get some groceries, gas petfood, your medicine.
BBC announces Queen is DEAD
Sunday, November 7, 2021
Important video's Med Meds's etc..
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUA9SLud38c
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB-sz7igDBQ
Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wsPA1Q81mQ
Part 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVxt675l2VM
Santa Surfing Update
Saturday, November 6, 2021
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